Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1825 Let’s go directly to them

Force Wang Wei and his gang to repack all the damaged boxes.

A transport truck was called and they were loaded with the workers.

After all the things were sent away, Chen Xin'an let them leave.

It's already dark, and now I can't even get into the village to find my son.

Chen Xin'an comforted Duan Chenfeng and said, "I will go to Luming Village with you tomorrow!"

Duan Chenfeng wiped his face, nodded, and said to Chen Xin'an: "I'll book a table at Liubai Building.

Miss Ma and the others are at the factory and will get off work later.

Let’s have a meal together! "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded.

An hour later, everyone arrived at the large box in Cenjiang Liubai Building.

Seeing Chen Xin'an come in, mother and daughter Chu Xianghong and Ma Yanmei stood up quickly.

"Boss!" the mother and daughter shouted honestly.

They are masters of thousands of disciplines, but in front of Chen Xin'an, they are nothing.

A man next to him also stood up and said respectfully to Chen Xin'an: "Boss!"

Chen Xin'an has also met this person. He is the security captain of the Seaview Mall, named Wen Jinyong.

Chu Xianghong explained to Chen Xin'an: "Ayong is one of our own.

Now we took a break from the mall and took him out with us! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "What do you mean? Wufu Jewelry can't be opened?"

Chu Xianghong and Ma Yanmei both blushed.

Ma Yanmei said: "This line of work is no longer possible, the risk is too great.

So the two of us have long discussed changing careers.

It happened that the boss handed Hongsheng over to Brother Feng.

Then Brother Feng came over and roped us in.

The two of us saw that this business can be done!

I just invested all my money, and by the way, I also brought all the people I brought out with me! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "It's a good thing to go ashore, you decide how to run it.

But there is one thing, don’t narrow your own path!

I gave the factory to Brother Feng, but it is still in the name of my Anhao Group!

What you show is the face of our Anhao Group.

You can use tricks, don't smear me, don't scold me! "

"Understood!" Chu Xianghong and Ma Yanmei nodded together.

No one wants to be a con man for the rest of his life.

Now that they have the opportunity to clear their names and come ashore, they don't want to let it go.

Otherwise, he will end up like Ma Yanmei's father, Ma Yuanhai, who is still in jail.

Li Qi and Yan Shuisheng walked in with smiles on their faces.

Chen Xin'an looked at him and asked, "Have you found it?"

"Well!" Li Bi nodded and said, "Feiteng Investment! The legal person is Yuan Tianrong, and the general manager is Wang Sancheng.

Yuan Shaojie and Wang Wei are their sons.

I went there and looked at the address given by Brother Feng. It was at the intersection of Paoma Street, on the third floor.

People have been coming in since seven o'clock. When we came back, almost hundreds of people had entered.

Someone went to Fuliu Residence and was watching under Brother Feng’s house! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said calmly: "Okay, we have some fun tonight. They don't need to come to us. Let's go directly to the door to find them!"

Everyone laughed.

Guan Fei looked at Duan Chenfeng and complained: "Brother Feng, how can you borrow a loan shark? This thing is obviously blood-sucking!"

Duan Chenfeng sighed and said, "I am also unlucky!

I brought a few students with me.

I was very sleepy that day, and I felt confused during the third practice session.

Something happened unexpectedly.

The guy driving the car just killed someone else's Lambo!

The claim is 400,000, where can I find the money?

I had no other choice, so I borrowed a loan shark, but to my surprise, I couldn't pay it back! "

Chen Xin'an said with a dark face: "Remember from now on, I have the money.

If there is something wrong with the business, no matter how urgent the need is, you cannot borrow usury! "

Duan Chenfeng looked embarrassed and nodded.

Ma Yanmei smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, if I help Brother Feng in the future, this kind of thing will never happen again!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and nodded.

This is also Chen Xin'an's purpose of pulling this thread.

With her helping Duan Chenfeng, there is no need to worry that he will make the same mistake again and be beaten down again!

