Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1830 Leave this matter to me

Bang bang bang!

A series of door openings opened, and a group of burly men got out of the car.

All of them have big gold chains, small gold watches, and a pair of sunglasses.

Duan Chenfeng slapped Huang Mao on the head and said coldly: "There are more people than there are, right?

Okay, let’s see who has the most people!

Huang Ba, leave it to you! "

Everyone ignored him and all got out of the car and went to the store to buy something.

Chen Xin'an looked helpless.

Duan Chenfeng went to see his son and brought Huang Ba and the others over.

In fact, Chen Xin'an could guess what he was thinking.

It was just that his ex-wife got married again, which irritated him.

I brought these people back just to show off to my ex-wife.

I'm feeling better now, and I'm doing well again!

So a box of money was thrown into the car, all of which were found from Feipeng Investment.

In fact, it's only five or six hundred thousand, not much.

It's just cash, but it still looks pretty cool.

With the funds obtained from Feiteng Investment last night, Chen Xin'an only got back the card worth 300,000 yuan.

The rest was all handed over to Duan Chenfeng for distribution.

Li Qi and Guan Fei both shared two hundred thousand, and the remaining three million were left to Duan Chenfeng.

Now that he wants to rise again, he needs money the most.

Everyone bought some things and walked back while eating.

Huang Mao's gang were all beaten, and they all knelt on the ground, with bruises and swollen noses and swollen faces, crying.

Duan Chenfeng grabbed a hamburger and took a bite. He kicked Huang Mao and cursed at him:

"What I hate the most is yellow hair!

You tell me whether you are cheap or not. Why are you provoking me?

Can't I pass you on the highway?

Why do you think the road belongs to your family? "

"Brother, I was wrong!" Huang Mao cried and said, "Just think of us as farts and let us go!"

Duan Chenfeng raised his leg and kicked him in the face, pointed at him and cursed: "There are so many of you, did I release a long list? They were scattered, right?"

Blood flowed from the corner of Huang Mao's mouth and he didn't dare to wipe it. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed to beg for mercy: "Brother, give me a chance. We will never dare to do it again!"

Huang Ba cursed: "Do you know who he is?"

Huang Mao shook his head.

Huang Ba snorted coldly and said, "Then do you know who I am?"

A group of young people nodded vigorously: "Master Cen Jiang!"

Huang Ba nodded with satisfaction, then pointed at Duan Chenfeng and said, "That's my boss Feng Ye! Do you know it now?"

The faces of a group of young people turned yellow!

I've provoked such an untouchable person, isn't he doomed?

Huang Ba said with a ferocious smile: "Now you bastards know how desperate you are, don't you?

Tell me, do you want to die or live? "

"I want to live!" a group of young people said without hesitation.

Huang Ba kicked one person and cursed at him: "If you want to live, you have to pay for it!"

Huang Mao said with a sad face: "Master Ba, your car is fine, mine was the one that was damaged..."

Huang Ba kicked him on the chin, breaking two of his teeth. He pointed at him and cursed:

"Then what do you mean, do you want me to compensate you?

Why don't you dare to provoke my boss? Can he hit your car?

If I don’t kill you bastards, you’ll be lucky!

What, if the car is not damaged, won’t you be compensated?

Everyone on my eldest brother's side was seriously injured and needed a long time to recover!

You bastards don’t want to bear this loss? "

Hong Mao cried and said: "Compensate, we will compensate! Let's work together."

Several young men knelt together and took out all the money they had.

There is actually a red envelope for each one, and then adding up the miscellaneous bits and pieces, there is a lot of money.

Hong Mao held it in both hands, tremblingly handed it to Huang Ba and said, "Master Ba, a total of one thousand six hundred and eighty-two yuan and five cents, is it enough?"

Huang Ba grabbed a stick from his younger brother and slapped Hong Mao on the head and face!

"You think I'm a beggar? You just want to give me away this little money?

No money, right?

Then impound the car, you bastards, just walk back to me! "

Hongmao knelt on the ground and cried: "Master Ba, we really have no money!

The car is also borrowed.

We lost Luming Village to attend a friend's wedding. These red envelopes were all used by random people, but now they are all given to you! "

Huang Ba wanted to fight again, but Duan Chenfeng shouted: "Dahuang, wait a minute!"

Huang Ba opened his mouth and stood aside obediently.

Duan Chenfeng sat on the front of a small car and said to Hong Mao and Huang Mao:

“You went to Luming Village to scream at the wedding?

Are you relatives of the bride? "

Hongmao shook his head and said, "We are friends of the groom Sui Zhanqiang."

Duan Chenfeng frowned and said, "What does he do?"

Hong Mao said quickly: "Don't Master Feng know about Qiang Zai's styling design? That belongs to Brother Qiang.

He has been doing beauty and hairdressing for many years, and we all learned his craft from him. "

After doing it for a long time, this is a group of people washing, cutting and blowing!

No wonder they all dyed their heads to look like parrots!

Wang Wei and the others said that the only family in Luming Village was planning a wedding, and it must be Sui Zhanqiang.

In this way, the wife he married was Duan Chenfeng's ex-wife Shi Lan.

Unexpectedly, this group of washers, cutters, and blowjobs went to attend his ex-wife’s wedding!

Duan Chenfeng became even more angry and scolded Huang Ba: "Dahuang, beat them up!

Then take off their clothes, shave their heads one by one, and tell them to get out! "

The young man kneeling on the ground burst into tears and howls!

At this moment, someone suddenly said: "Wait a minute!"

Ma Yanmei came over, shook her head at Duan Chenfeng, smiled and said, "Brother Feng, let me ask a few questions?"

Duan Chenfeng frowned, and just as he was about to speak, he saw Chen Xin'an nodding to him.

He also stopped talking.

Ma Yanmei walked up to Hongmao, looked at him and asked, "Let me ask you, since your strong brother is quite rich, why did he marry a divorced woman with children?"

This question is on point.

Duan Chenfeng also pricked up his ears.

A group of young people exchanged glances with a trace of disdain on their faces.

Hongmao said to Ma Yanmei: "Brother Qiang, that person is just... more romantic.

Her reputation in Cenjiang was not very good, and she was beaten by many wives' husbands.

We don’t know the specific inside story, but he once said that if you want to get married, you must find someone who has been divorced, so be relaxed! "

"I know!" A young man raised his hand, looked at Ma Yanmei timidly and said, "I told you, could you let us go?"

Ma Yanmei shrugged and said: "I can't make the decision, Master Feng has the final say!

But if what you say is true, I will help you intercede with Master Feng! "

The young man glanced at Duan Chenfeng in fear and said hesitantly to Ma Yanmei, "I can tell you, but not in front of so many people."

"Okay, let's talk in the car!" Ma Yanmei walked into a car next to her generously, and the young man followed.

After a while, Ma Yanmei walked out with an ugly face, as if she had heard something extremely disgusting.

He turned his head and asked the young man: "Aji, why do you hate him so much?"

Aji gritted his teeth and cursed: "This bastard defrauded all my three years of savings and asked me to join his beauty shop.

But until now, they haven't given me a cent of dividends.

My mother is hospitalized and I can't even come up with money to pay for her medical expenses!

This time I went to his wedding to collect debts! "

Ma Yanmei walked up to Duan Chenfeng and said to him: "Brother Feng, can you leave this matter to me? Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you!"

Duan Chenfeng looked at Ma Yanmei, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll trouble you then!"

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