Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1806 Please stop torturing me

Everyone was shocked and looked at the person not far away.

No one knew how long he stood there, as if his whole body was merged with the darkness and the big tree.

Right at the edge of the light, not far from everyone, but no one knew in advance that there was a person standing there!

Chen Xin'an walked out calmly and stood in front of Pang Bohao.

He seemed defenseless, but the younger brothers around him retreated as if they had seen a ghost, not daring to approach him.

Looking at the enemy in front of him, Pang Bohao stretched his neck and swallowed.

Then he shouted to the younger brothers: "Surround him, don't let him escape!"

A group of boys reacted, hesitated, picked up the knife and walked towards Chen Xin'an.

Someone shouted from behind: "Don't go over there, I'll take care of you here too!"

Li Qi appeared not far away, holding the Eagle Thorn in his hand and waving to everyone.

They finally appeared at the same time!

It seems that he has no momentum to run again.

It's a pity that the gun is useless and all the bullets have been used!

Now I can only fight with knives!

Everyone looked a little nervous.

These two are good at kung fu, and their kung fu is very strong!

There were only twelve people on his side who could fight, and the rest were injured and could only lie on the ground, without even the strength to stand up!

Seemingly seeing the fear in everyone's eyes, Pang Bohao shouted to everyone: "Don't be so afraid!

There are only two of them, there are so many of us, what are we afraid of?

Although they injured many of our brothers, they all succeeded in sneak attacks!

If it's a head-on fight, no matter how powerful a person is, he can't stand up to a group fight!

Let's fight and avenge our brothers!

This time, we can't let them run away again! "

When everyone heard it, it was indeed true.

They all cheered up and showed off their machetes.

The troops divided into two groups and surrounded Chen Xin'an and Li Qi respectively!

Chen Xin'an didn't even look at the people around her, she just frowned and cursed at Pang Bohao:

"You fucking despicable villain!

Didn't you say you wanted to challenge me?

Is this your duel? "

"Hahaha!" Pang Bohao laughed and scolded Chen Xin'an with disdain:

"That's right, you are the only one who is challenging a group of us!

I find you really stupid.

I know you have been sneaking around and eyeing us.

If you don't say so, will you come out?

I didn't expect you to take the bait after I tried a little trick!

I let you run away before, but now it’s impossible to run away!

Tonight, either you die or I die!

I have said that you will not be able to play chess on Dunshan Mountain! "

Pang Bohao stared at Chen Xin'an, trying to see even a trace of panic and fear on his face.

But from the beginning to the end, this guy looked at him with a sarcastic expression, which was really annoying!

"I really don't want to see you laughing, so chop him to death!"

Pang Bohao held the machete in his right hand, pointed it at Chen Xin'an, shouted, raised his arm and chopped off Chen Xin'an's head!

The surrounding boys were about to swarm in, but the enemy in front of them suddenly moved!

The movement was so fast that before anyone could react, the other party was already standing beside Pang Bohao and grabbed his knife-holding wrist with one hand!

Pang Bohao originally wanted to show off, pretending to take the lead, and then retreat when everyone rushed forward.

After all, he only had one hand and it was injured, so he didn't have the upper hand in a fight.

I never expected that this guy would not act according to common sense!

Being besieged by so many people, he didn't care about what was behind him and just ran towards him!

When the opponent grabbed his wrist, Pang Bohao became cruel. He twirled the machete in his hand, changed from an overhand grip to an underhand grip, and violently picked up Chen Xin'an's elbow tendon!

With a sneer on her lips, Chen Xin'an grabbed the opponent's wrist, pushed it back, and then pressed down hard!


With a crisp sound, Pang Bohao's right arm was turned ninety degrees by him!

It's just that this is the opposite direction of the joint. With this turn, the bones of the right forearm are broken from the inner elbow, piercing the skin and exposing it, which makes people gasp!


Pang Bohao screamed loudly!

Chen Xin'an did not let him go. She pulled his broken arm and pulled it out. With a pop, the entire forearm was pulled away from the body!

At this moment, Pang Bohao was still holding the machete in his severed hand. When Chen Xin'an swung it away, the machete struck a young man in the face with a thud!

This knife cut very deeply, and the knife and a severed arm seemed to be stuck to the guy's face!

The unlucky guy was in pain and scared. He opened his mouth wide and screamed. He wanted to pull out the machete, but it hurt so much when he moved it!

The blood from the severed arm dripped into his mouth. In disgust, he grabbed the severed hand, pulled out the machete with a sudden movement, and then threw the severed hand far away!

"Nah!" Pang Bohao cursed when he saw this scene.

I also thought that I could find a good hospital in the future and receive him in time, so that there would be a possibility of recovery!

All of a sudden, there was no hope at all!

In anger, he rolled his eyes and fainted!

It didn't take long for him to wake up. There were only the screams of people nearby, and there was no fighting anymore.

When he opened his eyes and turned his head to look around, he was stunned.

None of my younger brothers can stand up now!

They were lying all around. Although they were not dead, they were all beaten badly.

Some limbs and limbs were cut off.

Some of them seemed to have no injuries, but they were vomiting blood!

Chen Xin'an squatted in front of him, looking at him with a sneer on her lips, her head lowered.

This guy is like a devil!

Pang Bohao had never hated a person so much, nor had he been so afraid of a person.

Chen Xin'an took the needle off his head and said with a smile: "You could have been unconscious for longer.

But in order to let you experience this pain, I kindly let you wake up! "

It seemed that he had forgotten about his injuries at first, but when he was reminded like this, the heartbreaking pain swept through his body instantly!

"Kill me! Kill me if you dare!" Pang Bohao screamed and cursed.

He didn't want to die, but now he wished he was dead!

Chen Xin'an squinted at him and said, "Don't worry, you won't die so soon!"

Pang Bohao gritted his teeth, looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Boy, do you know what will happen to you if you offend my Pang brothers?

My brother will avenge me!

What the hell did you do to me today? My brother will pay you back ten times and a hundred times in the future!

If you are a traitor, kill me now!

Don't think that by torturing me and engaging in such despicable methods, I am afraid of you!

I have been involved in the world of martial arts all my life, and I have seen every scene!

If you don’t dare to kill me, let me go!

Otherwise...ah! "

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, just inserted a steel needle into Pang Bohao's broken arm, and then twisted it gently.

A foul smell emanated from Pang Bohao's body.

In less than a minute, the severe pain made him incontinent!

Tears and snot all flowed out, Pang Bohao was going crazy!

I originally thought that the pain was not like this, but I gritted my teeth and got through it!

Only now do I realize that the real pain is when you bite your teeth to pieces and can’t get through it.

Even under such pain, you can't even faint.

Because severe pain will keep your consciousness awake!

He couldn't bear it anymore and cried and begged for mercy: "I was wrong! Brother! Uncle! Grandpa! Let me go! I really can't stand it anymore!"

I'll compensate you, and I'll give you whatever you want!

Please let me go, I'm really convinced!

From now on, when I see you, I will kneel down and kowtow, and when I get up, I will take a detour!

Can you stop torturing me, grandpa? ! "

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