The key is to be afraid of attracting wolves into the house.

After all, if you don't stare here, the mountain is high and the emperor is far away.

If Ma Yanmei wants to plot against Duan Chenfeng, his brain won't work at all!

So what Chen Xin'an can do now is to scare Ma Yanmei.

He told her to use the weapon of fear and not dare to attack Duan Chenfeng.

She had to understand one thing, only by being tied to Duan Chenfeng could she live a better life.

Anyone who wants to plot against Duan Chenfeng will have to suffer ruthless revenge from Chen Xin'an!

Lingnan cuisine is a bit spicy, but full of flavor.

Everyone ate this meal openly.

Especially the Guan brothers and sisters and Meng Bowa, one dish of braised pork with pickled vegetables was served on twelve plates, which made the waiters look stupid!

After having enough wine and food, everyone was not in a hurry to leave and found a KtV to continue playing.

It wasn't until midnight that everyone left happily.

Chen Xin'an waved to Ma Yanmei and Chu Xianghong and sent the mother and daughter off.

But seeing Wen Jinyong still standing beside him, he asked strangely: "Aren't you with them?"

Wen Jinyong smiled and said: "I'll be with the boss tonight!"

Ma Yanmei, who was standing next to the taxi, said with a smile: "Boss, let Ayong follow you to see the world. He will go back by himself when it's done."

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Turning around, Chen Xin'an said to Guandu: "You, Bawa, and Shuisheng will go back to the hotel first!

If anything happens, just call this! "

He gave Situ Hong's phone number to Guandu, just in case.

After the Guandu three left, Chen Xin'an turned around and went to Longtu Business.

It was originally a car that the 4S store compensated for the Guan brothers and sisters, but Duan Chenfeng drove it smoothly.

Guan Fei smiled and said: "I'll leave this car to Brother Feng, you need it more than me!"

Duan Chenfeng laughed, nodded and said, "Okay, then I won't be polite to you.

But when Brother Feng calms down, I will definitely give you a new Longtu! "

Li Qi smiled and said, "Brother Feng, why does this car seem different from the last few days?"

"Haha!" Duan Chenfeng said with a smile: "You have really bad eyes.

I made a small modification, moved the front bumper ten centimeters outward, and then added a higher protection! "

Chen Xin'an rubbed his face helplessly: "This is business, not off-road, and certainly not a bumper car!"

Duan Chenfeng laughed, shook his head and said: "There is no way, Jin is so easy to use, otherwise it will be a waste!"

Wen Jinyong tilted his head and said to Duan Chenfeng: "Brother Feng, have all your people come here?"

"My people?" Duan Chenfeng was stunned for a moment and asked strangely: "My people are all here, where are there others?"

Wen Jinyong's expression changed and he said in disbelief: "Boss, Brother Feng, you are not saying that just the four of us will choose the Feiteng headquarters, right?"

The three of them turned their heads together and said to him with a smile: "What, are you scared?"

Wen Jinyong said he was not afraid, but that was a lie.

He has practiced kung fu and is considered the bodyguard of Ma Yanmei and Chu Xianghong.

I think my kung fu is pretty good, but I'm not so arrogant that I would take four or five people with me to look for trouble!

Others don’t know about Feiteng Investment, so who in Cenjiang City doesn’t know about it?

The biggest loan shark in Cenjiang!

Both Wang Sancheng and Yuan Tianrong were once able men under Lord Ma!

If you don’t have enough manpower and strength, don’t provoke them!

Wen Jinyong has also heard of Duan Chenfeng's name.

He was once a fierce man who dared to confront Lord Ma.

The power in Cenjiang City is not small.

Although it declined later, but now with Chen Xin'an making a comeback, there should be many brothers under his command, right?

There are definitely plans tonight.

He never expected that he didn’t have any helpers, just the four people in the car!

If he had known this, he wouldn't have come to join in the fun!

Isn't this a certain death situation?

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