Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1831 I should have come earlier

Let those young people drive away in the BMW Business.

Duan Chenfeng also bought breakfast for Huang Ba and his gang and shared it with everyone.

Chewing bread, Huang Ba said to Duan Chenfeng with a grimace: "Boss, I want to discuss something with you.

Can you please stop calling me Dahuang from now on?

It makes me look like a golden retriever! "

Duan Chenfeng glanced at him and cursed: "Is it my fault? Who told you to call me this unlucky name?

If I don’t call you Dahuang, should I call you Daba? "

Huang Ba stared and said, "You can call me by my nickname! It's not like you don't know what my nickname is!"

Duan Chenfeng glanced at him and asked, "Dabao? But I still think rhubarb sounds nice and smooth! How about I let everyone call you baby?"

Huang Ba got goosebumps all over his body, waved his hand and said: "Forget it, you can call me whatever you want, just pretend I didn't say it, boss, just be happy!"

After eating, we continued on the road, and finally arrived at Luming Village around eleven o'clock.

This was once a Miao tribe, but it was different from Xiangying Village and Motan Village.

The Miao people here have already intermarried with people from outside the mountains, and their bloodline is no longer pure.

Except that they are ethnic minorities on their ID cards, in fact their living habits are no different from those of the Han people.

The car stopped at the entrance of the village, and I heard music coming from the big speakers in the distance.

Everyone got off the car and walked over on foot.

No need to ask at all, you already know whose family the marriage is.

It must be said that Sui Zhanqiang was very popular in Luming Village. Many people came to attend the wedding, and various cars were parked everywhere in the village.

Shi Lan is also from this village, so speaking of it, he and Sui Zhanqiang should have known each other since childhood.

Ma Yanmei watched Duan Chenfeng running around like a headless fly, grabbed his arm and asked:

"Brother Feng, you and your ex-wife have been married for so many years, and your son is eight years old. You don't even know where your father-in-law lives?"

Duan Chenfeng blushed, looked around and said, "I came here once ten years ago, and that was the only time.

Things have changed a lot now!

What’s more, all they speak is dialect, and I can’t understand even if I want to ask for directions! "

Ma Yanmei shook her head helplessly and said to him: "Forget it, let me do it!"

She turned around and walked towards the old people sitting at the gate in front of her. She chatted with them for a few words, using authentic local dialect.

After a while, Ma Yanmei came back and said to everyone: "It's by the North Bridge, let's go there!"

"Can you speak the local dialect here?" Duan Chenfeng looked at her in shock and asked.

Ma Yanmei curled her lips and said, "I can speak ancient Miao dialect, which is very similar to the local dialect. I just need to change the pronunciation a little."

Duan Chenfeng was a little shocked because he had heard Ma Yanmei speak several dialects, and they were all authentic.

But there was nothing surprising about Chen Xin'an.

Language ability is also a basic quality to become a qualified con man.

Everyone walked north and saw a dilapidated stone bridge in the distance.

Duan Chenfeng exclaimed in surprise: "I remembered, I have been to this place! Shi Lan's home is over there!"

He ran over quickly, arrived at a house, and opened the ajar door.

"Shi Lan! Ning Ning!" Duan Chenfeng stood in the yard and shouted.

The yard was not big and was filled with the stench of livestock manure.

The word "囍" is posted on the doors and windows.

It’s just that no one is home.

Duan Chenfeng searched every room and found no one.

Ma Yanmei said to him: "At this time, you should have gone to the groom's house, right?"

Duan Chenfeng said in despair: "But where is Ning Ning? Did you go with her too?"

Ma Yanmei took his arm and said, "Go and take a look first!"

Everyone came out again and walked towards the place where the music was playing.

At this moment, a sheep screamed from the side of the stone bridge.

Duan Chenfeng turned his head and took a look, then walked quickly towards the stone bridge.

Suddenly he stopped, stood at the end of the bridge, looked at the river embankment below, and shouted sadly: "Ning Ning!"

Everyone followed and saw an eight or nine-year-old boy in ragged clothes on the grass on the river embankment. He was holding a sheep whip in his right hand and a candy in his left hand.

He licked the outer plastic packaging with his tongue but did not open it.

When he heard someone calling him, the little boy trembled, as if he was subconsciously trying to hide the candy in his hand. He looked up in horror and was stunned!

"Ning Ning!" Duan Chenfeng rushed over, but unexpectedly he tripped under his feet and rolled down from above!

This scene was a bit funny, but no one standing by the bridge laughed.

Duan Chenfeng stood up from the ground in embarrassment, not even bothering to pat the dirt on his body, and rushed towards the little boy, crying: "Ningning, it's daddy!"

The little boy finally recognized the man in front of him, cried loudly, threw away the whip in his hand, and rushed towards Duan Chenfeng: "Dad!"

The father and son hugged each other tightly and cried loudly!

Duan Chenfeng stroked his son's body and cried, "Son, dad misses you so much!

Why are you dressed in such rags?

Didn't your mother buy you laundry clothes? "

Chen Xin'an came over, took Duan Chenfeng's arm and said, "Brother Feng, let go of the child first!"

Duan Chenfeng hugged his son tightly and cried, "Don't let me go! I will never let go of my son again!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "Brother Feng, the child is injured, you hurt him!"

Duan Chenfeng's body trembled, and then he felt his son's trembling. He quickly let go of him and asked in panic:

"Son, what's wrong with you? Where do you feel pain? Tell dad, who bullied you?"

Chen Xin'an pushed him away and held the little guy's hand.

But as soon as he touched him, the little guy threw his arms away as if he was electrocuted. He looked at Chen Xin'an in horror and hid behind Duan Chenfeng.

Duan Chenfeng quickly said to him: "Ning Ning, dear, this is Uncle Chen, he is dad's good friend!

Don't worry, let him check your body, dad is by your side, it's okay! "

Duan Ningning was now less guarded and no longer resisted Chen Xin'an's approach.

Chen Xin'an gently touched Duan Ningning's body from head to toe, and then took off his clothes.

As he turned around, everyone exclaimed.

Duan Ningning's chest and back were covered with purple and black bruises.

There are also countless scars burned with cigarette butts, and scars caused by knocking from unknown objects.

Some have already formed blood scabs, and some are still bleeding!

No one dares to imagine what kind of abuse this little boy, who was only eight or nine years old, had experienced!

How much pain he endured all the time!

"Damn you beast! You bastard! I'll kill your whole family!" Duan Chenfeng's heart broke when he saw his son's miserable condition!

He clenched his fists and yelled in the direction of the village, tears streaming down his face uncontrollably!

Chen Xin'an said to him with a gloomy face: "The child's skull and arms have been fractured, and it seems that they have not been treated thoroughly.

This resulted in some deformities in healing that needed to be corrected again.

in addition……"

Chen Xin'an said nothing, but pointed at the red mark in the middle of the child's pants.

Duan Chenfeng's expression changed greatly, and he carefully pulled off his son's pants.

The front of the little guy's underwear was stained red with blood!

The child is peeing blood!

"Ah!" Duan Chenfeng looked like he was going crazy. He knelt on the ground, hit his head on the ground, then raised his hands and slapped himself hard!

"Why the hell didn't I come earlier! What kind of punishment did I let my son suffer here!"

Duan Ningning gently held Duan Chenfeng's head, covered his face with her hands and comforted him: "Dad, I don't feel any pain anymore!"

Duan Chenfeng hugged him and cried loudly: "I hurt!"

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