Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1829 If you want to play, I will play with you

The Longtu commercial vehicle was driving on the expressway out of the city at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, but Duan Chenfeng still felt that it was slow.

He now wishes he could fly to his son immediately!

Everyone in the car sat nervously in their seats, their eyes almost popping out.

But he pursed his lips tightly and did not dare to speak.

Afraid of breaking Morrofeng's mind as soon as he opened his mouth, the car began to roll into a death roll.

Chen Xin'an, who was still closing his eyes and concentrating, said: "You don't need to drive so fast, just reach Luming Village before noon."

The speed of the car really slowed down.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Duan Chenfeng also knew that his string was too tight, so he smiled and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Why, are you sometimes scared?

It’s only over a hundred, are you scared? "

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes and said disdainfully: "I'll let Erpole drive, it's only eighty, are you afraid?"

Duan Chenfeng's face darkened, and he shouted angrily: "Are you comparing me to a second pole?"

Chen Xin'an thought for a moment, nodded and said, "That's right! It's like insulting someone else!"

"Damn!" Duan Chenfeng cursed, and everyone burst into laughter.

The second pole jumped onto Chen Xin'an's shoulders.

The little sweet girl was behind, being held by Guan Du and being fed bananas.

The two little guys had a great time playing with Ma Yanmei.

This woman came to the hotel early in the morning to discuss with Chen Xin'an how to deal with the gold store's loose ends.

As soon as he heard that Duan Chenfeng was going to Luming Village and insisted on following him, Duan Chenfeng did not refuse.

Chen Xin'an rubbed Er Pangzi's head and said with a smile: "You really don't want to stay here? Well, there is a place similar to here when you go back. You can go there from now on!"

The second pole called a few times.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "It's not Maoping New District. After all, it's Kyoto over there. Even if the forest is opened up, it will only be used for greening.

I have my own arrangements... ok, ok, don't pull my hair, I'll just tell you.

Grandpa and Master were not used to living in the city, so after they recovered their health, they went to the base.

You can go to Daxiling with them, and go home when you are tired of living there.

If you want to play, go back to the mountain.

With you accompanying them, I feel relieved! "

The second pole excitedly turned somersaults on Chen Xin'an's shoulders.

At this moment, the car suddenly flashed to the right, and everyone screamed in surprise.

Chen Xin'an turned around and caught the second pole that almost fell to the ground.

Ma Yanmei's scream came from behind. The two little guys fell out at the same time. She only caught one, and the other fell to the ground!

Fortunately, Li Qi caught him and he was not injured.

No one in the car scolded Duan Chenfeng, because it was obviously not intentional. There was a red BMW business car next to him.

Duan Chenfeng asked the person behind him, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" everyone responded.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "Pay attention to the front!"

The red BMW Business accelerated and rushed to the front. Suddenly it braked hard and Duan Chenfeng turned the steering wheel hard to the left. The front of the car barely missed the rear of the opponent's car!

This is on the highway!

Everyone in the car was angry.

The red BMW caught up again. The driver was a man with yellow hair. He raised his eyebrows provocatively at Duan Chenfeng and shouted:

"Brother, come again! Weren't you very fast just now?"

Duan Chenfeng lowered the passenger window and cursed with a straight face: "Get out!"

Guan Fei sat in the passenger seat, turned his head and said to Xiao Huangmao: "This is on the highway, don't make trouble!"

"Coward!" Xiao Huangmao spat here with a look of disdain and cursed:

"What happened on the highway? It's not a highway, and I don't care about playing with you!

When you passed my car just now, weren't you very cool?

Driving a Polongtu, a car that's even better than mine, you guys don't know how much you weigh, do you?

If you want to play, I'll have fun with you! "

While talking, BMW Business suddenly turned away to Longtu!

Duan Chenfeng immediately turned to the left. A large truck was driving normally in front, but the speed was not too fast.

The Longtu car had been pinned behind its butt, and Duan Chenfeng turned left again and entered the overtaking lane.

