Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1805 Let's Fight One-on-One

The boy in front of me was covered in blood, his face was filled with holes made by iron sand, and his skin and flesh were rolled up. He looked shocking!

He hated Pang Bohao so much in his heart!

I've fought tooth and nail for you, why are you using me to block the gun?

I'll chop you to death with one knife, you bastard!

I didn’t expect that this bastard’s head was so hard that he couldn’t be killed with just one stab!

The younger brother gritted his teeth and raised the knife, wanting to touch it again.

But Pang Bohao took off the gun and pressed the muzzle against his chest!

It’s over!

The younger brother's heart trembled.

Then there was a loud bang, and Pang Bohao pulled the trigger directly, sending the little brother flying out!

The little brother lying on the ground still had his eyes wide open, staring blankly at the sky, and his body twitched from time to time.

A blood hole as big as a bowl appeared in his heart.

"Damn it, you dare to kill me?" Pang Bohao gritted his teeth, pointed the gun at the face of the young man on the ground, and then pulled the trigger!

But there were no bullets in the gun.

He touched his body with his hand and found that there was no more ammunition left, but he still yelled to the person next to him angrily: "Who the hell has any ammunition left? Give it to me!"

No one responded.

Pang Bohao also seemed like he couldn't wait to reload.

He grabbed the barrel of the gun with his right hand, raised the butt of the gun with one hand, pointed it at the head of the boy on the ground, and hit him hard!

The little brother's head has been smashed into a rotten watermelon.

The gun was also broken into several pieces.

Pang Bohao threw away the barrel of the gun in his hand angrily, touched the blood on his neck with his hand, and yelled at everyone: "Why are you looking at me! Bring me a cloth and bandage it!"

No one took action.

Pang Bohao also noticed everyone's abnormality.

Everyone looked at this scene in stunned silence, and with their eyes looking at Pang Bohao, they felt something different from before.

Pang Bohao frowned and said to everyone: "You saw, this kid just slashed me in the back!

You have been with me for so long and you know who I am.

What I hate the most is betrayal!

How can brothers stab each other in the back?

So this bastard deserves to die! "

Everyone had complicated expressions.

Do you still have the nerve to call someone a bastard?

If you hadn't blocked someone's gun, would they have stabbed you in the back?

Pang Bohao saw that everyone's faces were a little repulsive to him, and he knew that what he had done just now had hurt everyone's hearts.

He took a deep breath and said to everyone: "Brothers, we must share the same hatred at this time!

After this life is over, everyone can be rewarded based on their merits!

My Pang family is not a stingy person. As long as everyone does something, they will receive bonuses.

The minimum is 50,000, the maximum is unlimited!

Kill one of them, one hundred thousand! "

From fifty thousand to one hundred thousand!

Everyone’s eyes lit up!

These days, brotherhood is nothing, money can make all the difference!

Do you really think that everyone follows the Pang brothers because of their deep brotherhood?


It's all about money!

Someone tore off a piece of cloth from his body and ran over to wrap Pang Bohao's head.

Pang Bohao was now covered in blood, missing an arm, and had his head chopped off by his brother.

It had been many years since he had been in such a miserable state. His hatred for Chen Xin'an and his gang simply seeped into his bones!

A young man ran over and said to him: "Second Master, that gun is placed on a branch of a tree. There is no one behind the tree!"

Pang Bohao gritted his teeth and said: "The person must be nearby! Everyone, be careful! Try not to be alone!"

Someone suddenly shouted: "Who is there! Stop!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw a dark figure running away quickly under the light!

"Chase!" Pang Bohao shouted angrily.

I will catch you later and stab you Lingchi one after another!

It's a pity that there is no ammunition, otherwise from this distance, one shot can knock him down!

But the black shadow suddenly stopped!

There was another person standing next to him, both of them seemed to be holding something in their hands!

Everyone was still hesitant. Pang Bohao pulled out his machete and pointed it forward, shouting loudly: "Have them hacked to death!"


One person is one hundred thousand, two people are two hundred thousand!

How could everyone hold back and rushed towards the two guys!

The two people seemed to be stunned, looking at everyone, and stepped back step by step.

When everyone rushed forward, they both grinned and let go at the same time!

not good!

Everyone's hearts trembled, and an ominous premonition arose!

But it was too late for them to run away!

Suddenly a tree trunk as thick as a thigh appeared in front of me!

It was like swinging on a swing, hitting everyone hard!

Several screams sounded almost simultaneously.

More than a dozen people were whipped into the air. Some of them hit trees or rocks hard, while others were bounced seven or eight meters away!

The lucky one was hit and his head was badly bruised, his waist was broken and his bones were broken.

Those who were unlucky hit the vital point directly and died!

It turned out that there was a crooked-neck tree here. Chen Xin'an and Li Qi used it as a bow, stretched it to the limit, and then let go and bounced back!

This time, almost half of the opponent's people were eliminated, and Pang Bohao was dumbfounded!

The remaining ones looked even more frightened.

It is true that you can make money by killing the opponent.

The Pang brothers have never been stingy in offering rewards.

But you have a life to make money, but you can’t spend it!

These two people are so perverted!

Elusive and ruthless.

Originally, I thought everyone was surrounding and killing them.

Now everyone realized that they were the hunters!

They were just a group of prey, jumping up and down and looking fierce, but in fact, they were all within their calculations!

"Second Master, are you still chasing?" A younger brother holding a machete asked nervously.

At this moment, even his hand holding the knife trembled involuntarily.

I have been following the Pang brothers for so many years, and I don't know how many fights I have had.

But it's the first time I have encountered an opponent like today!

Pang Bohao looked at the horrified eyes of the younger brothers around him, took a deep breath and said:

"If we don't chase, our brothers will die in vain!

Besides, even if we don't chase, will those guys let us go?

The hatred has been formed, either you die or I die!

What's more, if we want to go back to Motan Village, we must take this road.

Sooner or later, we will meet them!"

Everyone shut up.

The situation is indeed as the second master said.

Unless everyone turns around and goes down the mountain right now, and goes to Bijiang to take a boat home.

But this way, you can't earn a penny, and you will be enemies with the Pang brothers in the future!

There is no way. Now you will be stabbed if you stick your head out, and you will be stabbed if you hide your head. You can only fight with them!

"Ah! Here! My leg is broken! Stop him quickly!" Someone shouted next to him.

Everyone was shocked!

Just when everyone was at a loss, the other party actually mixed into the team, and then suddenly attacked, directly cutting the tendons of the hands and feet of four or five brothers!

Just when everyone was holding machetes and preparing to fight the other party, the two guys ran away again!

They disappeared into the darkness like ghosts, and they couldn't be caught up!

There were cries of pain in his ears, and Pang Bohao felt that his head was about to explode!

A total of thirty-five or six people were brought, and those who died in the battle were actually just a small fraction.

But the number of injured was almost more than twenty people!

These people would be troublesome to take with them, and if they stayed here, they would bleed to death, which was simply the biggest burden!

Seeing that there were only a dozen or so men who could fight in front of him, Pang Bohao took the machete and chopped the big tree beside him as if to vent his anger!

"Fuck! I'm going to watch you die! Come out! If you have the guts, fight me one-on-one!"

Not far away, a voice suddenly came: "Okay, I'll fight you one-on-one!"

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