Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1836 Return to Dongshan

Hearing that Chen Xin'an had returned to Cenjiang, the Hu family fled overnight.

They once paid Lord Ma to come forward to deal with Chen Xin'an.

Unexpectedly, even Lord Ma would fall into Chen Xin'an's hands. Now they finally knew what a terrible person Chen Xin'an was!

They are not stupid either, knowing that Chen Xin'an will definitely not let them go when he comes back.

So the family moved directly, and no one knew where they went.

Chen Xin'an didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she heard the news.

To him, the Hu family is really just a little ant.

He didn't even plan to deal with them seriously. This matter had already been left to Duan Chenfeng and Ma Yanmei.

The crew will be here tomorrow. Chen Xin'an was not idle all day. He took Duan Chenfeng, Ma Yanmei, and Huang Ba around Cenjiang City and closed two places.

They are all the top nightclubs in Cenjiang, properties left by Lord Ma.

It's not that no one is jealous, it's just that Situ Hong secretly said hello and suppressed it.

He knew that Chen Xin'an would definitely take action.

It is impossible for Chen Xin'an to give away all of such a profitable business.

Chen Xin'an gave one of them directly to Huang Ba.

He clearly told Huang Ba a truth.

If you consider Duan Chenfeng as the boss, you are my friend, Chen Xinan.

I, Chen Xin'an, will never treat my friends badly.

When there is money, everyone makes it, and when there is difficulty, everyone bears it.

But once you change your mind, you become my enemy, Chen Xin'an.

Even if the mountain is high and the emperor is far away, I can still come and kill you with my own hands just like I killed Lord Ma!

To deal with people like Huang Ba, there is no need to think about any tricks, just use the most direct tactics.

It's very simple, just let him understand how powerful you are.

So powerful that he dare not resist!

So powerful that he was convinced!

As for Ma Yanmei, Chen Xin'an felt that she had really underestimated Duan Chenfeng, a fool.

Although he is reckless, he is neither stupid nor foolish, and he has his own way of dealing with women.

Ma Yanmei has a heart with nine orifices and eighteen bends, and playing tricks with others is her strong point.

But in my heart, I was even more attracted to Duan Chenfeng's straightforward character.

But Chen Xin'an couldn't predict whether they would be able to get together in the future.

As long as Ma Yanmei doesn't set her sights on Duan Chenfeng, otherwise he won't mind another trip to Lingnan!

After dinner in the evening, as soon as I returned to the room, the phone rang.

Chen Xin'an took out her mobile phone, and it turned out to be a video request from her daughter-in-law.

Pressing the button to connect, Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, you will be back tomorrow, can't you wait?"

Ning Xiruo frowned and said, "Husband, I just came back from the airport.

My grandparents and master went to Koto. Before leaving, they told me that they don’t need to go back to Kyoto and will go directly to Koto! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned and asked strangely: "What did they go to Jiangdong for? Are they back to Dongshan?"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said: "Instead of going back to Dongshan, I really want to go to Laicheng!

They didn't tell me in detail, they just left in a hurry.

Let me tell you, you have to go there too! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "Laicheng is just east of Dongshan... Oh, I know!

Qingniu Mountain!

Have they returned to Qingniu Mountain?

No, if they go back there, they can just say Qingniu Mountain.

That is to go to Qingniu Town, which belongs to Laichengguan!

But why are they going to Qingniu Town?

Could it be..."

Chen Xin'an's expression changed. Is this incident related to the cable car tragedy?

I can't guess anything now, so I'd better go there tomorrow and ask for details!

I chatted with my wife for a while, and inevitably kissed me.

If it weren't for the second pole coming to cause trouble, Chen Xin'an wouldn't be willing to hang up the video.

I slept until dawn.

The phone rang. The caller from Duan Changkong had already arrived.

Chen Xin'an originally wanted them to reapply to change the route, but they didn't expect that they were notified by Ning Xiruo last night. They had already applied and could leave at any time.

Call everyone and tell everyone to go to the airport now.

Soon there were cars parked underneath the hotel.

