Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1822 These goods cannot be moved

Mengbowa left without looking back.

Behind him came the sound of a family crying.

The old man led a group of people to send everyone out of the mountain. He opened his mouth several times to say something, but finally sighed and closed his mouth.

Xiangying Village has a descendant of the Gu King.

This is the highest honor in the entire ancient Miao village.

But now, this honor has been driven away by their own hands!

Not only that, Xiangying Village has become the public enemy of all ancient Miao villages because it forced the future Gu King away!

Because in the future, the Gu Masters in the Ten Thousand Mountains will not have the leadership of the Gu King!

How many disputes and wars will there be at that time, because there is no mediation and leadership of the Gu King, and it will become a mess.

If the patriarch knew about this, he would have to punish the entire Xiangying Village!

In fact, the ones who really regretted it the most were Mengbowa's family!

Their daughter became the successor of the Gu King, what a glorious thing!

But they sold their daughter with their own hands!

They actually sold the future Gu King!

I'm afraid that all the Gu Masters in Shiwan Mountain will not let them have a good life!

Even if they dare not leave the village in the future, the villagers in the village will not give them a face!

At the foot of the mountain, Chen Xinan turned around and said to the old man: "Within a week, I will arrange for someone to send 200,000 cash to Xiangying Village.

Lao Dangmu, please help me transfer 100,000 to Qiao Jinnai, and leave the remaining 100,000 to the village.

From now on, Mengbowa will have nothing to do with Xiangying Village!"

100,000 yuan is an absolute huge sum of money for any ancient Miao village!

Lao Dangmu sighed heavily and said nothing.

Mengbowa turned his head and said to Chen Xinan: "No need to give 100,000 to the village!"

Chen Xinan was stunned for a moment.

Lao Dangmu was surprised, nodded vigorously, and said excitedly: "Okay! Thank you!"

Not giving money is equivalent to Mengbowa admitting that he is still a member of Xiangying Village.

He just broke off his relationship with that family.

Lao Dangmu was of course excited.

Chen Xinan looked up and whistled, and soon the second pole responded.

It did not follow Chen Xinan into the village, but accompanied Yan Shuisheng to the riverside.

Now that it is back, it means that Yan Shuisheng has found his boat.

After parting with his old mother, Chen Xinan took it over the mountains and ridges, and arrived at the Bijiang River before dark.

Yan Shuisheng sat on his motor boat, saw Chen Xinan, hugged him and cried loudly.

It turned out that he had found his father's body, but it was eaten by fish and shrimp in the river!

In the afternoon, he brought his father's body back to Mashan Town alone.

Buried on the mountain.

His mother had passed away a long time ago, and she and his father depended on each other for so many years.

I didn't expect my father to end up like this, it would be strange if he didn't feel uncomfortable.

Chen Xinan patted his shoulder and said, "Shuisheng, come back to Kyoto with me.

You should follow me from now on!

If I hadn't rented your boat, Old Man Yan wouldn't have encountered this disaster.

So I will let you live a good life in the future to comfort Old Man Yan's spirit in heaven!"

Li Qi also came over and patted Yan Shuisheng on the shoulder.

Guandu blushed, took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to him.

Yan Shuisheng took the tissue and wiped the tears from his face, then looked at Chen Xinan and said:

"Mr. Chen, thank you!

I will not be polite to you and will go with you.

But I don't need you to feel guilty about this matter, or to take special care of me.

Even if you didn't rent our boat, with the tyranny of the Pang brothers, we, father and son, would encounter such a thing sooner or later.

So this is destined.

Whether I live well in the future depends on my own efforts.

Of course, I have to thank Mr. Chen for giving me a good opportunity!"

Chen Xinan smiled slightly, nodded and said, "It's best if you can think so!

Let's cross the river now and go back to Cenjiang first.

We will stay for about a day or two, and after dealing with things here, we will go back to Kyoto together!"

After crossing the river, everyone slept at Yan Shuisheng's house for one night.

The next morning, the motor boat was given to Yan Shuisheng's acquaintance.

