Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1810 He bewitched everyone

Everyone around him fell to the ground, and the man with the birthmark finally showed a look of horror on his face.

Not daring to talk nonsense, he took out a small bottle, took out a dark pill from it, and handed it to Li Qi.

He was about to put the bottle back when he saw Chen Xin'an looking at him with squinted eyes.

The birthmark man shivered in fright and obediently handed the bottle to Chen Xin'an.

This man is so scary, he is not afraid of poison!

As a Gu Master, it is not scary to encounter powerful opponents.

Anyway, there are senior brothers and masters, and there is always someone more powerful than the opponent.

Or at worst, if I practice for a few more years, I will always have a chance to beat him.

But if you meet someone who is not afraid of poison, how can you deal with it?

In addition, this opponent's kung fu is extremely good.

This is simply an enemy that cannot be resisted, with no courage to resist!

Chen Xin'an didn't even look at the medicine bottle before bumping into it.

Li Qi took the pill, and soon there was a gurgling sound in his stomach.

He quickly patted Malanda on the shoulder.

Malanda pointed to the grove outside the bamboo house.

There are no toilets here, and the large and small ones are all settled in the forest, but they have to dig holes and bury them in the soil.

Li Qi ran outside without saying a word.

However, I ran to the door, turned back, and touched several men in suits, but couldn't find the paper.

He simply took out the Eagle Thorn, cut off the front half of his shirt, grabbed it in his hand and ran out!

When he came back satisfied, Chen Xin'an, who had changed into ancient Miao clothes, also took Malanda downstairs.

"Aqi, you have to go up the mountain!" Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "Find a way to control Beizhai's mother!

Only in this way can we have a chance to go out! "

A mother is a leader.

Motan Village is divided into North and South Villages.

Beizhai is the people who live in the mountains. Although they are small in number, they are relatively wealthy in the village.

People from Nanzhai like Malangda have always been at odds with each other, and there have been constant disputes.

The people who took refuge in the Gu Demon this time were all Hokusai's people.

They colluded with outsiders, took the opportunity to eradicate dissidents, controlled the leaders of Nanzhai, and took control of the entire village.

So what Chen Xin'an has to deal with now is not only those outsiders, but also the apprentices led by the Gu Demon, plus the natives of Motan Village!

Li Didian nodded, turned and left.

Chen Xin'an said to Malanda: "Ma Langda, let's go to the ancestral temple now."

The ancestral temple is by the river and is the place where the ancient Miao people of Motanzhai held meetings.

When Chen Xin'an and Malangda arrived, the place was completely dark and full of people.

There is a tall bamboo building beside the river beach, which is the ancestral temple.

On the platform at the entrance of the ancestral hall, stood an old man wearing ancient Miao clothes.

No need to ask, he is the Gu Demon.

Downstairs of the ancestral hall, dozens of men in suits were holding guns, aiming at a dozen men and women who were surrounded.

There was a firewood pile next to it, with a man standing on it, tied to a long stake.

Chen Xin'an recognized that quiet woman at a glance, she was the one he wanted to find!

There were blood stains on her face and some bruises at the corners of her eyes, as if she had been beaten.

But it doesn't hinder her calm and calm temperament.

Although his hair is gray, there are not many wrinkles on his face.

At a glance, one can tell that when she was young, she must have been a beautiful woman who captivated the country.

No one would have thought that she turned out to be Xin Yishu, the powerful Miao Gu King in Lingnan!

When Chen Xin'an saw her, she felt a sense of intimacy.

Although she has been down the mountain for so many years, her appearance has not changed much!

Being too far apart, Chen Xin'an couldn't see clearly, but knowing that she had been beaten severely, he had already sentenced Gu Demon and Pang Botao to death in his heart!

The people on Qingniu Mountain are all my masters.

How dare you attack my master? Have you thought of a way to die?

Malanda anxiously said to Chen Xin'an: "We have just finished explaining the clan rules and are preparing to convict my aunt.

That basket of eggs was prepared for my grandma.

Those who were held at gunpoint were my aunt's followers.

If they dropped the egg on my grandma, it would be a crime for her!

Once she is convicted, she will be used as a sacrifice to the Gu God and burned alive!

Mr. Chen, go and save my aunt, it's too late! "

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath, looked at the surrounding environment, and said to him: "Don't worry, we can't rush through now, there are too many people on the other side!"

After the Gu Demon on the drying platform finished speaking, he raised his right arm and pointed at the group of people who were pointed at the gun.

Standing under the ancestral hall was a middle-aged man with slicked back hair and a smile on his face.

He said something to the boys in suits beside him.

The two boys turned around and walked into the crowd, pulling a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties from inside.

A woman screamed and tried to hold the man back, but a gun-wielding man in a suit next to her hit her arm with the butt of a gun. She screamed in pain and dropped her arm.

The middle-aged man was forcibly pulled under the altar made of firewood by two younger brothers. He pointed to the basket containing eggs at his feet, and then pointed to Xin Yishu on the altar.

The middle-aged man cursed at the two people. He even waved his arms to attack the two of them!

But at this moment, the Gu Demon suddenly snapped his fingers, and the middle-aged man standing under the altar yelled, clutching his stomach and fell to the ground!

"Uncle Tu Ma!" Malanda clenched her hands tightly, stood on a big rock, and cursed through gritted teeth:

"That old bastard, the Gu Demon, has bewitched everyone!"

"Ma Langda!" Chen Xin'an turned his head and looked at the young man beside him.

Malanda turned her head and looked at Chen Xin'an.

After a while, Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said, "Ma Langda, if nothing else, you have also been poisoned!"

"I know!" Malanda said with a calm face and said bitterly:

“All the people in the village, including those from Beizhai who followed him, were bewitched by the demon.

If not, how could those people obediently help him?

There is no need to tie us up or tie us down.

Anyway, we can't escape from his grasp!

Our lives are all in his hands! "

Chen Xin'an looked helpless. Although he knew that Malanda was bewitched, there was nothing he could do.

Because he doesn't know how to remove the poison.

There is medicine to cure the poison in his pocket, but even if Malanda eats it all in one breath, it will not cure his poison.

Because the person who casts the poison is a Gu demon!

In addition to himself who can solve it, there is another person who can solve it, and that is King Gu!

The middle-aged man on the ground is still rolling and screaming.

And his appearance at the moment was already terrible.

A lot of blood spurted out from the mouth and nose, and even the ears and eyes were bleeding!

As if something was crawling inside his mouth and nose, the middle-aged man clawed at his face with both hands, scratching his face to pieces, exposing the white bones, which looked very scary!

The women in the crowd let out shrill cries and tried to rush over.

The two boys who originally brought the middle-aged man over turned around and walked over. Each of them punched the woman hard in the stomach, causing her to whimper and fall to the ground.

Two young men stepped forward, grabbed her hair, and dragged her to the middle-aged man's side.

One person pointed to the basket containing eggs, then to Xin Yishu, and then to the middle-aged man on the ground.

The meaning is very simple, hit the Gu King with eggs to convict her.

Otherwise you will end up like your man!

The woman just watched the middle-aged man cry loudly, and was kicked to the ground by the boy next to him!

Then he grabbed her arm and pushed her hand into the basket!

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