Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1823 If you want fingers, I'll give them to you

The photo shows a little boy of eight or nine years old. This is Duan Ningning, Duan Chenfeng’s son!

Duan Chenfeng's expression changed drastically, he looked at Wei Shao angrily and cursed: "Wang Wei, what the hell do you want to do!"

Brother Jin took the opportunity to come to Duan Chenfeng and hit him hard in the chest with an uppercut!

Duan Chenfeng's body was hunched over like a shrimp, he vomited heavily, and said to Wang Wei in a trembling voice:

"Wang Wei, come at me if you have any problem, don't touch my family!"

"Tsk!" Wang Wei sneered, looked at Duan Chenfeng and said, "Brother Feng said this.

We are serious businessmen, why would we touch your family?

But I happened to have a business to go into the mountains, and I met Brother Feng’s wife and son.

Knowing that Brother Feng missed his son, he took a photo for you.

There's nothing wrong with what this brother did, right? "

"Son of a bitch! If you dare to touch my son, I will kill your whole family!" Duan Chenfeng roared angrily.

Master Jie rushed over and kicked Duan Chenfeng in the stomach, pointed at him and cursed:

"Where did you get the courage to speak like this?

Don’t forget, you still owe us two hundred thousand dollars!

Paying back debts is a matter of course!

You've been putting it off for so long, are you still justified? "

Duan Chenfeng bent over, looked up at him and said: "Yuan Shaojie, Wang Wei, don't forget, I have repaid you more than 600,000 yuan in total!

I borrowed two hundred thousand from each of you, but I got less than three hundred and fifty thousand!

But I paid you 610,000, and I still owe you 200,000!

Are you too dark? "

"Black?" Wang Wei sneered and said, "Why didn't you say "black" when borrowing money?

When we do this, you don’t know the rules of nine departures and thirteen returns, right? "

Duan Chenfeng gritted his teeth and said, "I know, but are you going too far?

I paid off my debt as soon as I got the money, but you just closed the door and refused to pay back, insisting on forcing me to overdue!

You said you wouldn't work on weekends, but it was also a weekend when I borrowed the money. Why didn't you say you wouldn't work? "

Brother Jin came over, kicked Duan Chenfeng on the head, pointed at him and cursed: "Our boss knows that you are in a hurry for money, so he sacrificed his weekend time to raise money for you!

Not only are you ungrateful, you bastard, but you're blaming my boss?

You are so special that you are no longer a human being! "

Duan Chenfeng gritted his teeth and looked at these people, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Knowing that it was useless to reason with these people, he could only plead and say: "Westbrook, Jayce, just give me one more day, and I will be rich in just one day!

These goods were sent into the mountains to save lives, and they really cannot be moved.

You be good and let my family go.

At worst, I'll be with you tonight, so I can save myself the trouble of running away, okay? "

"Get out of here, uncle!" Mr. Jie scolded: "You want to eat and drink with me?

Do you think I am a Kaizi? "

Wang Wei smiled and waved his hands and said: "Ajie, Brother Feng is our old friend after all, don't be so heartless!

It’s just one day. We’ve all been waiting for so long. Why can’t we wait just one more day? "

Duan Chenfeng looked surprised and said to Wang Wei with a smile: "Wei Shao is open! At this time tomorrow, I will definitely return the money to you, not even a penny less!"

Wang Wei grinned and said, "Okay, no problem.

But let’s play a little game first.

As long as Brother Feng can clear the level, waiting for a day is nothing! "

Duan Chenfeng's expression changed, knowing that this guy wouldn't have any good plans.

But since there was hope of waiting for a day, he forced a smile and said, "What game does Westbrook want to play?"

Wang Wei laughed loudly and winked at the people around him, and then all five or six people lined up in a straight line and spread their legs.

Wang Wei pointed below him, smiled at Duan Chenfeng and said, "Brother Feng, you have played in a cave before!

As long as Brother Feng can lie down and get under us.

