Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1807 Motan Miao Village

A group of younger brothers looked at Pang Bohao, who was crying and crying like a turtle grandson. Their hearts were filled with mixed feelings.

Following the Pang brothers is of course to make money.

But part of the reason is that they are cruel enough!

When they first started to dominate Bijiang, the Pang brothers had suffered losses.

But no matter how badly they were defeated or how injured they were, the brothers never gave in or gave up!

Even many of their opponents were scared away by the brothers' fierceness and toughness!

A group of younger brothers originally thought that the eldest master and the second master were the two gods of war!

They are not afraid of heaven and earth, and no one can make them surrender.

Following a boss like this is what you feel proud of!

But now, I saw him kneeling on the ground, crying and kowtowing.

Only then did everyone realize that the so-called God of War would be defeated miserably, beg for mercy, cry bitterly, and become cowardly after meeting his true opponent!

This look is so spineless. It is really embarrassing to follow such a boss!

How could Pang Bohao care what the guys around him were thinking!

He wants Chen Xin'an to let him go now. This kind of torture is too painful!

Chen Xin'an pulled out the steel needle, looked at Pang Bohao coldly and said, "Are you scared?

You disappoint me too much!

Think about what it feels like when you torture others?

Were Lao Zhu and his gang killed by you? "

Pang Bohao shuddered.

I remembered the scene when I tortured Lao Zhu and the others on the small passenger ship.

Now that he felt it, he truly understood the fear and pain.

He shook his head and cried, "I didn't kill them! I just threw them overboard after signing the contract."

We all grew up by the river, so we are all good at water and can't drown! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Oh, so that's it!

Then you must be good at water, right?

I will throw you into the river later. You will definitely survive! "

"No!" Pang Bohao was frightened and cried: "Grandpa, my hand is broken, how can I swim!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and said, "Aren't those people just like you, tortured to the point of disgrace?

Do you think people can survive in such physical conditions? I think you can too! "

Pang Bohao had collapsed, crying and kowtowing: "Grandpa, I was really wrong! Let me go! I didn't know you had always known them!"

Li Qi came over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, these guys..." He made a gesture of wiping his neck.

The gang of boys were so frightened that they all cried and screamed. Those who could still move knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the two of them!

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "Ask them what happened in the village, one by one.

If anyone lies, he will be killed directly!

Pang Bohao, remember, you'd better tell me what you know.

Never tell lies.

Otherwise, you will suffer pain that is a thousand times worse than death, do you understand? "

Pang Bohao's face was as pale as paper, and he knelt on the ground and said tremblingly: "Understood! Master, I will tell you whatever you want to know!"

Before dawn, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi caught up with Guan Fei and the others.

I originally wanted to take Pang Bohao with me, but after thinking about it I decided not to.

From their description, Motan Village is now blocked.

Outsiders can't get in at all.

Pang Bohao has lost his use value like this, but Chen Xin'an didn't kill him either.

So he and a group of his brothers were left to die on Xiaqidun Mountain.

In fact, there are many people with relatively minor injuries, and they all have mobile phones on them.

If rescued in time, most people will not die.

But if they don't hurry up to cross the river and instead return to the mountains, delaying the best time for treatment, many people will die!

Three months ago, the patriarch of the ancient Miao people died suddenly without leaving a will.

As a result, nearly a hundred villages of the ancient Miao people were leaderless.

The Gu demon took the opportunity to cause trouble and wanted to steal the position of the patriarch.

It's just that he has a perverse and violent personality and is moody.

If he is allowed to become the patriarch, the entire ancient Miao tribe will be on the road to destruction!

So someone used special means to contact the Gu King who had disappeared for many years, and wanted to ask her to come back and take charge of the overall situation.

King Gu once did something wrong, and many people of the ancient Miao people were killed because of his mistakes.

Feeling guilty, she left the village and went to Qingniu Mountain.

This time, she heard that something big had happened to her clan. In order to make up for her guilt, she came back.

After a big battle with the Gu Demon, he had already gained the upper hand and was about to drive the Gu Demon away.

But the Gu demon colluded with the Pang brothers and used modern weapons to forcibly suppress the Gu King's forces!

Overnight, almost half of the village leaders who supported King Gu were assassinated!

The rest saw something was wrong and immediately turned to the Gu Demon.

The Gu King was isolated and helpless and imprisoned by the Gu Demon.

The entire Motan Village was blocked by Pang Botao, the eldest brother of the Pang brothers, and some people followed Pang Bohao, the second eldest brother, to pick up the helpers on the Bijiang River to intercept the Gu King's helpers.

By the way, let’s check out the business rivals who secretly entered the ancient Miao Village and secretly traded black pearls!

As long as the ancient seedlings worship the Gu Festival on the 15th and burn the Gu King to death, the Gu Demon can successfully take the position of the patriarch.

Nearly a hundred ancient Miao villages will all be ruled by the Gu demon from now on!

And today is already the 15th!

The Gu Worship Festival starts in the morning and worships the Gu God at noon.

When the time comes, the Gu King will be burned to death, and the Gu Demon will wear the clan hat symbolizing the position of the patriarch!

Everyone went down the mountain non-stop, and around ten o'clock, they finally arrived at the small woods on the eastern outskirts of Motan Village.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Aqi and I will find a way to get in, and you guys will take care of us outside.

If we send out a signal, you will leave with the people we rescued.

Don't worry about us, we must go to Xiangying Village!

The leader there has not yet been controlled by the Gu demon! "

The Guan brothers and sisters nodded.

Chen Xin'an said to the two of them: "Protect them both, this matter has nothing to do with them!

Mombova, you just need to help them lead the way.

Aquatic, if you see danger, you must hide first and protect yourself! "

Yan Shuisheng opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but finally nodded.

After explaining everything to everyone, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi were about to leave, but stopped after taking two steps.

Raising his head and looking around, Chen Xin'an put his hands to his mouth, raised his head and squeaked a few times.

Everyone was a little strange and didn't understand what he was doing.

Chen Xin'an shouted for a while, but there was no response from the top of her head.

There was some disappointment on his face, and he turned to Li Qi and said, "Let's go!"

The two of them walked out of the woods together.

Just when he was about to step out of the forest, there was a rustle above his head.

Chen Xin'an's face was full of surprise. She raised her head and took a look. Just when she was about to scream, a little monkey with yellow fur appeared in her sight!

The smile on Chen Xin'an's face froze and she shook her head.

He turned around and waved to Li Qi, then left without looking back.

There is an earth mountain not far away, and there is a river at the foot of the mountain.

Motan Village is located on the mountain, with the river passing through it.

Looking around the village, you can see that they are all wooden structures with stilts, and there are men and women wearing blue and white clothes everywhere.

Surrounding the stockade was a fence covered with spikes.

Facing due south, there is a gate that can accommodate two trucks in parallel. This is the Zhaimen.

Usually the gate of this village is just a look-alike and no one is guarding it.

But now, there were six or seven mountain outsiders wearing sunglasses and carrying native guns standing on both sides.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi were wondering where to sneak into the village, but they found a group of people walking out of the village beating gongs and drums!

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