At the intersection of Paoma Street in Cenjiang, the entrance of Feiteng Investment Co., Ltd. is already full of various vehicles.

A group of young people turned the accelerator of their motorcycles crazily, making a harsh roar, accompanied by howls of excitement from the riders.

A driver with a nose ring raised his head, glanced upstairs, and asked Brother Jin who was standing at the door of the company: "Boss, when are you leaving?"

Brother Jin held his cell phone and scolded with a sullen face: "You are so impatient! If you can't find those grandsons, where are you going?"

Just stay patient, I'll have some fun for you tonight! "

The man with the nose ring got out of the car, walked to Brother Jin, handed over a cigarette, and said flatteringly: "Boss, I heard that both old men are here?"

"Nonsense!" Brother Jin took a deep breath from his cigarette and cursed through gritted teeth: "Who dares to make Westbrook and Jayson kneel down?

The two old men were angry and directly said that as long as they caught someone tonight, it didn't matter whether they were dead or alive. They just had to make these grandsons understand the truth!

Cenjiang has lost Lord Ma, as well as the Wang family and the Yuan family!

One of the three people who appeared in the small commodity market will die tonight, and the two old men will each be rewarded with a hundred thousand!

The two old men will give 500,000 yuan to those who can be successful and pick up troubles! "

The boys around him exclaimed.

Half a million? Add in the 100,000 who killed people, and the total is 600,000!

I'm afraid I will never earn so much in this life!

Isn't it just to stir up trouble after killing someone?

Isn’t it just a matter of a few years in prison?

I am young and have a net worth of hundreds of thousands when I come out. Only a fool would not dare!

It's a pity that there are only three people on the other side, so the places are limited!

So when you meet someone, you must fight with them. Whoever kills the other person first will get the money!

The phone in Brother Jin's hand rang.

He pressed the answer button, frowned and cursed: "Silly pig, what the hell are you writing on?

Didn't I ask you to take the guy?


Where? Who is looking for death?

Okay, you wait over there, I'll call someone over to pick you up right away! "

After hanging up the phone, Brother Jin said to the man with the nose ring: "Take your people to the intersection ahead!

Silly Pig's car was hit by someone, and the other person was so aggressive!

Deal with the people for me, don't waste time, bring the silly pig back quickly, and divide them all! "

"Okay!" The man with the nose ring responded, got on the motorcycle, waved behind him, and shouted loudly: "Brothers, let's go!"

Waves of deafening roars of motorcycles were heard, and smoke billowed throughout the entrance of the company.

Brother Jin covered his nose and backed away, shouting: "What a bunch of street bombers, your ears are going to be deafened by your lousy cars!"

The motorcycle convoy roared away, the roar of the motorcycles or their screams in the streets.

The entrance to the company was finally cleared.

Brother Jin was about to go upstairs when a series of crashing sounds came from behind him!

He turned around in shock and looked at the road ahead.

I saw motorcycles speeding on the road, but there was an off-road vehicle and a bread truck, also increasing the accelerator and rushing over here!

Those people standing on the street were so arrogant and domineering that they thought the two cars would give way to them and pull over.

Unexpectedly, they fought hard with them and hit several cars in a row!

The other motorcycles were frightened and fled away.

But the road is so wide, and the company's vehicles are parked on both sides, covering the entire road, making it impossible to avoid it!

The motorcycle team no longer dared to run rampant and quickly moved to the sides!

The fronts of off-road vehicles and vans were smashed, and their engines roared loudly.

The car quickly ran over the riders it knocked down and rushed towards Feiteng Investment.

"It's Silly Pig's car!" Brother Jin recognized the two cars, but he didn't understand what these guys were crazy about!

Seeing the two cars colliding directly with each other, Brother Jin cursed angrily: "Stop! Stop the hell!"

The two drivers ignored him, rushed over madly, and crashed directly into the company door!

The entire three-story building seemed to be shaking!

Brother Jin was so scared that he ran up the stairs!

Li Qi and Guan Fei walked out of their respective cars, looked at each other, and then felt relieved after making sure they were not injured.

Although the collision was quite violent, the consequences of intentional collision and unintentional collision are different.

As long as the protective measures are in place and the speed and intensity are controlled, you will not get injured.

Brother Jin's eyes fell on Li Qi and he recognized him!

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would be going to settle accounts with these guys tonight.

But before they could find their whereabouts, these guys showed up on their own!

Brother Jin pointed at Li Qi and shouted: "It's them! Hack them to death, don't let them escape!"

Li Qi and Guan Fei ignored him at all. They walked to the gas tank next to the car, each took out a hatchet from the car, aimed it at the gas tank and smashed it down hard!

The group of people who were about to rush over were all stunned, wondering what these two guys were up to.

But when the oil in the fuel tank gurgled to the ground, and then flowed along the ground to the surroundings, they finally reacted!

"Run! Get out of here quickly! These bastards want to burn the building down!"

When the people around heard this, they couldn't care less about killing people and fled one after another!

Especially the people upstairs were rushing down desperately.

Some people even broke open windows and jumped from upstairs!

In the office on the third floor, Wang Sancheng and Yuan Tianrong were sitting on the sofa, one drinking tea and the other smoking.

Wang Sancheng looked majestic and cursed at his son, who had a bandage hanging around his neck and his left hand tied up:

"Useless trash!

The Wang family has been completely embarrassed by you!

So many people were forced to kneel down by two or three people, how can I still hang out on the street in the future!

There's so much noise tonight, if you mess up anything for me again, just get the hell back to your hometown!

I would rather leave the money to your sister than give it to you, an Adou who can't afford it! "

Yuan Tianrong smiled and said: "Thirty percent, it's useless for you to scold the child all the time!

Now that the incident has happened, let’s just pick it up again if the children have lost face!

Take care of all those people tonight, and no one will dare to provoke us in the future! "

Yuan Shaojie quickly reminded: "Dad, the two people who helped Duan Chenfeng this afternoon are very powerful and difficult to deal with!"

Yuan Tianrong laughed loudly, shook his head with contempt and said:

"A little-known foreign warrior!

Do we need to care about him?

Even if they can fight no matter how hard ten people are, one hundred people can still deal with two of them, right?

Ajie, doesn’t Duan Chenfeng have a son outside?

You go and get him too tomorrow! "

Wang Sancheng shuddered.

He knew that Yuan Tianrong was very vicious, but he didn't expect him to be so vicious!

This matter has nothing to do with the little baby. Unexpectedly, Yuan Tianrong didn't even plan to let him go!

As if sensing his old friend's dissatisfaction, Yuan Tianrong said with a smile: "If you want to beat someone like Duan Chenfeng, just beat him to death without leaving any chance!

Otherwise, if you give him a breath, he will live!

We will be the ones in trouble then!

Lord Ma is gone, and Lingnan is leaderless.

This is a great opportunity for us brothers!

So this time, we cannot be soft-hearted, we must be ruthless!

We have to let those people know that they are afraid and dare not go against us!

We must let them know that if Lord Ma can do it, you and my brothers can do it too.

But what Prince Ma can’t do, you and I can still do it! "

Wang Sancheng felt a chill running down his spine. This grandson's ambition was too great!

You have to be careful in the future, lest you get tricked by him and count the money for him!

Frowning, Wang Sancheng said dissatisfied: "What's wrong? Why is it so noisy down there?"

Yuan Tianrong said with a smile: "Maybe we found those little mice! You go!

Cut off one of their hands and bring it back to me! "

As soon as he finished speaking, someone banged open the door and shouted: "Oh no, they broke in!"

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