He locked the door, carried a shabby travel bag, and followed Chen Xinan.

There is a direct bus to Cenjiang in the town. Everyone bought tickets, took the bus for a whole morning, and returned to Cenjiang. They still booked a room at Jiangcheng Hotel.

At the Cenjiang Small Commodity Wholesale Market, Duan Chenfeng was holding a mobile phone, directing the workers to load the packed boxes onto the truck, while speaking into the phone:

"Old Ma, the second truck will leave soon, please pay attention to receiving it.

Don't worry, everything is according to the list.

No need to thank me, it's all Chen Xin'an's money anyway.

I'm just a clerk..."

"Hey, isn't this Brother Feng!" Several young men with dyed hair of various colors stood in front of Duan Chenfeng.

Duan Chenfeng's face changed, and he said to the phone: "Hang up first, I'll treat you to a drink if you come to Cenjiang! I have something to do here, so I won't talk anymore!"

After hanging up the phone, Duan Chenfeng took out a cigarette box with a smile and said: "Aren't these Westbrook and Jay!

What wind brought you two here?

Come on, have a smoke!"

Looking at the cigarette box in Duan Chenfeng's hand, the young man with dyed yellow hair sneered and said: "Haha, Brother Feng is not bad, he even smokes Huazi!

You have a lot more money on hand!"

Another young man with dyed red hair kicked the packed boxes waiting to be loaded with his feet, curled his lips and said:

"Brother Feng doesn't make clothes anymore? My brothers and I saw you going to Hongsheng Factory yesterday!

Brother Feng, it’s not easy to find you.

Are you rich now?

It’s time to pay back the money you owe us, right? "

Duan Chenfeng said with a smile on his face: "Wei Shao, Jie Shao, please give me two more days...

No, one day is enough!

Tomorrow afternoon, I will send the money to you, okay? "

Huang Mao Weishao squinted his eyes and said, "You have no money, right? That's alright, Brother Jin, move everything away!"

A burly young man behind him responded: "Okay! Mazi, you go drive, and the brothers will load the car!"

Duan Chenfeng's expression changed, and he quickly stopped everyone and said, "Wei Shao, Brother Jin, don't touch these things!

It will be taken away soon!

These are all worthless pots and pans. It’s useless for you to take them back!

To be honest, these are life-saving things.

When a village in the mountains was burned down, we relied on these things for emergency response.

If we delay getting angry tonight, the people in the mountain will not even be able to eat, and they will have to sleep on rocks..."

The red-haired young master kicked Duan Chenfeng in the thigh and scolded him: "Why do I care so much?

You have the money to buy these things, but you don’t have the money to pay us back?

Take the goods away, and when you get the money to pay them back, I will return these rags to you! "

Wei Shao smiled evilly and said to Duan Chenfeng: "Do you think we just wandered here?

I’m just here to block you!

If you don't pay back the money, you won't be able to leave here today! "

A van drove over and parked next to it.

Brother Jin and several younger brothers bent down to load boxes into the car.

Duan Chenfeng became anxious and rushed to the door of the van, stopped everyone and said, "Brothers, we really can't move, these things can't be moved!"

"Can't you move it?" Westbrook sneered coldly, looked at the box on the ground and said, "It's not contraband, right?

Brothers, we are also good and law-abiding young people in China. What should we do if we encounter someone suspected of transporting contraband?

Of course it’s to catch thieves and seize stolen goods!

Come on, don't be idle, open all these boxes and see if there are any contraband inside! "

A group of people, like wolves and tigers, pushed down the neatly stacked boxes, then took out their daggers and cut open the boxes.

"Don't move!" Duan Chenfeng became anxious and pushed Brother Jin to the ground.

Brother Jin got angry and rushed up to Duan Chenfeng and punched Duan Chenfeng three times in a row!

Duan Chenfeng swung his head to dodge, spotted the opening, clenched his fist and gave Brother Jin an uppercut on the chin!

But at this moment, Westbrook held a photo in his hand and shouted at Duan Chenfeng:

"Duan, stop it!"


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