The Longtu car was running rampant in the yard, and the Gu Masters were scared and fled in panic.

There were still a few people who were knocked out or directly crushed because they did not dodge in time!


The car finally stopped, and the Guan brothers and sisters and Monbowa jumped out of the car and quickly rushed to Chen Xinan's side.

The two little guys also jumped out and pounced on Erganzi and Xiaotianniu.

Looking at the blood stains on the faces of the brother and sister, Chen Xinan frowned and asked, "What happened to you?"

Guan Fei wiped the blood, looked at Monbowa affectionately and said, "These two little guys have Gu poison on them, and we were infected without paying attention.

If Monbowa hadn't saved me, my sister and I wouldn't have been able to get here!"

Monbowa blushed, rolled her eyes at him and said, "I saved Xiaodu sister and helped you get rid of the Gu..."

Guan Fei just laughed twice and didn't say anything.

Chen Xinan was overjoyed. He pointed at Duan Chenfeng and said to Monbowa, "Please take another look at my friend!"

Monbowa nodded and walked to Duan Chenfeng's side.

The two little guys lay on the back of the little sweet girl, licking her wounds and squeaking.

Erganzi was full of anger, with his head raised high, and kept yelling at the sky.

Chen Xinan looked at the Gu Masters around him, as well as some monkey catchers with flying claws coming out from the back, with cold eyes.

A middle-aged man came over with a gloomy face, pointed at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Who are you?

Why are you here to make trouble!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and asked: "Are you the boss here?"

The man snorted and said: "I am Wen Zai De, and people in the town call me Brother De!

Outsiders, what do you want to do?

Believe it or not, if I say hello, hundreds of people will come here and beat all of you to death?"

Chen Xin'an said with a gloomy face: "You are killing national protected animals here, and you dare to call people openly?"

"Hahaha!" Wen Zai De laughed, looked at Chen Xin'an with contempt and said:

"Are you from the Forestry Bureau?

But even if you are from the Forestry Bureau, what can you do to me if you know I catch monkeys?

This is Mashan Town is not the territory of you outsiders!

Those people from the Forestry Bureau have suffered so much here before, just ask them and you will know!

Ask them again, do they dare to come?

You can eat whatever you want here!

As long as you pay, I can get you dragon meat from the sky!

No one dares to care!

You are full and have nothing better to do, so you come here to meddle in my business? "

Chen Xinan looked at him coldly, pointed at Erganzi and shook his head and said, "I am not from the Forestry Bureau.

I don't care what business you are in.

It's none of my business if you eat dragon meat.

But you caught my brother and wanted to dig out his heart to feed these people, then I am offended!"

Wen Zai De saw Chen Xinan pointing at a monkey and calling it brother, and he laughed out loud.

"It's really interesting. This beast is your brother?

Then you admit that you are also a beast?

Let me tell you, I am also a Gu-killing lineage.

We kill Gu people and eat monkey hearts. That is a tradition for hundreds of years.

As long as there is a need, I don't care if it is your brother or your father!

I will eat it if I catch it, what can you do to me!"

Chen Xin'an pointed his left hand at him and said in a deep voice: "I can kill you!"


The rain of pear blossom needles shot out instantly, piercing Wen Zai De's head like a hedgehog!

He screamed and fell to the ground, rolling around!

"Ah! Kill them! No one will be spared!"

The Gu master, the cook, and the monkey catcher all swarmed over and rushed to Chen Xin'an!

Mongbowa behind him shouted: "Mr. Chen, I can suppress his Gu poison, but I can't solve it!"

Gu skills are divided into levels.

Some Gu masters are very skilled, so the Gu they put cannot be solved by those of lower levels than him.

Chen Xinan's eyes were knocked to the ground. Triangle Eyes, who couldn't get up, rushed over and grabbed him and returned to Longtu.

He opened the car door, threw Triangle Eyes into the car, turned his head and shouted to Guan Fei: "You take Brother Feng in the car and leave quickly!"

Guan Fei shook his head and said: "Let Xiaodu and Monbowa take Brother Feng away, I want to stay and help you!"

Chen Xinan was about to scold him when someone rushed over at the gate and shouted: "Be careful, I'm coming!"

Li Qi ran over with a large iron bucket in one hand.

After putting the iron buckets on the ground, he opened the lids on the two iron buckets, then picked up a large ladle, scooped a ladle from the bucket, and threw it in the air!

Some Gu Masters couldn't dodge in time and were soaked!

Then their faces changed drastically, and they shouted to their companions: "It's vinegar! Hide!"

Li Qi didn't give them a chance to dodge. The large ladle in his hand kept waving, and all the Gu Masters were soaked in vinegar!

Monbowa explained to Chen Xinan: "I just asked Brother Qi to collect the vinegar from all the shops in the town. Although it can't kill the Gu worm, it can make it fall asleep. If the Gu Master can't drive the Gu worm, he will be the same as an ordinary person! Only the Gu Master knows the Gu Master best! Chen Xinan nodded to Monbowa and said to her: "The man in the car can save Brother Feng, you keep an eye on him!" Monbowa nodded. Wen Zai De gritted his teeth and pulled out the last steel needle. Regardless of the blood on his face, he pointed at Chen Xinan and cursed: "Damned outsider!

Even if our Gu Masters can't cast poison now, there are still many more people than you!

One person and one knife can chop you into pieces!

If you dare to come to Mashan to cause trouble, if you dare to attack me, I will make it impossible for any of you to leave Mashan alive!

Just when a group of people were about to rush over, the second pole who had been shouting suddenly stopped!

A gust of breeze blew, and the Gu Masters and the monkey catchers who had just wanted to rush over with their Gu knives all stopped and stood there with solemn expressions.

There seemed to be some unusual smell in the air, which made them feel very uneasy.

The entire farmhouse became quiet, and there was a depressing feeling as if a storm was about to come.

Suddenly, a monkey with a long tail appeared on the roof of the farmhouse, looking down at everyone.

Erzhanzi looked up at it, and then pointed at the monkey catchers and a group of Gu masters!

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" The long-tailed monkey shouted loudly.

Then suddenly there was a tsunami-like roar of monkeys all around!

Next to the long-tailed monkey, one, two, and more monkeys appeared again, appearing in front of everyone in the blink of an eye, so densely packed that they were impossible to count!

On the mountain behind, there were more monkeys howling loudly in response!

Hundreds quickly turned into thousands!

A large number of monkeys are coming!

Erzhanzi had already climbed up to the roof with his wife and children, standing on the highest place, like a king commanding thousands of troops!

Chen Xin'an shouted to everyone: "Get in the car!"

Guan Fei and Li Qi did not dare to hesitate and helped Guan Du and Meng Bowa carry Duan Chenfeng into the car!

With a crash, the car door closed.

At the same time, the monkeys began to charge!

Countless monkeys poured into the farmhouse from all directions and rushed towards the monkey catchers and Gu Masters crazily!

Screams and curses continued.


A monkey hit the engine cover so hard that its neck was almost severed by flying claws!

But in its hand, it was also holding a piece of meat. It was unclear which part of the person it had grabbed from!

A few monkey catchers were still resisting at first, but after hundreds of monkeys rushed towards them, they instantly turned into bloody men!

Facing the bites of the monkeys, their flying claws fell to the ground, and the people also fell to the ground and huddled up!

But the wounds on his body are getting bigger and bigger, more and more!

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