Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1837 This is not a disease, this is an injury

Panlong Bay Villa.

Ning Xiruo left this villa to Meng Fei and Yue Zhihua.

Now that Yue Zhihua is helping in the company, Mengfei walks and fishes every day, enjoying a comfortable retirement life.

And I heard that Aunt Ru was tricked.

The two are already living together, but they have not obtained the certificate.

Ning Xiruo told her family.

She gave up the company and everything in Dongshan and left this villa.

And this was reserved specifically for Meng Fei and Yue Zhihua.

No one can dwell on this place.

She will pay for their living expenses. Yue Zhihua helps in the company. She would rather pay wages if she wants to. It doesn't matter if she doesn't. She will give the uncle money anyway.

Everyone in the Ning family listened.

And the relationship with both of them is very good.

Especially Ning Xi and Ning Chen, they were always talking about Grandpa and Uncle Yue, who called them very affectionate.

After all, they are very generous, giving out red envelopes worth thousands to thousands during the New Year!

Ning Chen and Ning Xi both have shares in the company and can receive dividends every year.

It's just that the money is stored in a special account, stuck with the uncle, and will be given to them when they start a business.

Even the eighth brother Ning Shuo and Ning Xiruo found their second aunt and gave her five million before going to Kyoto.

It was enough to raise Ning Shuo and graduate from college.

Now that Ning Chen has graduated from college and joined Dongshan Power Supply Bureau, he is not planning to do business.

Ning Xi also just graduated and now helps in the company's administrative department.

Neither of them touched the money.

In fact, both of them have the same idea, that is, when they save enough money, they will build the two villas they once pushed!

Back at the familiar villa, Master Meng, Yue Zhihua and Aunt Ru were waiting at the door.

Chen Xin'an came over with open hands. Meng Ye and Yue Zhihua were very excited and prepared to hug him.

Unexpectedly, this boy hugged Aunt Ru directly.

"Aunt Ru, are you okay?" Chen Xin'an smiled and hugged the woman who had been in the Ning family for half her life.

She was childless and alone, and devoted her whole life to the Ning family.

As for Aunt Ru, everyone from the old lady down to the following people respects her.

Ning Xiruo treated her as a relative and wanted to take her to Kyoto, but she didn't want to.

He said that he was getting older and could no longer bear the torment of such a long journey.

And she didn't want to leave Dongshan, even if she died, she would die in Dongshan.

There was no other way, Ning Xiruo had no choice but to keep her in the villa.

As before, she took care of the entire villa and paid money into her card every month.

"Very good, very good!" Aunt Ru patted Chen Xin'an on the back and said, "You kid, you have become much thinner. At least you have lost five or six kilograms compared to when you were at home!"

This is Aunt Ru's extraordinary ability.

When you go out to buy groceries, you will never be shortchanged by the merchants.

Because when anything comes into her hands, she can weigh out the weight and the taels, and the error is less than one tael!

Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "I'm a little busy, so I lost a little weight. Don't worry, Aunt Ru, I'm in good health!

Did Mr. Meng bully you?

If he dares to make you angry, just tell me and Xiruo, we will definitely not spare him! "

Master Meng blushed and said aggrievedly: "Master, I am the one being bullied, okay?"


Next to him, Yue Zhihua laughed out loud, led everyone into the living room, greeted everyone on the sofa, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Last night, he was kneeling on the washboard.

I was supposed to have to kneel tonight, but you escaped the disaster when you came! "

Master Meng jumped to his feet and yelled: "Old Yue, you are so unjust! I told you not to mention this matter to the young master, but you took two hundred yuan from me and sold me again. Are you still a human being?"

Yue Zhihua slapped his chest and said with a strong voice: "Am I, Yue Zhihua, that kind of person?

You want to bribe me with two hundred yuan, what are you thinking!

At least five hundred! "

The crowd roared with laughter.

