Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1793 You will die when you meet us

Behind them are all large and small cages, almost half of the wall, some are empty, but most of them contain a monkey!

However, there are only two poles that can be called out!

The other monkeys seemed to be intoxicated by the incense, lying feebly in the cage, and even if someone came over, they would not care.

The little sweet girl jumped on the basket, squeaking and yelling as she jumped.

"Hi!" the kitchen worker called, and then asked in the local dialect.

Chen Xin'an didn't understand and didn't bother to pay attention to him. She just kicked the cage in front of her.

With a crashing sound, the three or four-story monkey cage collapsed and scattered on the ground.

The cage doors of some monkeys were opened, but the monkeys inside seemed to be stupid and had no intention of escaping!

Even the little sweet girl fell down with the cage. She opened her mouth and seemed to want to scream, but she couldn't scream!

No, something weird!

Chen Xin'an frowned and felt someone rushing towards him from behind. He suddenly turned around and grabbed the other person's neck!

The kitchen worker raised the hook knife but had not yet chopped it down.

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly, and then pulled off the hood on his head with her other hand!

This guy's true face was finally revealed. He was a man in his thirties who looked fierce.

But this guy who originally looked very ferocious, turned out to be pale at the moment, with a look of fear in his eyes.

He opened his mouth wide and wanted to say something, but because Chen Xin'an held his throat, he couldn't say a word!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an let go of him and looked at his hand.

On his arm, something he had never seen before appeared, like a small honey bug.

But without wings, it was so small that it was almost invisible.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an felt that there seemed to be many such little bugs on his body, burrowing into his body from every hole in his body!

"Ah!" the kitchen worker screamed in horror, slapping his body with his hands as if it was on fire.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "What is this?"

He originally thought that the kitchen worker wouldn't understand, but he soon heard the other party's response: "Gu! Gu poison!"

So, this is Gu?

These little bugs that look almost invisible to the naked eye?

Much smaller than lice!

The kitchen worker screamed and ran out.

Chen Xin'an frowned and opened the two-pole cage.

The second pole was indeed injured.

The shoulder blades on both sides were almost pierced!

But it didn't care about its own injuries, and hugged the sweet girl who collapsed on the ground as soon as it came out.

There were rapid footsteps outside. Duan Chenfeng ran in and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Run! Run quickly!"

Chen Xin'an shouted: "Don't come in! Stay away from me! Get out, yes, back out the door! It's all poisonous!"

Duan Chenfeng's face turned pale when he heard this, he patted his thigh and shouted, "What are you talking about?

Why don't you listen?

Do you dare to touch the things that the Gu Master has touched?

Those people are all disciples of Gu Demon!

Although I don’t know any Gu demons, but looking at their habits, I know they belong to the evil Gu faction!

This is trouble!

If we piss off these Gu Masters, we won't be able to leave here alive! "

While talking, a group of people rushed over.

Two people rushed to the front.

Like the kitchen workers earlier, they were wearing raincoats that covered their bodies from head to toe.

Looking at the two poles running out of the cage, one of them raised his flying claw without saying a word!

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and kicked an empty iron cage.

Feizhao grabbed the empty iron cage and returned to the man.

The man angrily took off the flying claw, threw it out without saying a word, and grabbed Chen Xin'an's chest!

Chen Xin'an ducked to the side, and at the same time reached forward and grabbed Feizhao!

Before the man could exert any force, Chen Xin'an had already followed the flying claw to come to him and grabbed his wrist holding the flying claw!

With a scream, the man quickly released his flying claws.

Chen Xin'an kicked him in the stomach and knocked him to the ground.

The flying claw in his hand was thrown out, and with a click, it was clasped on his shoulder!

"Ah!" Blood suddenly flowed from the man's shoulder.

Chen Xin'an did not let him go, but took the hook and pulled him up from the ground!

This flying claw, the more you pull the hook, the tighter it becomes!

The man's voice of pain was distorted, and he looked at his companions with pleading eyes.

The companion turned his head to one side as if he didn't see it.

But the moment Chen Xin'an lowered his head and stopped looking at him, the flying claws in his hand suddenly flew out and grabbed Chen Xin'an's head!

This guy is even more ruthless!

Because as long as he is caught this time, the consequences will be death or disability!

But Chen Xin'an seemed to have been prepared and dodged to avoid this claw.

With a flick of the flying claws in his hand, the hook rope wrapped around the neck of the injured monkey catcher, and also entangled the hook rope of his companion!

With a scream, his companion's flying claw hit the injured monkey catcher's neck!

As long as he pulls lightly, the flying claws will pierce the monkey catcher's neck!

The two monkey catchers were both frightened and no one dared to move.

Chen Xin'an looked at the two of them coldly, narrowed her eyes and said, "You dare to catch national protected animals?

You even want to arrest my brother!

You are just desperate for money, right? "

A person outside the door said in a deep voice: "Han man, you have been poisoned, and it is you who are dying!"

A middle-aged man wearing ancient Miao clothing and with triangular eyes came over, looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "The more you move, the faster the poisonous insects will enter your body.

But don't worry, they won't eat your heart.

On the contrary, it will keep your heart alive for three days after your death! "

Chen Xin'an turned her head and looked at the beating monkey hearts on the plate.

It's been a while since they were cut off, but these monkey hearts are still alive.

Is this the role of Gu?

Chen Xin'an had no expression on her face and said to Duan Chenfeng: "Brother Feng, take the second pole and the sweet girl and go first!"

"Pull it!" Duan Chenfeng sighed, shook his head and said: "There are so many Gu masters outside, where do you want me to go?

Besides, if you ask me to leave you here alone and run away alone, I can't do it!

If you die, you will die. Anyway, this thing will not be immediately effective or fall down immediately.

I was able to knock down two or three before dying, which is considered a mission accomplished!

Damn it, I have thought of ten thousand ways to die.

But the final death at the hands of the Gu Master was beyond my expectation.

This is so damn miserable! "

Chen Xin'an looked at the Gu Master who just spoke and asked, "Do you know Xin Yishu?"

The color on Sanyanyan's face suddenly changed. He looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise and asked, "Who are you to her?"

Seeing that Chen Xin'an didn't answer, Triangle Eyes said with a look of realization: "I understand! Are you the helpers invited by King Gu to deal with our master?

Hahaha, you deserve your bad luck, you met us before we even entered!

In this case, you can justifiably die here!

The Gu King must die, no one can save her!

Our master should be the leader of the entire ancient seedlings!

You Han people dare to interfere in the affairs of the ancient Miao people. You are really worthy of death!

But you don’t need us to take action.

These monkeys all have the poison we have put on them.

If you come into contact with them like this, you are simply asking for death!

You probably didn’t come here by yourself, right?

Don’t worry, after you die, the people you brought will all go down to accompany you! "

Chen Xin'an wanted to speak, but sneezed.

Then I felt something hot coming out of my nostrils. I wiped it and it turned out to be black blood!

When the group of Gu Masters saw his appearance, they all laughed.

Then he ignored him and surrounded Duan Chenfeng!

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