Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1796 Battle with the Monkey King

Looking at the bloody scene outside, even people like Chen Xin'an and Li Qi who were used to seeing blood were a little overwhelmed.

Not to mention the others, all of them looked like they were about to vomit.

But they didn't dare to open the door.

Although the two poles are directing the battle, these monkeys will not attack them.

But monkeys are not humans after all, and there is no such clear boundary between ourselves and the enemy.

If you go down at this time, you will be easily targeted by them.

Chen Xin'an kicked Triangle Eyes and said in a deep voice: "If you pretend to be dead again, believe it or not, I will throw you out of the car?"

Triangle Eyes quickly sat up and cried: "Let me go! I have an old man and a young man, and I don't want to be torn apart by monkeys!"

Chen Xin'an said nothing, but pointed at Duan Chenfeng who was lying in the back seat.

The triangular eyes also knew what was going on, so Chen Xin'an didn't need to talk nonsense and crawled to Duan Chenfeng's side.

He took out a bottle from his pocket and poured out a handful of black beans.

Just as he was about to feed Duan Chenfeng into his mouth, Li Qi grabbed his arm!

"How the hell do I know if this thing of yours is poisoned for the second time?"

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said to him: "Aqi, let go of him, it's okay."

Mengbowa also nodded and said to Li Qi: "That should be the poison-removing pill of the poison-killing lineage."

Li Qi then let go of his triangle-eyed arm and said to him coldly: "If you dare to play tricks, I will slash you twice and then throw you out of the car!"

Triangle Eyes trembled with fear.

He also knows that the monkeys outside have been completely aroused to their animalistic nature, and they will be even more excited when they see blood!

If he got out of the car covered in blood, he would definitely be torn into pieces in an instant!

There are some Gu Masters out there now, and those who have been torn apart don’t even look like a single person!

The black beans were fed into Duan Chenfeng's mouth. After a while, Duan Chenfeng's face and skin began to lose the terrible redness.

Mengbowa checked it again, nodded to Chen Xin'an and said: "The poison in the cup has been cured!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But the fighting situation outside was even more tragic.

The monkey catchers are all dead!

Lying in a pool of blood, he looked like a human being and was too miserable to look at.

A dozen of those Gu Masters also fell. If this continues, the whole army will be wiped out in less than ten minutes!

But Chen Xin'an knew it had to end here!

He asked Guan Fei to blow the horn twice, and then waved his hand towards the two poles on the roof.

Although Erzhanzi was a little reluctant, he still listened to Chen Xin'an and shouted loudly to the monkeys around him.

After the monkeys heard the cry, they hesitated and looked at the long-tailed monkey not far away!

This is the one that comes first.

Its body is large and strong, a bit like a small gorilla.

This is the Monkey King!

It seemed as if it didn't hear the call from Er Zhi Zhi to retreat, and was still tearing apart the corpse of a monkey catcher!

The second pole jumped down from the roof, ran to it, and pulled its shoulder.

Unexpectedly, the monkey king turned around, his face covered with blood, he yelled at the second pole with a terrifying expression, and slapped the second pole to the ground!

It’s easy to ask God but hard to send Him away!

The second pole summoned these wild monkeys, but they couldn't drive them away!

The monkeys didn't listen to him at all.

Especially this monkey king, who is cruel by nature, doesn't take it seriously at all!

Li Qi pulled out the Eagle Thorn and said to Chen Xin'an, "Boss, can I help?"

"No need!" Chen Xin'an shook his head, looked at the second pole and said, "It needs to fight its own battle. We can't help it!"

Li Diding nodded and put away the Eagle Thorn.

The second pole rolled off the ground, stood up, and rushed towards the Monkey King angrily!

But before he could reach the Monkey King, he was thrown to the ground by several monkeys nearby!

If it were not for the fight for the Monkey King, the consequences of provoking the Monkey King would be very serious.

There is no need for the Monkey King to take action, the monkeys will swarm up and tear the guy who offends the Monkey King into pieces!


The second pole was thrown out violently, hit the wooden pillar next to it, and fell to the ground.

A group of big monkeys rushed over and bit it!

Without even looking at it, the Monkey King pointed at the Gu Masters who were huddled together in fear, revealing the sharp fangs in the bloody mouth!

All the monkeys around them howled excitedly.

The Monkey King's meaning is very clear, today they are going to kill all the people here!

The monkey catchers and these Gu Masters have killed too many of their kind!

They are all their families!

It could be brothers and sisters, or it could be parents, wives and children!

With such deep hatred, they have finally found an opportunity to take revenge. How can they let it go easily?

Just when the Monkey King was about to lower his arm and give instructions to the monkeys to kill all the people here, the two poles covered in blood suddenly rushed over and threw the Monkey King to the ground again!

The monkeys roared angrily.

Especially those strong and powerful monkeys who just dealt with the second pole, their eyes looked at the second pole with obvious murderous intent!

They didn't expect that this guy could break through their encirclement!

One by one, they roared and rushed towards the second pole!

The two poles pinned the monkey king down, and two claws jammed its neck!

Revealing his sharp fangs, he bit the Monkey King's head hard!

The monkey king turned his head to avoid it, and bit it on the ear!

With a bang, the monkey king's ears were torn off, and he screamed in pain!

At this moment, several big monkeys had already rushed over!

The second pole let go of the Monkey King and dodged to the side, easily avoiding the attacks of several monkeys.

He turned over and jumped onto the back of a big monkey. With a shrill scream, one of his eyes was gouged out!

The big monkeys nearby were frightened and looked at the second pole hesitantly.

The monkey king, who had one of his ears ripped off, roared and rushed over, rushing towards the second pole!

Erzhanzi, with a fierce look in his eyes, was not afraid of danger and let out an angry howl.

The moment the Monkey King pounced in front of him, the second pole dodged to the side, jumped behind it, and grabbed the Monkey King's tail!

After all, it is not a vervet monkey, but its tail is longer than other monkeys.

He is worthy of being the Monkey King, with his physical agility and strength exceeding those of his kind.

The moment Erpolezi grabbed its tail, it also turned around and grabbed it with its backhand, trying to grab Erpolezi's head and bite its ears!

If you bite off my ear, then I will tear off your ear first, and then rip off your head too!

It's just that it underestimated the flexibility of the second pole!

The two poles that grabbed its tail took off on the spot, did a backflip, and then flipped behind the Monkey King.

Then he grabbed the monkey king's tail with both hands and gave it a strong swing!

Even Chen Xin'an didn't expect that this guy would have such great strength to swing the Monkey King, who was a head taller than him and looked much stronger than him!

boom! boom!

The Monkey King's body was hit hard by the two big monkeys that rushed over, knocking them to the ground and unable to get up for a long time!

The remaining big monkeys were so frightened that they immediately stopped their attack and looked at the second pole with some horror.

This guy's fighting power is very strong!


The monkey king's tail was broken, and his body flew out and hit a wooden pillar. It screamed in pain and tried to get up, but was unable to do so.

It could only lie down on the ground, scream angrily, and ask its monkeys to come together and tear the two poles into pieces!

The monkeys became commotion.

Without any fear, Erzhanzi picked up a broom from the ground that the kitchen worker had just used to deal with them, and whipped it on the Monkey King!

The broom head broke with a click, and only a stick more than one meter long was left on the second pole.

It took the stick and knocked at the monkey king. Then it looked at the natural red target under the broken tail, took the broken stick, and poked it in with a plop!

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