It was just that the turn was a bit sharp, and the car almost rolled over. Because the bumper was modified, it was the first to hit the barrier, causing first-class sparks!

Fortunately, Duan Chenfeng stabilized the steering wheel and slowly turned it back, and the car finally stabilized.

Now everyone in the car was angry!

The other party is no longer joking, he is risking his life!

BMW Business approached again, and a wild shout came from the car.

Huang Mao gave Duan Chenfeng and Guan Fei a provocative middle finger, and a group of people laughed in the car.

It seems that there are quite a few people in the other car!

Huang Mao smiled contemptuously and scolded: "I'll scare you to death! Useless trash!"

Seeing that the large truck was approaching again, BMW Business repeated its old tricks.

First, he slowly approached Longtu, and then sharply turned to the left.

Chen Xin'an opened his mouth to speak, but Duan Chenfeng shouted to everyone: "Sit tight and hold on tight!"

Then turn sharply to the right!

Huang Mao didn't seem to expect that Long Tu would actually dare to bump into him. His eyes widened instantly and he hurriedly turned back, but it was still a step too late.


The front of the Longtu hit the front of the BMW, and the lengthened and reinforced bumper directly poked a big hole in the front of the BMW!

The BMW swung its head to the right, and the body of the car swayed from side to side. It turned a full circle on the highway before it finally stabilized its four wheels!

Hearing the screams and curses in the BMW from a distance, Duan Chenfeng curled his lips and continued to move forward.

Chen Xin'an took out her mobile phone, answered the call, glanced at the sign outside, and said in a deep voice: "We are almost at the Liting rest area. Let's have something to eat and use the toilet before leaving!"

After hanging up the phone, Duan Chenfeng smiled and said to him: "You were scared just now, weren't you? To deal with such a road-rage hooligan, you have to hit him. Don't worry while I drive!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and cursed angrily: "I asked you to speed up!

Hit it a hundred times and the effect will be much better than this! "

Everyone broke into a sweat!

You are more ruthless!

If you hit him at that speed, the other person's car will overturn and the people in the car will die!

"Go to the Liting rest area and have something to eat." Chen Xin'an said to Duan Chenfeng.

When everyone came in the morning, none of them had eaten, and now they were all hungry.

The Longtu car turned into the rest area, and everyone was preparing to get off.

At this moment, BMW Business also turned off the highway and blocked the door of Longtu directly!

Huang Mao jumped out of the car, pointed at Duan Chenfeng and cursed: "How dare you hit my car!

Duan Chenfeng also got out of the car, stood in front of him and said, "Isn't that what you want to play with?

What's wrong with me playing with you?

Can’t afford it? "

Huang Mao gritted his teeth and cursed: "Okay, you really want to play, right? I want you to play as much as you want!"

With a crash, the door of the BMW business car opened, and six or seven people jumped out of the car.

They were all young and strong guys, surrounding Duan Chenfeng!

Huang Mao's finger poked Duan Chenfeng's chest, tilted his chin and cursed: "Play, you keep playing! Tell me what you want to play, I and my brothers will accompany you!"

Chen Xin'an also got out of the car and said to the Huangmao crowd: "I'm not in the mood to play with you brats. Get away and don't mess with us!"

"Who the hell are you talking about!" A red-haired man came over and cursed at Chen Xin'an:

"Are you stupid?

Can't see the form clearly?

I wonder how many people we have here?

Don't mess with you yet?

So what if I offend you?

I just feel unhappy with you and want to beat you up, but what can I do? "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said helplessly: "A bunch of idiots! There are more people than there are, right? Look back!"

Hongmao sneered coldly: "Young master, why are you doing this! Want to run away? Who are you trying to scare!"

After all, he turned his head and took a look, and then his eyes widened!

A convoy of six vehicles turned off the highway.

He drove straight over, with the front of the car facing everyone, forming a semicircle.

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