Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1800 He didn’t dare to offend the Gu Miao people

The sword was powerful and heavy, but it missed the mark. Father Yan turned sideways and avoided it.

He is indeed a practicing master.

It's just that old age has weakened the body, and the body is no longer very flexible.

And because it has been abandoned for a long time, the response is a bit slow.

Pang Bohao slashed three times in a row, each one he dodged was more dangerous than the last.

"You bastard! I'll fight with you!" Yan Shuisheng saw the other party making a move and rushed over without saying a word.

Two big men stopped him directly, raised their knives and slashed at him!

Yan Shuisheng also has some kung fu skills, but his strength is very average. It is very difficult to deal with it and is full of dangers.

A group of big men surrounded Chen Xin'an and the others, with fierce eyes, and they were about to chop with their knives!

However, Pang Bohao kicked Father Yan down, put the machete on his neck and cursed: "Why don't you try moving again!"

"Dad!" Yan Shuisheng screamed and rushed forward desperately. The big man behind him slashed at his head!

At this moment, with a bang, Chen Xin'an kicked a big man in front of him in the chest. The man fell back, knocking his companion who was stabbing Yan Shuisheng in the back to the ground!

"Hey, Lian Jiazi!" Pang Bohao's eyes lit up, he looked at Chen Xin'an, and said with a sinister smile: "Come prepared!"

Father Yan was lying on the deck, covering his chest with his hands, coughing and saying, "It has nothing to do with the guests! Pang Bohao, come at me if you want to kill or chop me!"

"You bastard!" Yan Shuisheng rushed over and bumped into Pang Bohao.

Unexpectedly, Pang Bohao kicked him in the chest, his breathing was stagnant, and then with a bang, he was slapped in the face with a knife!

Yan Shuisheng's mouth and nose were covered in blood and he fell next to Father Yan.

Pang Bohao curled his lips and said with disdain: "Trash! Your father was considered a man in Bijiang twenty years ago.

You, a loser who can't do anything, are you qualified to challenge me?

If it weren't for the fact that your father had a good relationship with my father back then, I would have chopped off your head with the knife just now! "

He spat on the ground, looked at Chen Xin'an coldly and said, "Brother, where are you doing?"

Chen Xin'an didn't answer, just looked at the people around him.

There were eight people in total, two of them had soil guns, and the rest all had machetes.

If you just kill the other party, you can easily deal with them all.

But it would take some effort to ensure that the Yan family's father and son were not injured.

We need to deal with the two people with guns first.

He winked at Li Qi.

No matter who has the machete, deal with the gunman first.

Li Qi nodded calmly.

Pang Bohao cursed: "I'm asking you a question, can't you hear me?

What are you two flirting with?

Believe it or not, I will kill them both first? "

Pang Bohao took the machete and pointed at the Yan family father and son on the ground!

This cunning guy!

Chen Xin'an squinted at Pang Bohao and said coldly: "We went into the mountains to find people, not to buy beads."

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?" Pang Bohao looked at Chen Xin'an coldly and asked.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "An ancient Miao man! Even if you tell me, you don't recognize him.

All you need to know is that we are not a threat to your business, and that’s it! "

Pang Bohao stared at Chen Xin'an closely, and then looked at the people around him, with a solemn look on his face.

His eyes fell on Mongpowa, looking at the tattoo on the back of her hand, he frowned and asked: "Are you from Gu Miao?"

The ancient Miao people like to have tattoos on their bodies, and the designs are also quite strange.

Mengbowa snorted coldly and said: "I am from Xiangying Village!

If you dare to act recklessly, I guarantee that you will be left with nothing to eat! "

Pang Bohao's face was gloomy and his brows were furrowed.

I didn’t expect that there were native Gu Miao people on my ship!

If people want to go home, they can’t let them go back, right?

Moreover, the Gu Miao people are very difficult to deal with. Once you offend them, a whole village will often become your enemy, and your revenge will be endless.

Maybe a group of my brothers will be poisoned!

Pang Bohao waved his hand and told his men to step back, turned his head and said to Father Yan:

"Dad Yan, why are you so unrealistic!

Since the guests are from Gu Miao, you can just say so. Why run away when you see us! "

He waved and said to Chen Xin'an and others: "It's a misunderstanding, don't worry about it! Okay, let's go!"

Just let him go?

The Yan family's father and son also couldn't believe it.

However, seeing that Pang Bohao's face didn't look like he was joking, he stood up doubtfully, nodded with Chen Xin'an, and everyone got on the boat together.

It was already dark, and everyone did not want to waste time. After starting, they continued to move towards Qidun Mountain.

As expected, Pang Bohao did not stop them and allowed them to leave.

Li Qi said in disbelief: "Boss, what are those people doing? Just let us go?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head, he didn't know.

Mengpowa curled her lips and said: "What's so confusing about this! It's because they are afraid of us Gu Miao people!

We are also cultivating black pearls there. If they dare to offend me, they will not be able to buy the black pearls from Xiangying Village! "

Guan Fei nodded and said, "Yes, I think so too!"

This time Guandu didn't say yes, he just looked at Guan Fei strangely, then at Mongpowa, and then said to Guan Fei: "Brother, do you like her?"

One sentence made both Guan Fei and Meng Powa blush!

"No, no, don't talk nonsense!" Guan Fei quickly denied it.

Mompowa also blushed and said: "What are you talking about! We are talking about those people, why are you talking about it on me!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at the three people with amusement. Just as they were about to speak, Yan Shuisheng came over from the stern of the boat.

Chen Xin'an asked him, "Are you and your dad okay?"

"It's okay!" Yan Shuisheng shook his head and cursed angrily: "You're just bullying my dad for getting old.

In the past few years, my dad could take care of all the losers like this! "

Mompowa curled her lips and said with disdain: "You are young, but it's a pity that your kung fu is not very good!"

Guandu covered his mouth and started chuckling. He had just seen this boy fighting, and his movements were even clumsier than hers. His fighting power was really unsightly!

Yan Shuisheng's face turned red, and he lowered his head and said, "I have never had any talent in martial arts since I was a child, and my father has no insistence on whether I practice martial arts, so..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him and asked: "Your family practices Wing Chun, right?

I once knew someone who was also from Lingnan and practiced Wing Chun.

Coincidentally, her surname is also Yan, and her name is Yan Chunhua.

I don’t know if you know each other? "

Hearing this name, Yan Shuisheng's eyes widened, he looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise and asked:

"You know my cousin?

We haven't contacted each other for a long time!

Since the death of my uncle and cousin, there has been no news from my cousin’s family.

We have been looking for her whereabouts, but we have searched all over Lingnan and can't find her!

Later, my mother got sick and the matter was dropped!

The person you are talking about should be my cousin!

Did she go to Kyoto?

How are you doing now?

Dad and I miss her very much! "

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said to him: "She is not in Kyoto, she should be in Da Ying, and I haven't seen her for a long time.

She and I are considered friends. If there is any news about her, I will notify you! "

Yan Shuisheng nodded, sighed, looked ahead, and said to Chen Xin'an: "We're about to dock! That's the Qidunshan Ferry over there, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, a group of people suddenly rushed out from the shore!

With a loud bang, sparks flew everywhere, and someone on the shore fired a gun!

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