Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1804 Play cat and mouse

There were constant gunshots on Qidun Mountain.

Pang Bohao was already angry. He had been rampant in Bijiang for so many years, and he had only bullied others, but he had never been bullied like this!

Those outsiders, one by one, deserved to die!

Now he would not negotiate any terms with the other party. As long as he found a figure and confirmed that it was not his own, he would shoot directly!

The other party was not a good person, and hesitating would only cause trouble for himself.

Looking at the mark on the tree, Chen Xinan said to Li Qi: "Xiao Fei and the others are not far ahead, let's delay them for a while!"

"Okay!" Li Qi nodded and said with a smile: "Boss, play hide-and-seek with them again?"

Chen Xinan smiled slightly, pointed to his leg and said: "Then use the Sky Eagle Thorn, don't capsize in the gutter!"

Li Qi hummed, and the two spread out to both sides and disappeared into the darkness.

The lights flickered, and a group of younger brothers took guns and knives, and rushed up aggressively.

The second master was awesome, and arranged tactics for everyone.

Let all the gunmen gather together, and once they find the target, they will concentrate their firepower and shoot.

The man with the machete hides behind the gunmen. Once they see the enemy rushing close, the gunmen will retreat to the back and let the machetemen take over!

If the enemy throws stones, then scatter, but there must be one gunman and one macheteman, forming a two-person team to hide together.

The two guys rushed several times before, but they didn't get any advantage, so they ran away in disgrace.

The group of people became bolder and thought that the two men were just so-so.

It was nothing more than a sneak attack by surprise, but in fact, their real strength was just like that!

"Come out! Do you think you can run away by hiding? If we catch you, you will die!"

"Are you trying to sneak attack us? I know tactics! Now you can sneak attack one more and let us see?"

"You two rats, you only know how to sneak and hide! If you have the guts, come out and fight us face to face!"

A big-nosed man scratched his neck, put his gun behind his back, and said to his companion with a machete beside him: "Lao Tan, I'll let you go, do you want to?"

Lao Tan nodded and said: "Together! You go first!"

The two walked behind the tree next to them and untied their belts.

Lao Tan felt that something seemed to have fallen on his head, touched it with his hand, and then raised his head.

At this moment, he stared at a face hanging in the air face to face!

At this moment, all the hairs on his body exploded, and just when he wanted to open his mouth to scream, a sharp knife pierced into his mouth with a puff, and the tip of the knife penetrated from the back of his head!

The big-nosed man next to him turned his head subconsciously, and before he could see clearly, the other party's leg was already wrapped around his neck!

As the man on the tree jumped down, Big Nose was also pressed to the ground.

His neck was clamped by the opponent's legs, and at the moment of landing, with a click, his cervical vertebra was broken!

Li Qi pulled out the Sky Eagle Thorn from Lao Tan's mouth, supported the corpse with both hands, gently loosened his right leg, and Big Nose also fell to the ground.

Chen Xin'an appeared, and the two of them, each carrying a corpse, disappeared into the night again.

A knifeman walking behind the team looked back and always felt eerie.

He quickened his pace and caught up with his companions, saying strangely: "Where are Lao Tan and A Guang?

Why didn't they catch up after letting the water go for a long time?

Did something happen?"

His companion frowned and shouted: "Second Master!"

Before Pang Bohao responded, someone in front suddenly shouted: "Who's there? Shoot!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunshots rang out!

There were two people sitting next to a big tree not far away, and they seemed to be smoking.

As long as they are not one of us, shoot them to death!

Whoever he is!

Even if you are not from the other group, you came to Qidun Mountain in the middle of the night, you are looking for death, you deserve to be killed!

We finally caught them, we don't want to let them go again!

Those two guys are quite skilled in Kung Fu, they are more agile than rabbits!

So Pang Bohao asked everyone to suppress them with firepower right from the start.

They were shot into sieves with earth guns, leaving them no room for resistance!

The two people sitting by the big tree seemed to be stunned, and they didn't even have a chance to escape!

After being washed by gunfire for five minutes, even the big tree behind them was broken, and they finally fell to the ground!

They were killed just like that?

"Stop!" Pang Bohao shouted, and the gunfire stopped.

There was no movement on the opposite side, and the two people lay on the ground motionless.

Pang Bohao was still worried, waved his hand to let several brothers with knives come forward, and then pointed at the broken tree.

Several knifemen bit the bullet, walked over carefully, raised their machetes, and chopped at the two people!

The other party had no reaction at all, even his arm was cut off, and he didn't even make a sound!

It was obvious that the two men were dead!

"They are dead!" A knifeman wiped the blood splashed on his face and turned to Pang Bohao.

"Yeah!" A group of people shouted excitedly!

"Damn, if you dare to mess with us, you will die!"

"Get out of the way, I will also chop two knives! The little bastards from outside the mountain are really brave enough to mess with us!"

"After killing the ones in front, strip their bodies and take them to the Gu King to see!

This is the fate of going against us!"

"Ah!" One person suddenly shouted.

The companion next to him was startled and scolded him: "You fucking old Fang, what are you yelling about!"

Lao Fang pointed his headlight at the two corpses in front of him, and said in a trembling voice: "It looks like we, our people!"

Everyone was stunned, and all turned their headlights over and shined their light on the body.

The two men had been beaten so badly that they were almost unrecognizable.

However, their clothes are still the same as everyone else's, and their general appearance can also be seen clearly.

Someone said in a trembling voice: "It's A Guang and Lao Qin! Aren't they behind? Why did they suddenly run in front of us?"

Pang Bohao's face darkened!

Everyone also swallowed and felt chills running down their backs.

It turns out that the enemy is always around!

But with so many people here, no one can even notice their presence!

"Second Master!" Someone shouted tremblingly.

Pang Bohao gritted his teeth, kicked the big tree next to him, and shouted to everyone: "Keep searching! Be careful, don't..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes caught sight of a dark muzzle, pointed directly at his head!

There was no time to talk nonsense, Pang Bohao grabbed a boy next to him and pulled him in front of him.

He squatted down and hid behind his little brother!


There was a gunshot, and the little brother in front of him trembled, and a shrill howl came from his mouth!

Several people around him were also implicated because they couldn't dodge. They were hit by iron sand and screamed again and again!

"There, shoot!" Pang Bohao raised the gun in his hand and fired a shot at the place where he had just shot!

There was gunfire all around again!

After a while, the gunfire stopped, but it wasn't Pang Bohao shouting to stop, but most of the people had no bullets!

These rabble-rousers have not received formal training at all.

There is no concept of accurate shooting and saving ammunition.

Fire two shots when there is nothing wrong, to scare others, and also to embolden yourself.

I don't know how many shots were fired that night, and now most of the people have run out of ammunition and food!

Pang Bohao gritted his teeth and cursed: "Go to the front and find those two people for me...ah! What the hell are you doing!"

He covered his head with his right hand, blood dripping from between his fingers!

He turned around and looked at the bloody man in front of him. He never dreamed that he would be stabbed in the back by one of his own!

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