Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1803 The Gu King's Situation

As a result, even Chen Xin'an did not expect that the reason why the Pang brothers were so desperate to prevent them from entering the mountain was because of the Gu demon!

Pang Bohao laughed, raised his voice and said, "Wrong! I am the second eldest son of the Pang family, not anyone else's!

It’s just that we all have a common goal, to make a fortune together! "

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said, "How do you know that I didn't go into the mountains to help the Gu demon?"

"Hahaha!" Pang Bohao laughed and said to him: "Friend, stop joking!

I don’t have many friends outside of Gu Demon Mountain, and it’s even less likely that I will have friends with foreign accents like you!

We were patrolling the river tonight, and we originally borrowed his disciples.

Unexpectedly, his apprentice did not show up, but his opponent's people showed up.

Gu Demon has promised us that once he becomes the chief of the ancient Miao tribe, we, the Pang family brothers, will be responsible for all the black pearls of the entire ancient Miao tribe.

Friends, I see you are brave enough, and I appreciate it.

Why don't you turn around and go back, and I'll give you 100,000 as travel expenses.

Or you can put forward a condition, such as what Gu King promised you, I will give it to you at double the price, guaranteeing your satisfaction, how about it? "

Chen Xin'an was silent for a while and asked him, "What about Father Yan?"

Pang Bohao seemed stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

He gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an: "Friend, are you okay?

What does Father Yan have to do with you?

Just a boatman!

I think you didn’t know him before coming to Bijiang, right?

Do you need to care whether he is dead or alive? "

Chen Xin'an hummed: "It's necessary! If I didn't take his boat, he wouldn't be killed by you!

So he died innocently in your hands, and I must avenge him!

Pang Bohao, if you encounter someone who is easy to bully, just hit and kill him.

When you encounter something difficult to deal with, you spend money to deal with it.

This is how you build your life, right? "

Pang Bohao remained silent, and after a while he gritted his teeth and cursed: "I'll give you face, you're shameless!

Do you really think that I, Pang Bohao, am afraid of you?

There are only five or six people out there, how many of them are as good at fighting as you two?

You're more ruthless than me, right?

Okay, I will have fun with you tonight!

I see how you guys can play chess and Dunshan! "

"Pang Bohao!" Chen Xin'an suddenly shouted: "Are you wondering why I am the only one talking to you?

Where has my brother gone? "

Pang Bohao frowned, his eyes suddenly raised, his color suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Stop him!"


Someone suddenly jumped down from the tree and grabbed Pang Bohao's shoulders!

The boy next to him was about to raise his gun when his companion slapped him on the head and cursed:

"Don't shoot! Are you crazy?

If you hurt the second master, you kid can't eat and walk around! "

The group of boys were so frightened that they all lowered their guns.

Pang Bohao looked at Li Qi coldly, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Boy, I'm warning you.

If I lose a hair, you will never be able to play Qi Dunshan! "

Li Qi grinned and pointed the gun in his hand at Pang Bohao's head!

Pang Bohao looked at him with squinted eyes and said with a ferocious smile: "There are no bullets in your gun! What are you afraid of? Come on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Qi turned over the gun, held the gun barrel with both hands, then swung it up and slapped Pang Bohao hard on the face!


Pang Bohao spurted out a mouthful of blood, and at least three of his back molars were smashed!

He was also knocked to the ground, with his mouth wide open. He couldn't scream even if he wanted to, and blood was pouring out of his mouth!

The soil gun was also pulled into pieces and was thrown to the ground casually by Li Qi.

While everyone was stunned, Li Qi had already walked up to Pang Bohao, grabbed his shoulders and lifted him up!

He squinted at Pang Bohao and said coldly: "Do you think that because you are rich and powerful, you can do whatever you want?

Do you think that if you have a gun and a knife, you can take human life lightly and control the life and death of others at will?

Now, how you deal with others, I will deal with you!

How does it feel to have your life controlled by others? "

Pang Bohao spit out the blood in his mouth and tried to speak but his mouth was full of leaks.

He looked at Li Qi with hatred, pointed at his head, and then made a chopping motion with his hand.

If you dare, hack me to death!

Li Qi sneered, grabbed his arm, and then smashed him directly on his knee!

But the moment he grabbed his wrist, Li Qi's expression changed!

The touch feels wrong!


Pang Bohao's left hand was broken in response!

But there was no pain at all on his face. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and rolled to the ground, shouting: "Hit!"

Li Qi tried to control him again, but it was already too late!

He turned around and hid behind the big tree he jumped from just now!

With a gunshot, a large piece of bark was blown off the big tree!

A young man picked up a gun and was about to pull the trigger when a rock hit his arm!

The boy screamed in pain, his body turned half a circle with the force of the stone, and at the same time he pulled the trigger!


Not far away, a companion had half of his body beaten into a sieve and was blown away by a gun!

The guy who fired the shot was dumbfounded and was about to say, "Isn't that right..."

A stone flew over quietly and hit him directly on the forehead!

The kid fell to the ground with a thud.

Someone nearby yelled: "Behind the rock, shoot!"

There was a loud sound of gunfire, and stone fragments flew nearby.

After everyone fired a round of bullets, they all stopped to reload.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an from behind the big rock and Li Qi from behind the tree flashed out at the same time, holding up the rocks in their hands, and smashed them hard at the younger brothers!

For a moment, ghosts cried and wolves howled!

These guys kept shooting, but they didn't hit anyone. Instead, they broke down a lot of stone chips and wood blocks.

This actually provided Chen Xin'an and Li Qi with a lot of ammunition!

It’s all under your feet, you can just pick it up and use it, no need to prepare it deliberately!

"Hide, hide!" someone shouted.

A group of boys fled in all directions, and even Pang Bohao was pulled behind a tree.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi did not continue the pursuit, but turned around and ran away!

After all, there are only two people. It is a bit unrealistic to defeat more than thirty people and drive them away with the current conditions.

Of course, there is no chance. If both of them let go, not to mention more than thirty people, even thirty more people can be dealt with!

Even though they were carrying guns, for Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, using the terrain in the mountains to create some traps and kill these gangsters was just like fun!

But I can’t let go now because I have concerns.

The terrain was unfamiliar, and he had friends ahead of him, so the enemy's target was not just the two of them.

So they just need to hold these people back and wait until they are sure that their friends are safe before letting go!

"I'm sorry, boss, I made a mistake!" Li Qi said guiltily while following behind Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "I didn't even know that Pang Bohao's left hand was fake!

It doesn't matter, he won't survive!

After Xiaofei and the others are settled, let's go back and play cat and mouse with these people! "

When Li Qi heard this, a sneer appeared on his face, and he said in a deep voice: "I am not even willing to pull out my Eagle Thorn to deal with these rabble!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said: "If possible, save Pang Bohao's life!

I want to use him to contain his brother!

If I guessed correctly, his brother should be in Motanzhai right now! "

Moreover, Chen Xin'an has another worry that he has not expressed.

Xin Yishu's situation may be a bit bad!

He has already encountered so many reinforcements and helpers from the Gu Demon.

Xin Yishu didn't meet any of them.

She has been away from the ancient Miao Village for so many years and has been staying in Qingniu Mountain all year round. Where can she find help?

He came to the ancient Miao village to find Xin Yishu, not just to ask her to save the lives of his grandfather and master.

When he heard something happened to her, Chen Xinan would not ignore it.

Because after all, his master is not just Yao Zhifeng.

All the hermits in Qingniu Mountain are his masters!

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