The young man Gululu who was thrown to the ground by Chen Xin'an rolled his eyes and quietly moved towards the door.

Chen Xin'an pretended not to see it. When he rushed out, Mongpowa screamed and wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Chen Xin'an.

"Brother, please leave quickly! The people from the village will come over in a moment, and they won't let you go!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and looked at her and said, "We are leaving, what will you do?

Having seen how you ancient Miao people dealt with the Gu King, I will not leave you here.

What's more, I don't want to hide it or let them misunderstand you. "

Guan Fei looked at Mongpo Wa and said: "Bowa, they don't treat you as family, from now on we will be your family! We will live and die together!"

"Yeah!" Guan Du nodded aside.

"We live and die together..." Mompowa repeated softly, and tears couldn't stop flowing down!

Soon there was noise outside. Through the window, the young man led hundreds of villagers over in a mighty manner, stood downstairs, pointed at the top and yelled curses.

This guy!

His parents are here, so if he brings people to call for battle, isn't he afraid that the enemy will take his parents as hostages?

It can be seen that the ethics of this family are very strange, and the relationship between them is not very deep.

Mengpowa's parents also realized their situation and looked at Chen Xin'an with some fear.

In their impression, Pu Yaduo was rich and powerful, just like a queen, aloof and untouchable.

But the person in front of her actually killed her, and even destroyed Pujiado's family!

His daughter went to take revenge as a Gu Master, but she failed to kill the other party and took him home instead!

Now they all know that these people are not easy to mess with!

The two of them are absolutely no match for me.

So they moved towards the door stealthily.

Chen Xin'an simply made room for them generously and said calmly:

"You can leave if you want, but this is your home, where can you go?"

The couple couldn't understand Chen Xin'an's words, but they could understand his actions.

They quickly slipped to the door one after another and hurriedly went downstairs!

There are more and more villagers below, and there will soon be more than 200 people!

Chen Xin'an led everyone to the balcony at the door and looked down at the villagers.

As soon as he saw him, the young man shouted loudly, with a look of indignation on his face.

Immediately, a group of young and strong villagers rushed up along the bamboo ladder with sickles in their hands!

Guan Fei and Guan Du walked in front and blocked the entrance of the bamboo ladder.

Wait for those people to rush forward, avoid their scythes, and hit them with your shoulders!

More than a dozen people were overturned on the bamboo ladder and all rolled down!

This angered the villagers below!

An old man pointed at the bamboo building with a gloomy face.

Nearly a hundred people rushed up and built human ladders around the bamboo building, allowing countless young men to rush up!

"No!" Mompowa shouted loudly, trying to stop both parties from taking action.

But no one listened to her. The young man who rushed up raised his sickle and axe, and rushed towards Chen Xin'an and the others!

"Just don't beat him to death!" Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi, then sneered and faced the villagers!

A hand-to-hand battle begins instantly!

Chen Xin'an kept walking along the corridor outside the window.

Any young man who met him could not survive a single move and was knocked down from the bamboo building by him!

The two Guan brothers and sisters were guarding the entrance of the bamboo ladder, preventing anyone from coming up!

But Li Qi entered the room and threw the villagers who climbed in from the outside out of the window!

Mompowa stood blankly at the door watching this scene, feeling extremely sad in her heart.

She didn't expect that her closest family members would treat her in this way.

I never thought that the combat power of this group of people brought by my senior brother would be so terrifying!

She knew that her senior brother was very good at fighting and very powerful.

I just didn’t expect the Guan brothers and sisters and Li Qi to be so strong!

In real hand-to-hand combat, facing enemies dozens of times their size, and occupying favorable terrain, they did not lose at all!

The young man never expected that his annoying sister would bring such powerful people!

He was so anxious that he found a torch from nowhere and threw it towards his bamboo tower!

Chen Xin'an was also eye-opening that he could still cheat like this!

But he didn't let the torch fall to the ground and kicked it into the air!

The villagers below also breathed a sigh of relief.

Mompowa's father slapped the boy on the head, pointed at him and cursed him!

If you still do this in your own house, do you want to sleep in the fields in the future?

At this moment, Chen Xin'an saw someone bringing a bow, arrow and javelin!

If this fight continues, it will be a war!

Chen Xin'an's face darkened and he suddenly jumped off the bamboo building!

From a height of five to six meters, he jumped down, scaring everyone below into screaming!

Seeing Chen Xin'an, he landed firmly on the ground, and then strode towards them. A group of villagers were frightened by his momentum and even took a few steps back!

Chen Xin'an ignored everyone, walked directly to the old man who was commanding everyone, looked at him and said, "Do you want Xiangying Village to become a river of blood?"

The old man snorted coldly and said in harsh mountain dialect: "We ancient Miao people would rather die than surrender..."

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him and asked, "For what?

I left your village for many years for one.

Is this a woman who cuts off ties with you even though she is rich and doesn’t care about family ties? "

The old man was stunned!

He hesitated for a while, then snorted and said: "Pu Jieduo is from our Xiangying Village after all..."

"But does she admit it herself?" Chen Xin'an said sarcastically:

"You are fighting for her here. Did she ever give you any benefit when she was alive?"

The old man was a little embarrassed and snorted and said: "But you want to take Mongpowa away by force, she is from our village!"

Chen Xin'an said sternly: "It's not that I want to take Mongpowa away by force, but that her family wants to sell her!"

"What?" The old man's expression changed, he glared at Chen Xin'an and said, "People from outside the mountains, don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Xin'an pointed at Mongpowa's parents and younger brother and shouted angrily: "If you don't believe me, just ask them!

They want us to take 100,000 yuan and take Mombova away and never let her come back!

I gave them two hundred thousand, but they still beat Mombova!

I know you are a mother, and I also know that you must know what Mombova has been living these years!

You will know if I have lied to you again! "

"Qiao Jinnai!" The old man's face turned blue with anger, and he turned around and shouted at Mombova's father.

Qiao Jinnai's face was flustered, but he immediately straightened his face and argued a few words with the old man.

Although the old man was angry, he was helpless.

The villagers looked at Mongpowa and her family with disgusting but helpless expressions.

Chen Xin'an couldn't understand, but she could guess that Qiao Jinnai was talking about his dead son again.

The ignorance of the ancient Miao people was most vividly demonstrated at this time.

Not only did they not seek justice for Mongpowa, they even helped Qiao Jinnai, saying to Chen Xin'an:

"Since you want to buy Mongpowa, then give her money! We at Xiangying Village will not pursue the matter just now!"

"We won't give you a penny!" On the bamboo building behind her, Mengpowa shed tears, walked down step by step, and stood in front of everyone.

Qiao Jinnai and his son scolded her loudly.

But at this moment, Mongpowa lifted her long hair from her forehead, revealing a red mark between her eyebrows!

Seeing this red mark, the expressions of a group of villagers changed drastically, including the old man and Meng Bowa's parents, who all knelt on the ground!

This is the Gu King Seal.

In the ancient Miao village of Shiwanda Mountain, it is equal to the supreme existence!


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