Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1797 No need to be polite to me in the future

The entire town echoed with the Monkey King's shrill screams, and all the monkeys sat down on the ground without saying a word!

Chen Xin'an covered her face with her hands, rubbed it vigorously, and cursed angrily: "This is so gross!"

On Desert Mountain, this guy also used this trick against the blind bear!

The Monkey King was completely paralyzed!

One ear was torn off, and half of his tail was broken off. He was lying on the ground with his butt stuck out and shaking, with a wooden stick stuck in his butt.

The second pole turned around and roared at the big monkeys that had just attacked it.

A group of big monkeys sat on the ground, clawing at the ground with their two paws, moving their bodies backwards, with fearful eyes.

Er Zhanzi grabbed the wooden stick with his backhand and pulled it out with a snap. The monkey king kept screaming in pain, and the sound made his whole body tense.

Holding the wooden stick that was still dripping with blood, Erzhi strode forward.

The monkeys along the way avoided each other, and no one even dared to look at it!

The second pole jumped on the engine cover of the Longtu car, squatted on it, and raised the bloody wooden stick in his hand, as if he was holding up a scepter representing dignity and glory!

There were thousands of monkeys around, all looking at it with awe.

Several big monkeys slowly walked in front of the second pole.

The second man held up the wooden stick dripping with blood and looked at them with disdain.

The big monkeys lowered their heads one by one and stretched their heads in front of the two poles one by one.

"What are they doing?" Guan Fei asked strangely.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "They surrendered to the two poles!"

Sure enough, Er Zhuangzi dropped the wooden stick in his hand, put his paws on the heads of these big monkeys, and touched their heads one by one.

The crazy shouts of monkeys rang out all around, and those Gu Masters who were still alive were all trembling with fear!


A gunshot rang out from outside, along with the loud sound of gongs.

Erpolezi shouted at the monkeys, and then waved his arms.

This time the monkeys did not hesitate and all left quickly.

Standing on the engine cover, Erzhi turned around and looked at Chen Xin'an in the back seat.

Knowing that this kid wanted to go into the mountains, Chen Xin'an thought about it and nodded to him.

The excited Erzhuangzi quickly jumped up to the roof, then took his wife and children and followed the monkeys!

"Damn! It's so easy, you don't even say hello!" Chen Xin'an muttered.

Because he didn't know whether Er Zhuangzi was just following these monkeys into the mountains on a whim, or whether he liked it here and would stay here forever?

Duan Chenfeng coughed twice and woke up.

He sat up and looked around, shocked.

"I thought I was dead!" Duan Chenfeng sat up with lingering fear. Seeing the blood-covered triangular eyes next to him, he was startled and asked in surprise: "Why are you here?"

"He saved you!" Li Qi said with a smile: "You were poisoned just now, and the boss asked him to remove the poison for you!"

Duan Chenfeng breathed a long sigh of relief, shook his head and said, "I never want to be poisoned again in my life!

I would rather be stabbed seventeen or eighteen times than be poisoned again! "

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at the trembling triangular eyes sitting aside and said, "Do you want to die or live?"

"I want to live!" Triangle Eyes answered simply, without any hesitation!

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "You still want to go to Motan Village?"

"Go!" Triangle Eyes nodded, and then immediately said in a panic: "I'm not going!

To us, the fight between master and uncle is like a fight between gods!

We can't help, and we'll die if we go!

Forget it, let’s not go, let’s go home! "

"Uncle?" Chen Xin'an frowned.

I never thought that Gu King and Gu Demon were actually brothers and sisters!

Chen Xin'an pointed to the people outside and said, "You know what to say, right?"

"I know, I know!" Triangle Eyes nodded hurriedly.

When meeting a person who is not afraid of poison at all, he is really as if he has seen a ghost!

And this guy happened to be so fierce that they couldn't even see his shadow during the fight. This was so terrifying!

In fact, in today's society, who is the patriarch is different?

The mountains are constantly being invaded by civilization, and everyone is bent on making money.

Among the younger generation, not many people are willing to endure hardships to nourish themselves.

It doesn't matter who becomes the clan leader, as long as he can lead everyone to live a good life.

I was not willing to get involved in the Motanzhai matter.

Now that this happened, I had a good excuse to go home!

A large group of people from the town came cheering, at least three to four hundred people!

Beating gongs and drums, holding a gun, very aggressive.

But after arriving at the farmhouse, what I saw was the yard dripping with blood and broken limbs. Some of them were timid and vomited on the spot!

Except for a dozen monkey corpses and the poisoned monkeys in cages in the kitchen, all the remaining living monkeys ran away.

Almost all the monkey catchers in Mashan died, and all of them died in terrible circumstances!

Eight Gu masters died, and all the remaining ones were injured.

This is the most serious monkey revenge incident in Mashan in the past 20 years.

Triangle Eyes got Chen Xin'an's instruction and briefly told the people in the town what happened.

As for how he made up the story, Chen Xin'an certainly didn't care.

Just don't bring trouble to them.

"You really don't want me to follow you into the mountain?" Duan Chenfeng was completely fine and asked Chen Xin'an with some worry.

This is the power of poison.

Other poisons may leave sequelae even if they are detoxified.

However, as long as the poison is detoxified and does not cause too much damage to the body before, there will be no sequelae.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Cen Jiang needs you more! On my side, you are redundant!"

Your uncle's!

Duan Chenfeng had a dark face and wanted to get angry.

Li Qi smiled and said, "Okay, Brother Feng, Xiaofei and I will follow the boss. It'll be fine!"

With Duan Chenfeng's combat power, he has a chance of winning against Guan Fei and Li Qi alone.

But if you deal with the two of them, you will definitely lose.

Duan Chenfeng said with a straight face: "It's not necessary to fight, I can also lead the way, and I can be a translator..."

Mombova coughed twice and waved her hand to him.

Duan Chenfeng stopped talking.

They are ancient Miao people, and they are more proficient in the place and language than me. I really have no qualifications to compete with them!

Forget it, then I won’t go in!

Duan Chenfeng said to Chen Xin'an: "I have contacted the boss of the ship and will be here shortly.

However, people rarely cross the river at night, so today is an exception, and the cost is twice as much as usual! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "That's no problem! You don't have to worry about me. You can take care of Cen Jiang's affairs.

I leave Hongsheng Garments to you, consider it a gift from me!

Someone will send it to you soon, including your business license and so on! "

Duan Chenfeng looked at Chen Xin'an and said nothing for a long time.

Chen Xin'an patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be embarrassed! Since you are my grandfather's registered disciple, it is a gift between the family.

It's impossible for me to do business here even though I'm far away.

It is much better to give it to you than to auction it off cheaply!

Don’t think too much, what’s given to you is what’s given to you, you don’t have to pay me any money!

Don't be polite to me, there's no need! "

Duan Chenfeng shook his head and said, "I'm not being polite to you.

I just want to remind you, don’t be polite to me in the future!

With gifts like this, the more the merrier!

I am a hard-working person and don’t want to be idle.

If you give me a little more, I'll be fine! "

Chen Xin'an didn't want to pay attention to him anymore and gave him a middle finger.

The phone rang, Duan Chenfeng took it out and looked at it, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"The boss of the ship is here, I'll take you there!"

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