Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1851 It’s you I’m waiting for

Twenty minutes later, a group of men in uniforms suddenly broke in, pulled out guns and surrounded everyone!

The person leading the team said with a straight face: "Take them all back!"

He walked up to Chen Xin'an, pointed the gun at him and said, "Let go! Give the man to me, and you come with us!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "What are the people from the Haidong Security Department doing here?"

The person leading the team snorted and said, "These are not questions you can ask! Hurry up and come back with us to accept the investigation!"

I'm warning you, don't play any tricks on me!

Otherwise I will take coercive measures against you! "

Ju Ming shouted from the side: "Captain Hu, why are you talking so much nonsense to him? Just shoot!"

First break his arms and legs, so many of us will help you testify.

He was the one who arrested you first. You shot in self-defense!

Did you see the injury on my head?

This bastard did it to me.

You can't let him go easily! "

Captain Hu frowned, glanced at Ju Ming, and whispered: "Master Zhu, I know what to do, and we also have to follow the procedures!"

"What a fool!" Ju Ming scolded: "I have suffered such a loss, why are you following the procedures?

There are no outsiders here!

These people are so under control, why are you so scared?

Don’t pretend, just do it in one step!

I will never let these bastards off easily today!

You're not brave enough, Captain Hu!

Once this matter is done, I'll tell my uncle to transfer you up! "

Captain Hu looked troubled, took a deep breath, pointed the gun at Chen Xin'an and said, "Let go now, or I'll shoot!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and said, "Do you dare? Just shoot, and I will let you die here!"

Captain Hu frowned, glared at Chen Xin'an and shouted, "What did you say?"

Chen Xin'an ignored him, looked down at Ju Ming and said, "I called someone from the Haidong Security Department. Your surname is Zhu, so who are you Zhu?"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and Captain Hu asked in surprise: "How do you know our leader?"

Zhu Ming smiled evilly and said, "You know my uncle? That'll be easy!"

If you don’t give me an explanation today, I’ll kill you! "

"What's going on? It took you so long! I have something to do when I get back!" Another person walked in at the door.

Team Hu quickly responded: "Leader Xiao, it will be ready soon!"

Leader Xiao yawned and said impatiently: "Hold on, if Ju Ming hadn't called me, I wouldn't have wanted to come over!

There is a card game tonight, I have to accompany you! "

After saying that, he yawned again, turned around and wanted to leave.

A voice came from behind: "Xiao Zhan, your demeanor will be different when you become a leader!

You came here just as soon as someone called you. Are you, Xiao Zhan, and the people from the security department the Zhu family’s dogs? "

"Who said this?" Xiao Zhan became angry, turned around and shouted, then he saw Chen Xin'an, was stunned for a moment, seemed a little afraid to confirm, and suddenly screamed:

"Damn! Chen Xin'an, why are you here? When did you come back?"

Chen Xin'an? !

This name is not unknown in Dongshan!

Even Huang Erlang and Huang Sangou stared wide-eyed. They didn't expect that this young man turned out to be the legendary son-in-law of Dongshan!

It’s amazing to be as good as a home-based son-in-law!

When others come to visit, they don’t even have dignity.

Being bullied by the father-in-law's family, it was almost difficult for him to have enough food and clothing, and he was treated like a slave every day.

But this one directly helped his wife to take over the entire family company.

And he helped his wife, and in less than two years, it became the number one brand of Chinese medicinal wine!

What's even more enviable is this man's decisive and decisive aura that sweeps through everything!

Any enemy who provokes him will not end well!

Ju Ming gritted his teeth and said, "Are you Chen Xin'an?

No wonder you dare to do this to me, Ju Ming, in Dongshan!

Okay, since you are friends with my uncle, I won’t hold you accountable for tonight’s matter!

You have to admit you hurt me, right?

Accompany me for 10 million, and let this be settled!

I know you have money, but ten million is nothing to you!

Remember, this is for my uncle’s sake!

If you can't even afford this little money, don't blame me for being rude to you! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him and said, "So what if you're not welcome?

Give you ten million?

Are you worth the money? "

As he spoke, Chen Xin'an raised his hand, and another handful of hair was pulled off by him!

Zhu Ming clenched his fists in pain and cried loudly!

Team Hu and a group of team members saw Xiao Zhan's livid face and said nothing, and they did not dare to move.

Xiao Zhan took a deep breath, walked to Chen Xin'an, and whispered: "Mr. Chen, let's stop it here!

Ju Ming’s father is Zhu Rui and his mother is Fang Xuemei! "

Chen Xin'an turned her head and glanced at him, and said expressionlessly: "Then what?"

Xiao Zhan frowned, looked at him and said, "Fang Xuemei, she is Fang Kai's aunt!"

Chen Xinan stopped talking.

Zhu Ming smiled evilly and said to him: "What's wrong? Are you finally afraid?

You bastard!

How dare you do this to me?

You Chen Xin'an are awesome, how dare you not give my uncle face.

But will you give me my grandpa’s face?

Don’t try to understand this easily!

If you pull out my hair, my hair will cost you ten thousand yuan!

Count how many there are!

I told you, no one in Dongshan dares to do this to me! "

Chen Xin'an had no expression on his face, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

When the call was connected, Chen Xin'an said to the phone: "Mr. Fang, this is Chen Xin'an.

Yes, I just came back today.

I am now on the first floor below Sophia Entertainment City, Dongshan Pedestrian Street.

Do you know this place?

Okay, let me tell you, this is a casino!

I don't want to call Leader Lei because I want to inform you about this first.

The owner of this casino is named Zhu Ming.

He said he is your grandson! "

Ju Ming's face suddenly turned pale.

He has been doing things under the banner of grandpa.

But it doesn’t mean that Grandpa can know all this!

Chen Xin'an actually had his grandfather's phone number, and he was very close to his grandfather. This was something he had never expected!

So now he began to realize that the guy in front of him was more difficult to deal with than he thought!

Don't let this guy lose money and be punished tonight, I'm afraid his end will be even worse than now!

There seemed to be a long silence over there.

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Mr. Fang, you have a good grandson!"

There seemed to be laughter there, and then he said a few words to Chen Xin'an and hung up the phone.

Chen Xin'an looked at Xiao Zhan and said, "People from the city bureau should come over later. Are you here, or are you leaving?"

Xiao Zhan's expression changed and he immediately said to Captain Hu: "Close the team!"

Turning his head, Xiao Zhan said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, actually we are too..."

Chen Xin'an waved his hand, looked at him with squinted eyes and asked: "The law enforcement team of the Security Department is not the security team of his Zhu family!

You shouldn't be like this! "

Xiao Zhan turned pale, sighed, turned around and left!

"What the hell!" Seeing that the official people and his own thugs had withdrawn, Ju Ming's face turned red and he gritted his teeth and cursed:

"Chen Xin'an, you've ruined everything for me!

Do you think I will give in like this?

Do you think I can't deal with you without these trashes?

Boncha, come out! "


The door of the toilet next to him was pushed open, and a shirtless man wearing sports shorts and strong muscles came over!

Chen Xin'an recognized him as the man standing on the ring and said with a sneer: "It's you I'm waiting for!"

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