Chen Xin'an pointed at Yue Zhihua and cursed: "Uncle, you are so wicked. Your monthly pocket money is more than Master Meng, and you cheated others of hundreds of dollars!"

Master Meng finally caught the opportunity for revenge and said with a smile: "He has a lot of money! All his money was given to his girlfriend!"

"Girlfriend?" Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Yue Zhihua and asked, "Uncle, you have a girlfriend? How come Xiruo and I didn't know about it?"

Yue Zhihua blushed, glanced at Chen Xin'an dissatisfied and said, "Why, at my age, I can't even have a girlfriend? Besides, didn't you introduce me to her?"

"Did we introduce it to you?" Chen Xin'an looked confused and looked at him and asked, "Who is it?"

Master Meng snorted and said, "It's the little stewardess I met in Kyoto!

Her name is Connie Zhou!

Now we are having a fierce fight with Lao Yue, and we are getting ready to get married! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, turned her head, and looked at the four crew members.

The four of them came back with him tonight.

Duan Changkong shook his head and said: "Boss, we don't know! And she has already resigned!"

Anjing and the others nodded.

The four crew members took Zhou Connie, Xia Ruixue, and Li Ziying to meet Chen Xin'an in Kyoto.

That time also made Duan Changkong regretful that he should not have brought these three colleagues to meet the boss.

Because I can't get along with my boss.

However, although Chen Xin'an felt that the three women were very scheming, they did not lose their good nature, so his impression of them was neither good nor bad.

I just didn't expect that Zhou Connie would actually get along with her old uncle.

And judging from this, he also controls the financial power of my uncle?

"Where is she?" Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly.

Yue Zhihua said awkwardly: "She doesn't live here.

Although she has plans to get married, she is not a member of our family after all, so it is impossible for her to live here.

She has a nail salon on the pedestrian street, and she usually lives there! "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

He turned to Aunt Ru and said, "Aunt Ru, please help me arrange everyone and divide the rooms.

I'm going to visit my uncle. "

Aunt Ru responded with a smile: "Come, come up with me. You'd better sleep in your and Xiruo's room."

Nothing has been moved, everything is the same.

Come up with me, everyone. There are many rooms, enough to sleep in. "

Chen Xin'an stood up, said hello to Mr. Meng and his uncle, and walked to the villa next door.

Ning Ze stayed in the hotel, and everyone else had returned.

The door to the living room was not even closed, knowing that Chen Xin'an was coming over.

Everyone was sitting in the living room watching TV, as if they were waiting for him.

Seeing Chen Xin'an walking in, everyone stood up.

Liu Xiaoyun wanted to stand up, but Chen Xin'an quickly walked over to her and said, "Sister-in-law, please sit still and I'll take your pulse!"

Ning Chen looked at this scene with mixed emotions.

I think back then, when Chen Xin'an first came to the Ning family, because he was a live-in son-in-law, who could think highly of him?

Not to mention that the whole family got up to greet her, they even refused to let her in through the door.

But now, what is the attitude of the Ning family towards this uncle?

If a son-in-law can achieve such a high level, I am afraid that there will be no other son-in-law in the whole of China!

Ning Chen couldn't tell whether he was envious or proud in his heart!

After all, this is the uncle of the Ning family!

After taking a pulse for a while, Chen Xin'an gave Liu Xiaoyun two more injections. Then he kicked Ning Ke in the calf with a smile and cursed:

"Be more careful at night! If you hold it in for a few months, you will die!"

Ning Ke and Liu Xiaoyun were both blushing, and they really had no shame to say anything.

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Ning Changfeng: "Uncle, I'm going to see my aunt!"

Ning Changfeng pointed to the room next to him: "He's lying in there!"

Chen Xin'an turned around and walked in, looked at the sleeping woman on the bed, sat on the edge of the bed, and touched her head with her hand.

After a while, his face turned gloomy, and he turned around and said, "This is not an illness, this is an injury!"

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