After one glance, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi understood what these people were doing!

This is a burial!

It should be that many people died in the fight between the Gu King and the Gu Demon over the past few days for the position of the patriarch.

Now that the Gu King has been captured, those who died in the battle will be buried.

On the western outskirts of the village is the cemetery of the ancient Miao people, where all the dead are buried.

These people are going to the cemetery!

The two exchanged glances and rushed towards the western suburbs together.

There are pits dug in advance, and there are several ancient Miao people here, squatting aside and smoking.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi did not disturb them and hid behind the bushes.

When the burial people come and there are too many people here, they will try to sneak in.

It's obvious that Gu demons are unpopular.

In the funeral procession, there were not only Miao people, but also mountain outsiders wearing suits and sunglasses.

These should be Pang Botao's men.

These people followed the Miao people to prevent them from escaping the village and colluding with people from other villages, which would be detrimental to the Gu demons.

Pang Bohao said that this time the brothers gathered more than 300 people outside to help the Gu demon.

Although Motan Village is known to have thousands of ancient Miao households.

But excluding the old, weak, women and children, there are less than a thousand young and strong people who can really fight.

Then remove some who are willing to let the Gu Demon take over, or whose attitude is wavering.

There are even fewer people who can fight.

And what they have to face are the guns of these outsiders!

Although the ancient Miao people also have earthen guns, in front of the earthen guns made of fine steel by these outsiders, they can explode the chambers at every turn, just like burning fire sticks!

What's more, as soon as the Gu King saw these foreign aids from the Gu Demon, he immediately gave up the resistance.

She didn't want these ancient Miao people to die in vain because of the position of a great clan leader!

The burial ceremony of the ancient Miao people is very complicated. There are many things to do, and it will take at least more than an hour to complete them one by one.

A young man wanted to kill a chicken in front of the grave and pour its blood around the coffin.

But he didn't hold his hand firmly, and the chicken flapped its wings and ran away, flying onto a man in a suit with yellow fur next to him!

There was originally a cut on the neck, but the cut was not too deep.

Now the blood flowing out of the wound is smeared on Huang Mao's body.

"Damn it!" Huang Mao was angry, slapped the rooster to the ground, and then stepped on its neck with one kick!

The Miao people around were stunned.

Live chickens must be used to pour chicken blood. Once they die, it is very unlucky.

It is also disrespectful to the dead!

Everyone looked at Huang Mao with angry expressions on their faces.

Huang Mao didn't care so much. He wiped the blood from his body and shouted bad luck. Then he came over and gave the Miao man who lost his big cock a hard slap!

"Do you really want to die?

Can you afford to pay for staining my clothes?

There are so many things to do about burying a dead person!

Is the grinding and whining over?

Hurry up, I have to go back to play cards! "

These days, these outsiders are not getting along very well with the ancient Miao people.

Relying on their own guns, these outsiders often beat and cursed the people in the village.

He even dared to shoot because of a trivial matter!

The mouth of the young Gu Miao man who was slapped was bleeding, and he stared at Huang Mao with anger and hatred.

"What the hell are you staring at!

Believe it or not, I dug out your eyeballs? "

Huang Mao stood in front of the young ancient Miao man with a gun in hand.

He was a head taller than the Gu Miao people, so he stared at the other person condescendingly when he spoke.

Several ancient Miao elders nearby called to the young man several times, and the young man lowered his head and walked aside.

Now that the chicken is dead, this ritual cannot continue and can only move on to the next one.

Twelve iron pipes were buried around the burial pit, with six thunderbolts inside.

After a total of seventy-two thunders, the coffin can be buried.

Every three iron pipes share one lead.

Four ancient Miao people lit the fuses in four directions at the same time.

With the banging sound, white smoke rose up all around, and thunder was launched one after another, exploding in the air.

After two rounds of ringing, an iron pipe suddenly fell over for no apparent reason!

The fired thunder rushed to the iron pipes next to it. As a result, the three iron pipes were all lying on the ground, and the thunder inside was flying everywhere!

Everyone screamed and fled in all directions.

But all twelve iron pipes collapsed, and thunder continued to explode in my ears.

White smoke filled the air, and no one could be seen around!

Finally, after all seventy-two thunders were fired and the white smoke cleared, people gathered from all directions.

Huang Mao picked up the gun, pointed it at the young Gu Miao man, and cursed at him: "You did it on purpose, didn't you?

What do you want to do!

Believe it or not, I can kill you with one shot! "

A man in a suit reached out and grabbed the barrel of his gun, moving the muzzle aside.

Then he shook his head at the young Gu Miao man and motioned for him to leave.

This incident is not entirely to blame on this young man. After all, four people lit the fuse together, and they were not the ones who buried the cannon. Who knew it was so weak that it actually fell!

Huang Mao put away the gun angrily and cursed: "Be careful!

I don’t like you seedlings so much!

If you piss me off, I'll kill you all with one shot!

Don't pretend you can't hear me, I know you all can understand! "

He pointed at the ancient Miao people, including the young man.

After so many accidents, the rest of the ceremony was skipped in a hurry. As the coffin was put into the pit, a grave mound was soon erected here again.

Everyone packed up their things and prepared to go back.

The young Miao man hugged the iron pipe. When he passed by the man in a suit who had pulled off his yellow hair just now, he suddenly blinked at him and then touched his collar.

This man in a suit is Chen Xin'an!

He was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately and unbuttoned two collars of the shirt underneath.

This is how these people dress.

So even if he is wearing a suit, he looks a little bit cool.

When Chen Xin'an wears formal clothes, she likes to button up the collar of her inner shirt. If she wants to leave the button open, she just opens the first button.

This also became the flaw in his disguise.

Fortunately, I was reminded by this clever young man.

It seems that he and Li Qi just took advantage of the chaos and sneaked in, and have been discovered by this guy!

As for the original owner of the suit, they had already hidden him in the grass and were both dead!

But since the young man reminded him instead of pointing it out on the spot, it meant that there was no danger.

Chen Xin'an winked at Li Qi and did not attack the young man.

The iron pipe fell to the ground, of course it was Chen Xin'an's method.

Only in this way can you have a chance to sneak in!

It is difficult for Gu Miao people to pretend, after all, they cannot speak other people's words, and their secrets are easily exposed.

But these outsiders, more than 300 people gathered together, didn't know many of each other.

It can be seen from the fact that they didn't communicate much along the way.

It was originally a funeral procession, and the relationship was not harmonious. They did not speak during the whole journey, and just returned to the village.

Everyone dispersed and went back to their respective places.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi were still thinking about where to find the Gu King when they heard someone hiss behind them.

Turning around, he saw that it was the young Gu Miao man. He winked at the two of them and motioned to follow him.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi exchanged glances, and then followed the young man.

The village was very quiet, as if there was no one in the bamboo house next to it.

The young man led the two of them around a few turns and came to a main building. He looked around and then led the two of them up to the bamboo building.

After Chen Xin'an and Li Qi both entered, the young man standing at the door stuck his head out and looked outside, and then quickly closed the wooden door!

This kid is quite wary.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other and smiled.

On the way here, both of them had made sure that no one was around and no one was following them.

After the wooden door closed, the young man turned around and said to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi: "Are you here to save my aunt?"

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