Duan Chenfeng, Ma Yanmei and Huang Ba came with a group of people to see him off.

As the motorcade headed for the airport, pedestrians on the road gave way.

In this scene, I thought it was some kind of big boss outing!

Chen Xin'an actually doesn't like being so high-profile, and is very ashamed and embarrassed.

But Duan Chenfeng and Huang Ba insisted on doing this, saying that this way they could show their boss's domineering power!

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to let them go!

When they arrived at the airport, the crew was ready. Everyone boarded the plane and left the sky over Lingnan.

There were five people when we arrived, but there were six when we left.

In addition to Chen Xin'an and the Guan brothers, there are also three people: Li Qi, Meng Bowa, and Yan Shuisheng.

They both travel by plane, but Mongpowa and Yan Shuisheng are very different.

Mengbowa vomited as soon as we took off. Guan Fei and Guan Du were there to support her, otherwise she wouldn't be able to sit still!

Yan Shuisheng was very curious, looking left and right but nothing happened.

According to him, taking a plane is almost the same as taking a boat.

At first it was all swaying, as if the feet were not touching the ground.

Just get used to it.

Chen Xin'an has already informed everyone in advance of his plan to go to Jiangdong first instead of returning to Kyoto.

No one has any opinion.

Anyway, just follow him, it doesn't matter where you go.

In the evening, the plane landed at Dongshan Airport.

There is no airport in Lae, so you have to take a bus from here.

When I got off the plane, I was already waiting in my business car.

Everyone got in the car and went straight to Zuixian Tower.

There are many guests in the hotel, and it can be seen that business is very good.

I would rather reserve a large box in advance, push the door open, and find someone waiting inside.

"Brother-in-law!" Ning Xi ran over and hugged Chen Xin'an's arm.

Next to him, Ning Chen also called him brother-in-law respectfully.

Chen Xin'an shook her arm vigorously and said, "Let go! It's such a weather and you're still wearing so many short skirts, you're not cold!"

Ning Xi snorted and said, "I wore it specially for you to see. It also has black stockings. Don't you like it?"

"Haha! I prefer to tie you to the rooftop like this, do you believe it?" Chen Xin'an said with a snort.

Ning Xi pouted, snorted and said: "As expected, he is still the straight man, boring!"

Ning Ze scolded with a straight face: "Let your brother-in-law rest for a while, and don't pester him! The boss is no longer young, what has he become!"

Ning Xi stuck out her tongue and walked aside obediently.

Ning Ze glanced at Chen Xin'an and said with a smile: "Coming from Lingnan, it's not very adaptable, right?

I have prepared clothes for you all to put on later.

The temperature in Jiangdong is lower than that in Lingnan! "

Ning Ze's attitude towards Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo now is very different from before.

Who is his fifth brother-in-law? As news of what he did came back to Dongshan one by one, he, the eldest brother, was dumbfounded and frightened every time!

Only now do I know how desperate the second uncle and fourth uncle were to treat Lao Wu like that!

Dad chose to stay out of the matter, which was undoubtedly the wisest thing to do.

More importantly, the reason why he rejected Ning Xiruo was because of the Ning family's property.

But Ning Xiruo's way of handling it left him speechless.

She gave up all her family property and left it to him and the third child.

He only took away the formula of Liangmao medicinal wine that originally belonged to others.

So he was really full of guilt for his fifth sister and brother-in-law.

He was not the only one who had this thought, but also his mother.

Chen Xin'an asked everyone to sit down and said to Ning Ze, "Where are the uncle and aunt?"

Ningxiao said: "The old man is in the kitchen, and I have to leave a special hand for you."

Ning Ze nodded and said, "My mother is not feeling well..."

Ning Ning rushed to say: "No, my mother is at home with Xiaoyun! Your third sister-in-law is already seven months old!"

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "To be honest, what's wrong with Auntie's health?"

Ning Ze and Ning Ke both fell silent.

Ning Chen said: "I had a cerebral hemorrhage and was rescued. I have been lying in bed for two months!"

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