Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1802 Let's Delay Them

If you want to enter the mountain, you must first climb over the Qidun Mountain in front of you.

And behind them, there are about 30 people chasing!

It turned out that Pang Bohao letting everyone go on the river was just an illusion.

He secretly contacted the people who stayed in the mountain, brought enough weapons, and blocked the ferry.

He wanted to attack from both sides and keep everyone in Bijiang forever!

It's really strange, why did he do this?

Even if it is to prevent someone from stealing black pearls, there is no need to kill them all!

What's more, he knew that there were ancient Miao people on the boat, but he dared to kill them. Isn't he afraid of offending the entire ancient Miao village?


There was a gunshot behind him, and the bullet hit the rock next to him, and stone chips flew!

Chen Xin'an's face was gloomy, and he said to everyone: "You go up first, I'll stop them, it's too dangerous to chase too closely!"

"I'll accompany you, boss!" Li Qi also stopped!

Guan Fei was about to speak, but Monbowa pinched him and whispered, "We are the ones who are dragging everyone down, why don't you hurry up and leave?"

Guan Fei stopped talking.

Fat people are really not suitable for mountain climbing. It's too tiring. They have to take a break after walking a few steps, otherwise they can't breathe.

He glanced at his sister.

This girl actually held Yan Shuisheng's hand and kept walking in front.

It was so hard for her to climb the mountain, but Yan Shuisheng looked like he was dying. Instead, he needed her to pull him up, which made her even more tired!

He walked over and patted Yan Shuisheng's shoulder unhappily and said, "If you want revenge, save your own life first! Otherwise, you will die in vain if you go back now! Follow us first, you will see that the uncle will definitely not let them go!" Yan Shuisheng shook his head and cried, "You are outsiders, you don't know how powerful the Pang brothers are. You can't do anything to them. If you go against them, you will even leave your life here!" Guan Fei and Guan Du looked at him together and said in unison, "That's because you don't know how powerful my uncle is!" Mengbowa nodded and said, "Yes! Maybe only Mr. Chen can deal with the Pang brothers!" From Cenjiang to Qipan Mountain, she witnessed Chen Xin'an's methods all the way. In addition to the experience of her uncle's family, the more Mengbowa understood Chen Xin'an, the more afraid she was of her own actions. Foolishly listened to Am's words and went to deal with him. In terms of reason, they were not on the right side, and the strength was even more different. I was lucky to come back alive and well!

This Chen Xin'an is so amazing, as if there is no one in the world that he can't deal with!

There was a sudden gunshot behind him!

Guan Fei's face changed, and he said to everyone: "Let's hurry up and go up the mountain!"

Yan Shuisheng looked behind him and asked hesitantly: "Can Boss Chen really help me get revenge?"

Guan Fei and Guan Du nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

Yan Shuisheng looked at the top of his head with some worry and said: "But even if we enter the mountain, there are their forces!

The Pang brothers have cooperated with many villages, and the ancient Miao village is also his world. Where can we escape to?"

Guan Fei shook his head and said: "From beginning to end, we didn't escape!

There is no need to escape if you follow my son-in-law!

We are here to find someone, so the main purpose is to find this person first!

These are just some small obstacles, and the son-in-law will solve them!"


With a scream, a man holding a homemade gun was hit on the head by a big stone.

He leaned back, fell to the ground, and rolled down the hillside!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi hid behind a big rock, each holding two rocks the size of a baby's head in their hands.

Not far below, more than 30 big men were trembling with fear, shrinking their bodies and not daring to move forward.

No matter how scared they were.

The two above were too fierce, using rocks as guns, hitting them accurately, and some companions were hit so hard that their brains came out!

The earth gun looked very powerful, but its power was really limited. As long as people hid behind the big rock, no matter how many shots they fired, they couldn't hurt them at all!

And whoever fired the gun would be unlucky!

Even in the dark, without lighting, the guys above were like they had turned on perspective. Whoever fired the gun would be hit by the stone, and those who didn't shoot would be fine!

"Go! Just those few people, there are so many of us, are we still afraid of them?" Pang Bohao yelled at the brothers around him:

"Remember, let them die on Qidun Mountain, don't go over there! Kill one person, I'll give you 50,000!"

There must be brave men under a heavy reward!

A group of brothers gathered their courage and began to attack upwards, relying on the cover of rocks and trees!

As if frightened by the fearlessness of the crowd, the people hiding behind the big rock did not fight back, allowing everyone to rush up in one go!

But when everyone rushed behind the big rock, they found that there was no one here!

A group of brothers breathed a sigh of relief and shouted:

"Fuck, is this all you can do? I thought you were so powerful! You were scared away just like that?"

"What a coward! If you have the guts, fight me! I'll kill you here in a minute!"

"For this kind of stuff, I can solve all of them by myself! Kill one by one!"

Just then, a voice suddenly came from above: "Looking for us? Come up!"

Chen Xinan stood next to a big tree not far away and waved at them.

Li Qi stood next to the tree only five meters away from him. He looked at them and grinned: "Want to kill us? Just come here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he and Chen Xin'an raised their guns together and fired at the crowd below without hesitation!

boom! boom!

Two gunshots were fired, and a mass fell in front of him!

There were cries of ghosts and wolves all around. A group of people cried for their fathers and mothers, turned around and ran away!

From the fight just now, the two of them could see it.

The killing radius of this kind of earth gun is less than three meters when it is about ten meters away.

The two picked up the guns of the younger brothers who had been knocked down by stones on the ground. There was only one bullet in them.

There was no time to search the younger brother, so the two of them took a gun each and hid behind a big tree.

Each gun only has one bullet, and the maximum damage range is the angle where the two of them are standing.

After shooting at the same time, two bullets knocked down more than a dozen people!

In fact, some of the wounded were only scratched and not serious.

Now I'm rolling on the floor crying and howling in pain, and I'm also scared!

Pang Bohao gritted his teeth and punched and kicked his little brother who turned around and ran away!

"The hell are you coming back! Just two people scared you so much!

Whoever runs away again, I will beat you to death now! "


Pang Bohao picked up the gun and fired a shot into the sky.

A group of young men were so frightened that they quickly stopped and turned around tremblingly.

Pang Bohao turned his head and said to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi who were hiding behind the big tree: "Friends, there is no need to fight like this, we can make peace!"

Chen Xin'an's whisper came from behind the big tree: "Make peace?

You put on such a display and tell us to make peace?

Pang Bohao, are you stupid?

Or do you think we are as stupid as you? "

Pang Bohao snorted and said: "Friend, everything will change!

Otherwise, if there are many of us, we will divide our troops into several groups and kill everyone on sight.

Do you think your friends can leave Qidun Mountain? "

There was silence from above.

After a while, the voice continued to ask: "Pang Bohao, we have already said that we are not pearl buyers, why don't you believe it?

As long as you have some brains, you will not fail to see that we are not businessmen! "

"I know you are not!" Pang Bohao snorted coldly and hid behind the big tree and said:

"We are not treating you like this because we suspect you of buying beads, we just don't want you to go into the mountains!

If you leave here now, go back to where you came from!

I promise, I will never stop you! "

There was no sound from above for a long time. After a while, the voice continued: "Are you a bewitcher?"

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