Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1820 She has done her best

Mompowa's parents were startled by the sudden intrusion of these people.

The man smelling of alcohol raised the bamboo whip in his hand and whipped it at Guan Fei!

Guan Fei raised his hand and grabbed the bamboo whip in his hand.

Then he grabbed it with both hands, broke the bamboo whip into several pieces, and threw it to the ground!

This frightened the man so much that he yelled at Guan Fei.

The young man shouted at Guan Fei angrily: "Did I let you in?

I just asked you to wait outside!

This is my home, and you broke into my home to cause trouble. Believe it or not, I will go find my mother-in-law right now and arrest all of you outsiders! "

He turned his head, pointed at Mumbo Wa and sneered: "Okay Mumbo Wa, your wings will harden after being out for a few days, so you can bring the people from outside the mountains home to support you, right?"

Mombova wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and shook her head.

Guan Fei cursed at the young man: "Why are you talking to your sister? She is your sister, and you actually attack her?"

The young man cursed with a sinister look on his face: "It's not the turn of you outsiders to interfere in our family's affairs!

Don't you want to buy her? Leave the money and you can take her away and never come back to this home! "

Guan Fei still wanted to speak, but Chen Xin'an stopped him, looked at the young man and asked, "How much do you want?"

The young man looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Are you rich? Can you make the decision?"

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense! Just tell me how much it will cost!"

The young man turned around and took his parents to the side, probably to discuss the price.

Mengbowa raised her head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother, I can go to Kyoto with you.

But after finishing things, I still have to come back.

So don't spend money, it's not worth it! "

Chen Xin'an looked at her and said, "Mengbowa, look clearly!

Now it's not me who wants to buy you, but your family who wants to sell you! "

Guan Fei said to her angrily: "Bowa, why are you coming back?

Your family treats you like this, they don't treat you as a relative at all.

Why do you still miss them? "

Mompowa covered her face and cried, "But this is my home after all!

If you sell me, my home will be gone! "

Guandu hugged her and said with red eyes: "They don't regard you as family, why do you still regard this place as home?"

Mompowa wiped her tears and sighed: "This is my life. I am blamed for everything. I deserve it! Because I killed my brother!"

Chen Xin'an and everyone stared at Mongpo Wa in disbelief, not understanding what was going on.

Mombova continued: “When I was born, I should have been twins.

There is also a boy.

The Gu Master in the village said that my brother and I can only live once.

But I was lucky, my brother died at birth, but I survived.

According to our ancient Miao people, my fate is a natural evil and will kill the whole family.

So I have been raising Gu since I was a child, and transferred this destiny to the Gu insects.

I deserve this, and it is natural for them to treat me this way! "

Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

What a weird reason is this!

Guan Du cursed angrily: "Are you stupid?

You were just a newborn baby at that time, how could you have the ability to decide your own life or death!

This is not a question of whether your life is tough or not!

You don't need to take the death of that baby boy upon yourself!

What's even more outrageous is that as your parents and your family, we cannot foolishly impose this kind of mistake on you and torture you for so many years! "

Li Qi sighed and said, "It sounds a bit incredible.

But in Shiwandashan, such things are really common!

The culture here is backward and most of the villagers are ignorant.

Therefore, even though schools are now widely available in the village, changing this backward concept cannot be accomplished overnight. "

Everyone fell silent, but their eyes looking at Mombova were full of pity.

And he became even more determined to take her away.

Otherwise, in a family like this, sooner or later she would be beaten to death and maimed by her own family!

The family came back, and the young man said to Chen Xin'an with a gloomy face: "You can take Mongpowa away if you want, but you have to come up with 100,000 yuan!

Don’t think it’s too much, our family has had her for nearly twenty years!

How much rice and vegetables did she eat from our house?

What she is wearing now were all given to her by our family.

So it doesn’t matter if you lose even one point!

If you come up with the money now, people, you can take it away right away.

If you don’t have money, get out!

Don't stay in our house, there is no place for you here! "

Mompowa looked at the boy blankly, and then looked at her parents, with unconcealable sadness on her face.

This expression never appeared before even when he was severely beaten by his family just now!

The words "our family" that her brother said were like a knife, stabbing deeply into her heart!

It turns out that I have lived here for so many years, but I have never been a member of this family!

Her family members, who have always been obedient and careful, never regard her as their daughter or sister!

Such a family, such a family, she was completely in despair!

“Why 100,000 yuan?

Why do you just say you support me?

Why just say how much rice I ate?

Didn't I make any money?

Didn’t I cultivate the land at home?

I am doing two strenuous tasks by myself. Everyone in the village knows that, right?

I learned to practice medicine and treated people in the village. Every penny I earned went to you!

I didn’t keep a penny. Isn’t this enough to repay your kindness in raising me?

Are you so eager to sell me?

Just think about what will happen to your family if I leave? "

The family seemed to have never thought that Mombova, who had always been submissive, would dare to say such things to them!

Each one of them turned blue with anger, and her mother slapped her in the face, grabbed her hair and yelled loudly!

The man also yelled and turned around, looking for someone to take advantage of him. The bamboo whip was broken, and he looked for something else.

If he couldn't find it, he simply took off his shoes, held them in his hands, and slapped Mombova randomly.

Even the boy's eyes widened. He looked at Mumbowa as if he were his enemy. He jumped up and kicked Mumbowa in the stomach!

Because what Mengbowa just said was in ancient Miao dialect, Chen Xin'an and others didn't understand it.

But seeing this family take action again, everyone didn't care and pulled them away first!

"Listen! I can give you two hundred thousand!" Chen Xin'an grabbed the young man's collar and lifted him up!

Mompowa's parents were so frightened that they screamed when they saw their son being restrained!

Chen Xin'an glared at the young man and said, "But if you hit your sister again, I will deal with you!"

The boy shouted: "She dared to talk back! She didn't even finish what she was asked to do!

Someone killed my aunt and asked her to take revenge, but she couldn't do it.

Shouldn't this be fought? "

Chen Xin'an glared at him and said, "If you don't do anything, you should be beaten?

So have you accomplished everything?

How many times have you been beaten?

Even if there is a fight, it is not for you, the younger brother, to do it!

If you are no longer young or old, I will let you remember this lesson for the rest of your life!

Also, I was the one who killed your aunt!

Your sister has killed me, but not killed.

She tried her best! "

The boy's expression changed, he looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, turned his head, and said an ancient Miao dialect to his parents.

The couple's eyes also changed when they looked at Chen Xin'an.

Mengpowa looked at Chen Xin'an in panic and said, "Senior brother, why did you tell them this?

Don't be here anymore, go away! "

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