Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1811 You want to use me as a puppet

The woman held a raw egg in her hand and looked at the Gu King on the altar while crying.

Then she lowered her head and looked at the unrecognizable man next to her who was covered in blood, and howled in despair!

After all, he raised his arm holding the raw egg.

The boys in suits and the Gu Demon disciples next to them all showed sarcastic and proud smiles.

Everyone had acted so steadfastly and unyielding before, but at the critical moment of life and death, weren't they all scared?

Even if that old lady doesn't admit guilt, we can force you to confess!

In the end, you still have the same congregation, betraying relatives and friends, and then you die in the fire!

Once the Gu King dies, the entire Ancient Miao Village will be controlled by the Gu Demon.

At that time, you can eat the fat meat of these hundreds of thousands of mountains as much as you want?

But the next scene shocked everyone!

I saw the woman grabbing the egg in her hand and hitting the man in the suit next to her on the head!

Before the other party could react, she grabbed two more eggs and threw them at the Gu Demon!

It's just that the distance is too far and it's impossible to hit it.

But her actions also made the Gu Demon furious!

But before he could give the order, the man in a suit who had a raw egg smashed into his head had already picked up the machete in his hand and struck the woman directly on the neck!

Blood surges!

The woman covered the wound on her neck, her face darkening instantly.

His body slumped to the ground and fell next to the middle-aged man.

Both of their bodies convulsed a few times, and then became motionless!

Everyone around was shocked!

In addition to those people who were pointed at with guns, there were nearly a thousand men, women, and children around.

After seeing this scene, everyone roared in anger!

Even the ancient Miao people in Beizhai looked at these men in suits with dissatisfaction in their eyes.

After all, this is a private matter in Motan Village. You are so cruel to a woman, and you don’t take Motan people seriously at all!

With a roar, the surrounding villagers all let out angry roars and rushed towards the men in suits!

A group of men in suits yelled and cursed loudly, then raised their guns and pointed them at the Gu Miao people.

Finally, someone couldn't hold it any longer and fired a shot!

An ancient Miao man who rushed in front had a cloud of blood mist explode in his chest, and he lay on his back on the ground!

This was like the beginning, and the sound of banging gunshots immediately rang out from the river!

A group of Gu Miao people fell under the gunfire, but more and more Gu Miao people rushed forward even more fearlessly!

"You are looking for death!" A raw egg was smashed on the head, and the man in the suit who was the first to shoot changed the bullet through gritted teeth.

He raised his gun and pointed it at a young man who was rushing over!

The young man was at most twelve or thirteen years old. His face was full of tears. He grabbed a stone in his hand and rushed to the front.

Just when the man in the suit was about to pull the trigger, the motionless middle-aged man on the ground suddenly stood up and grabbed his neck with both hands!

A bloody guy appeared in front of Leng Buding, which shocked the man in the suit!

Before he could react, the other party pounced on him, opened his mouth and bit his neck fiercely!

The man in the suit yelled in pain, dropped the gun and tried to pull out the machete.

But suddenly he remembered that when he took the gun just now, he had dropped the machete on the ground!

Now he had no weapons in his hands, so he could only push the middle-aged man hard and kick him away!

The middle-aged man bit off a piece of meat from his neck!

But this also exhausted all his strength and he fell to the ground again!

The man in the suit covered his neck with his left hand and picked up the machete from the ground with his right hand. He gritted his teeth and wanted to go up and slash him a few more times!

"How dare you bite me?

I'll chop your head into pieces!


Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a fishy smell from the mouth and nose of the knife. Before he could react, a stream of blood split into two directions and gushes out from his mouth and nose respectively!

Immediately afterwards, he felt like there were countless bugs crawling around in his head!

The taste was unbearably itchy!

He threw away the machete in his hand, grabbed his face with both hands, tore at the wound on his neck, and screamed miserably!

At this time, he finally remembered that the middle-aged man was bewitched!

Just now was when his poison took effect.

If you were bitten by him, it would be equivalent to being poisoned yourself!

The man in the suit tore at his face and shouted to his companion beside him, begging him to save him!

But the face of his companion was full of fear, and he turned around and ran away!

As soon as he ran two steps, he was hit in the head by a big stone and fell to the ground with a thud!

The angry villagers had already rushed up, picked up the machetes and guns on the ground, and pointed them at the men in suits!

On the ancestral hall, the two ancient Miao people standing behind the Gu Demon turned pale with fear and their legs became weak.

If these villagers retaliate, none of their disciples will be able to leave Motan Village alive!

But the master in front of him remained motionless, his expression unchanged.

"Gu demon!" Pang Botao gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Tell those people to stop!

What do you mean, do you want to fight with me? "

The Gu Demon lowered his head, looked at him coldly and said, "Mr. Pang, I told you to restrain your men, but you never listened!"

Pang Botao snorted and cursed: "Don't forget, you asked me to help you!

Do you want me to come here just to preach to you ancient Miao people?

If you want them to listen to you, you have to use extraordinary means!

Gu Demon, you are not a soft-hearted person, don’t you even understand this truth? "

"Haha!" The Gu Demon sneered, looked at Pang Botao and said, "Cunning mountain outsider, do you really think I don't know what your plan is?

And I didn't ask you to help, you took the initiative.

We are a partnership.

But it seems like you always wanted to use me as a puppet!

Do you think that since I control the ancient Miao village, I will be able to obey your orders?

Shameless outsider!

Do you believe that I just need to wave my hand and I can make all you outsiders die here like them? "

Seeing the terrifying scene of the middle-aged man and his little brother being poisoned, Pang Botao shuddered.

The Gu Demon was right. He really wanted this guy to be his puppet and control the entire Ancient Miao Village.

But now it seems that this guy is not as stupid as he thought!

But he also knew that if he gave in now, he would not get much benefit from this trip.

From now on, I will be restrained by demons everywhere!

Pang Botao gritted his teeth, looked at the Gu Demon and said, "Gu Demon, don't let your random guesses affect our cooperation!

You know who I am!

If you piss me off, I'll go on a killing spree in your village!

Even if you capture this stronghold by then, there will be no one to use it! "

The Gu Demon shrugged his shoulders with disdain and said, "Whatever you want!

There are many villages like this in the mountains.

As long as I become the chief of the clan, I can revitalize the ancient Miao village!

What is a mere Motan Village? "

Pang Botao was shocked.

The goal was not achieved, and thousands of people in the entire village were sacrificed.

Others can't do such a thing, but for the Gu Demon, it is common!

Because this bastard was originally a madman!

But at this moment, a disciple behind Gu Demon suddenly pointed at the altar and shouted: "Master, look, there is someone!"

On the altar, a man wearing ancient Miao clothing was cutting the rope tied to King Gu!

The Gu Demon's expression changed drastically, and he shouted loudly: "Stop them!"

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