Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1801 Jumping off the ship

I don’t know how many people were on the shore, but there were at least a dozen guns firing together!

Father Yan increased his power and tried to turn the boat around.

But on the river behind, the lights are bright!

The small passenger ship and the two speedboats had already caught up, lined up and rushed towards the small boat!

Chen Xin'an's expression changed and he shouted to everyone: "Jump off the ship!"

You can't run away if you want to.

This kind of privately modified small boat, let alone other people's speedboats, can crush it even at the speed of a small passenger ship!

If you stay on the boat, you will either be hit by a small passenger ship, or you will be forced to the shore and then be used as a target by the people on the shore!

Jumping ship is the best option now!

Li Qi and Meng Powa jumped down without hesitation.

The Guan brothers and sisters turned pale.

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily: "Why are you still standing there? Jump!"

Guan Fei trembled and said: "Uncle, we...can't swim!"

Damn, two landlubbers!

Chen Xin'an didn't care too much and shouted to them: "Take a deep breath and jump down. Don't panic! Hurry up, it's too late!"

The Guan brothers and sisters panicked, took a breath, and then fell into the water!

"Dad!" Yan Shuisheng was about to run to the stern of the ship. Chen Xin'an looked at the small passenger ship that had rushed in front of him, rushed over, and threw Yan Shuisheng into the water!


The two fell into the water, and while their bodies were still diving, suddenly a strong current rushed over from the side and pushed them away!

At the same time, broken wood chips and iron sheets rushed over with the water, leaving wounds on people like knives!

Seeing darkness in front of his eyes, Chen Xin'an wanted to grab Yan Shuisheng and take him away from here. His ankle suddenly tightened and someone grabbed him, causing his whole body to fall rapidly!

Chen Xin'an snorted, her body suddenly rolled, and she threw away the opponent's grip.

But at this moment, a shout suddenly came from my ears: "It's me!"

The voice sounded a bit like Yan Shuisheng's, and Chen Xin'an immediately stopped resisting.

If you open your mouth in the water, you will definitely get water poured into your mouth, but if you shout loudly, water will not enter your mouth.

However, doing this consumes a lot of energy in the body, so after the other party shouted, he stopped making any sound.

He just pulled Chen Xin'an's arm and swam forward to avoid the impact above his head.

The water was pitch black, and Chen Xin'an just wanted to find the Guan brothers and sisters quickly.

The small boat had been overturned, and the small passenger ship had stopped. The searchlight was shining on the river, looking for the whereabouts of those on the small boat.

With this faint light, Chen Xin'an finally saw Guan Fei, who was struggling and falling in the water.


Don’t panic or be confused in the water!

The more you struggle, the faster you sink!

He swam forward with all his strength, but he watched helplessly as Guan Fei's struggle became slower and slower, and he seemed to have lost consciousness!

But his body was declining rapidly, and a large amount of water was still entering his mouth and nose!

Chen Xin'an became anxious and sped up. He couldn't let the brother and sister drown here.

At the same time, he also saw Guandu.

The situation was worse than her brother's, she was motionless!

Of the two brothers and sisters, he can only save one now. Who should he save first?

Chen Xin'an feels that she has never been so anxious as now, but she can't speed up any faster!

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed up from below and entangled Guan Fei from behind!

Chen Xin'an was startled and was about to rush over. She took a closer look and breathed a sigh of relief. It was Mongpowa!

He hurriedly swam towards Guandu, but a figure swooped past him, swimming faster than him.

In the blink of an eye, he hugged Guandu from behind and pushed his legs up the water to swim up!

Yan Shuisheng!

I didn't expect this guy to be so clumsy in fighting, but he seemed like a different person in the water.

His body is as flexible as a fish, and his swimming skills are even better than Chen Xin'an's!


Chen Xin'an surfaced and took a breath.

Not far away is the shore, about three to four hundred meters away from the group of people.

Yan Shuisheng had already swam to the shore with Guandu in his arms, followed by Meng Bowa and Guan Fei.

Not far behind Chen Xin'an, Li Qi also came out of the river with a splash and coughed a few times.

Chen Xin'an shouted to him: "Aqi, this way!" Then the two of them quickly rowed towards the shore.

After landing on the shore, the two people quickly ran to Yan Shuisheng and Meng Powa and helped them drag the Guan brothers and sisters ashore.

There was no time to rest, so everyone hurriedly gave first aid to the Guan brothers and sisters.

After a while, Guan Fei pushed away Mongpowa who was giving him artificial respiration, opened his mouth and spat out a few mouthfuls of water!

Guandu over there has not woken up yet because he has been in coma for a long time.

Yan Shuisheng gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi: "Two guests, do me a favor and put her head down behind my back!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other, walked to Guan Du, lifted her up, and placed her head down on Yan Shuisheng's back!

Yan Shuisheng hugged Guandu's legs tightly and said to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi: "You also help hold her arms and run with me. Don't let her fall!"

The three of them ran forward together carrying Guandu on their backs. After running for more than twenty meters, they ran back again. After running back and forth twice in a row, Guandu on his back spat out a large puddle of water!

The three of them quickly put Guan Du down. Yan Shuisheng pressed her heart hard. After Guan Du spit out two more words of water, his chest heaved and he finally breathed!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Guan Fei next to him had already sat up, touched his lips, glanced at Mombova, and smiled innocently.

Mengpowa cursed him in a low voice, ran to Guandu's side with a red face, and hugged her head.

Chen Xin'an was afraid that the two siblings would have any sequelae, so she immediately took out a silver needle and injected it into the two siblings.

"Dad!" After rescuing people, Yan Shuisheng stood on the shore, looked at the river in front of him, shouted softly, and then jumped into the river with a pop!

"Shui Sheng!" Chen Xin'an raised the needle and called out, but Yan Shuisheng was gone.

Guandu was already fully awake, struggling to stand up and looking at the riverside with a worried expression.

Chen Xin'an knew she was worried, so she shook her head and said, "Don't worry, he's better at water than me!"

Guandu bit his lip and said, "He saved my life!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

The Guan family has always had a clear distinction between grievances and grievances.

It was a kindness for saving her, so there was no need to hide anything.

"Dad!" Yan Shuisheng's shout came from the river, but it was far away from the shore.

He couldn't find Father Yan and was far away from everyone, so he dared to shout out!

But the people on the small passenger ship heard his cry before they got ashore.

One person shouted: "There!"

The small passenger ship turned on its searchlight and shined its light on the river.

Someone stood on the bow of the boat and fired a shot at the river!

Chen Xin'an and everyone's hearts tightened.

There was no sound on the river. After a while, there was a splash from the river in front of Chen Xin'an, and a person came out, it was Yan Shuisheng.

"My dad is missing! The boat is also missing. It must have sunk to the bottom of the river! Let me take a breath and go down to find my dad!"

At this moment, the small passenger ship on the river turned around, and the searchlight swept over. Everyone wanted to hide, but it was too late, and they were all exposed to the searchlight!

"They are here!" someone on the small passenger ship shouted.

Chen Xin'an pulled Yan Shuisheng up and shouted: "Let's go, run!"

Yan Shuisheng struggled and said: "Let me go, I will go into the water to find my dad later!"

Chen Xin'an said to him: "Now is not the time! There are many people on the other side with guns, we have to avoid them first!"

Yan Shuisheng was still struggling, but Guan Du had already run over, grabbed his hand, and led him forward!

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