Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1838 I don’t accept this method

In other words, my aunt's cerebral hemorrhage was caused by a violent impact.

Either he was beaten violently or he was hit.

The strange thing is that no matter which one it is, there should be a wound on her head.

But I can’t see it now!

There was no injury on her head, not even a bloody scab left by the injury!

This is unreasonable!

"What's going on?" Chen Xin'an sat beside the bed and asked everyone with a gloomy face.

Everyone looked hesitant, as if they were hesitant to speak.

Ning Xi snorted, walked to Chen Xin'an and said, "If you don't dare tell my brother-in-law, I will!"

She turned her head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother-in-law, auntie was sent to the hospital after she fainted over there in Goldfish Lane.

Then I lay down for two months without waking up.

The doctor said it was a cerebral hemorrhage, and the specific cause is yet to be investigated.

My uncle said that he wouldn’t wake up anyway, so it would be better to lie at home in the hospital.

Just bring her back! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Continue!"

Ning Xi was stunned: "Continue with what? I've already finished what I said?"

"That's it?" Chen Xin'an's eyes widened and he said angrily to her, "That's right, don't say it again in the future!"

What I want to know is not explained at all!

You talked for a long time and said der!

Ning Changfeng sighed and said to Chen Xin'an: "I know this is not an illness, but a beating!"

"You know?" Even Ning Ze and Ning Ke were shocked.

Ning Ze shouted: "Dad, who beat my mother like this? Tell me, I will never let him go!"

Ning Ke also frowned and asked, "Dad, why didn't you tell us?

I always thought my mother was really sick!

Why are you hiding it?

Has my mother made a powerful enemy? "

Chen Xin'an stood up, walked to Ning Changfeng and said, "Uncle, even if Xiruo and I are no longer in Dongshan, the Ning family is not easy to bully.

If anyone attacks our Ning family, just tell me and Xi Ruo, and we should be able to deal with it.

Why do you have to swallow your anger? "

"Yes, uncle!" Ning Chen and Ning Xi also said in unison.

Ning Changfeng sighed, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Actually, I think this is pretty good!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

My wife was beaten so hard that she couldn't wake up in bed for three months, but she actually felt pretty good as a husband. What kind of brain circuit is this?

Ning Changfeng looked at Ning Ze and Ning Ke and said, "Boss and Second, do you still remember that I asked you to borrow money at the beginning of the year?"

Ning Ning nodded and said, "You said the hotel couldn't make ends meet, so you borrowed five hundred thousand from the company, right?"

Ning Changfeng nodded and said, "Yes! Actually, it's not that the hotel can't handle the turnover.

But... your mother lost all the family's money! "

Like a bolt from the blue, Ning Ze and Ning Ke's expressions changed at the same time.

Ning Changfeng sighed and said: "Your mother has developed a gambling habit since last year.

Before her accident, she had lost all her family’s savings!

That is the eight million I have worked hard all my life to save for you two!

During that time we were constantly speculating, and you still blame me for bullying your mother.

In fact, I advised her not to gamble again.

I said if this continues, she will bring down our whole family!

She promised me at that time not to gamble.

But as long as she has some money, she will still go!

Later, something happened to her.

On the contrary, I felt relieved as I no longer had to worry about her gambling.

It's nice to lie on the bed like this. I can support her and save her from being a drag on our whole family! "

The uncle's words left everyone stunned.

His seemingly cruel and heartless attitude is actually blameless.

After all, once a person becomes a gambler, it is basically a death sentence for the entire family!

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to Ning Changfeng: "Goldfish Lane? Behind the pedestrian street?"

Ning Changfeng said to Chen Xin'an: "Xin'an, let's just forget about this!

I think this result is acceptable.

At the very least, she won’t gamble again! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head, looked at Ning Changfeng and said, "There are many ways to help aunt detoxify from drugs.

But I don’t accept this method and price!

Do you know her current situation?

I will help her clear the congestion in her brain tonight, and she will wake up in the next two days.

But she may lose her memory and not recognize you.

There will also be headaches from time to time.

Most importantly, she was left with irreversible brain damage that left her body smaller than before!

No one can treat my family like this.

Therefore, the perpetrators must be severely punished!

I, Chen Xin'an, left Dongshan, which does not mean I left my family alone.

I can pay off my debts, but I won’t allow it to hurt my family!

Ning Xi, you stay here, the others go to the living room and wait while I give my aunt the injection.

Third sister-in-law, put the water on and let aunt take a hot bath later! "

"Okay!" Everyone responded and all retreated.

Half an hour later, Ning Xi came out with a plastic basin filled with black blood and hurriedly poured it into the toilet.

Chen Xin'an walked out of the room and said to Ning Changfeng: "Uncle, after aunt wakes up, if she can't remember the past, try not to let her think about it.

Her brain couldn't stand the stimulation.

Don't work so hard in the future, leave the hotel to your eldest brother, and spend more time with your aunt.

Go out for a walk and play wherever you want.

Don't feel bad about spending money. No matter how much you spend, just tell me and Xiruo and we'll have it. "

Ning Changfeng wiped his eyes, said nothing, and just nodded.

When Chen Xin'an was about to walk out, he suddenly said: "Xin'an, be careful!

Those people are now in Dongshan and are very rampant! "

Chen Xin'an knew that he was talking about those who opened casinos.

He nodded, turned around and walked out of the villa.

There was a man standing under the street lamp, leaning against the lamppost, with a toothpick hanging in his mouth.

When he saw Chen Xin'an coming out, he didn't say anything and just followed behind.

Chen Xin'an didn't want to be polite to him, waved her hand and said: "Go to the car and go to the pedestrian street!"

Li Qi pointed to the door of the villa and said, "Xiao Fei is still waiting over there!"

Chen Xin'an shook her head helplessly and said, "Call Xiaodu, let's come together!"

The next second, the door of the villa opened, and a group of people all ran out, cheering.

Chen Xin'an rubbed his face, with a look of helplessness on his face, turned to glare at the two guys who were still sneaking around in front of the uncle's house and shouted: "Give Third Brother the car keys, let's go together!"

"Yeah!" Ning Chen and Ning Xi both jumped up excitedly, turned around and ran into the villa.

I originally wanted to do something alone tonight, but now it’s okay, a whole bunch of people are here!

Forget it, let's go play together. Anyway, we are going to Qingniu Town tomorrow.

For Dongshan, except for the three people brought from Lingnan, the rest are very familiar.

Ning Chen drove and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother-in-law, are you going to dance or sing?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "You can do whatever you want, but you must find a place on the pedestrian street!"

Ning Xi snapped her fingers and said: "Then go to Sophia! After the decline of the Royal Club, the best place is here!"

Everyone agreed.

Chen Xin'an said to Ning Xi: "Xiao Xi, do you know where Connie Zhou's nail salon is?"

"Of course I know!" Ning Xi nodded and said, "I used to take my best friends there often!

It’s also business hours at this time. Brother-in-law, do you want to go over and have a look? "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

The car stopped at the pedestrian street and everyone got out of the car.

Ning Xi led the way, pointing to the first floor of the shopping mall in front and said:

"It's right over there, called Fingertips Gentleness. Business is pretty good!"

When everyone walked over, they were all stunned.

The storefront has been closed, and there is a piece of A4 paper taped to the rolling shutter door with four words printed on it: Prosperous Shop for Rent!

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