One drilling can make it one day late, two drilling can make it two days late, how about that? "

Yuan Shaojie and everyone laughed.

Duan Chenfeng looked at Wang Wei with a livid face and said, "Wei Shao, have you gone too far?

A real man can be killed but not humiliated!

I just owe you some money, and I can't pay it back, so there's no need to punish me like this, right? "

Wang Wei snorted coldly and cursed: "Brother Feng, don't be so shameless!

I've given you the opportunity.

If you are not sure yourself, then don’t blame me for being ruthless!

I'll give you one minute, either get down on your knees and get through, or pay back the money right away!

If you dare to talk nonsense to me again, I will call the mountain right now and chop off one of your son's fingers!

A finger can change a day, you won't suffer! "

"Son of a bitch!" Duan Chenfeng shouted angrily.

Wang Wei wasn't angry either, he just curled his lips and took out his cell phone, ready to make a call!

Duan Chenfeng's eyes were red, his face was ashen, and he knelt heavily on the ground.

Wang Wei burst out laughing, crossed his legs, and shouted to the people behind him: "Brothers, squat down, Brother Feng is going to get into the cave!

Come and take a look, everyone, it’s very fun!

Don't you know who this is?

This is a big shot!

Once in Cenjiang... no, in the whole of Lingnan, everyone is a big brother who takes both black and white!

Duan Chenfeng!

Brother Feng!

The first person under Lord Ma is our Duan Chenfeng, Brother Feng!

In the past, we brothers would have to flatter him for a long time if we wanted to say anything to him.

Now I can actually let Brother Feng penetrate my crotch!

This is my golden crotch, and I will never wash these pants again! "

Everyone burst out laughing!

Wang Wei grinned and shouted to Duan Chenfeng: "Brother Feng, come over here, I'm waiting for you!"

"Hurry up! Don't be so ink-stained! You think crossing your legs isn't tiring!"

"Isn't it just a game? You, Brother Feng, can bend and stretch. Do you still care about this?"

"Climb faster. If you're too slow, I'll sit on you and let you carry me around the market!"

Duan Chenfeng gritted his teeth and screamed in his heart: "Master, my apprentice has embarrassed you so much! From now on, you can treat me as your apprentice!"

Tears flowed down the corners of his eyes and fell to the ground!

Duan Chenfeng lowered his head, used his hands and knees, and crawled forward!

At this moment, there was a sudden scream in front of him, and a group of people suddenly rushed towards him!

The moment Duan Chenfeng raised his head, he suddenly dodged to the side.

Wang Wei and Yuan Shaojie rushed over as if they had been hit by a car, and then they all fell to the ground!

Then a face appeared in front of him, livid, which startled him!

Chen Xin'an glared at Duan Chenfeng and cursed: "How the hell are you really going to kneel down and drill your crotch for these bastards?"

Duan Chenfeng was ashamed, but he cursed helplessly: "My son is in their hands, what can I do?"

Chen Xin'an walked over, grabbed Huang Mao's hair, and dragged him over!

Wang Wei howled loudly, raised his head and looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Who the hell are you? Do you know who I am?

If you touch me again, do you believe I want you to die here? "

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything. She grabbed Wang Wei's collar with her left hand, raised her right hand, and whipped him back and forth in the face!

"Damn it, let Westbrook go!" Brother Jin clenched his fists and rushed over. Before he could reach him, he was kicked three meters away. He was lying on the ground and couldn't get up!

Li Qi moved his neck, waved to the gang of boys, and said in a deep voice: "Come together!"

No one dares to go up!

"Don't, don't fight! I'm convinced!" Wang Wei's mouth spurted blood and he cried and begged for mercy.

Chen Xin'an lifted him up like a dead dog, pointed at Duan Chenfeng and said:

"You know whose apprentice he is, and you dare to let him get into your crotch?

Also, do you dare to hold his son hostage?

Okay, you want fingers, right?

I give you! "

With a click, he grabbed Wang Wei's left middle finger, twisted it gently, and broke it off!


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