Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1852 This is the so-called Tailan master

The police haven't arrived yet, but Ju Ming already feels that his casino can't be saved!

After Xu Huaqiang left, Fang Zheng became the leader of Haidong.

He told his family that no matter who they were, they should not use his name to do evil outside.

And Ju Ming also knew very well that although his grandfather did not say it out loud, he still felt partial and doting towards his own grandson.

He is much stricter with his grandson.

This also made him feel unwilling.

It seemed like he was deliberately going against his grandfather.

What you don’t let me do, I have to do!

It's just that he didn't dare to do it openly, otherwise if his grandfather knew about it, not to mention that he would not have a good life, his uncle's family, plus his parents, would not have a good life!

Now, this damn Chen Xin'an has just announced everything to the world!

It’s strange that grandpa spared him!

Thinking of the fate he was about to encounter in the future, Zhu Ming was angry and anxious. He pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Bangcha, kill him!"

All this is caused by this bastard Chen Xin'an!

No one has ever made him, Mr. Zhu, so embarrassed!

He used to be afraid of some people in Dongshan City.

But when grandpa became a big leader, those who used to be disdainful of him now took the initiative to curry favor with him!

That's why he dared to say that no one dared to provoke him in Dongshan.

But now, all these are about to be lost!

Damn Chen Xin'an, ruined everything for him!

Then let this bastard pay the price!

Don't you like to do it?

Then let the masters I invited from abroad do it to you and beat you to death to get rid of the evil spirit in my heart!

Without saying a word, Guan Fei stopped in front, faced the guy running over in red shorts, and bumped into him!


The opponent was wearing a pair of gloves and punched Guan Fei on the bridge of the nose!

Guan Fei also hit him hard, knocking him out!

Just the moment Boncha fell to the ground, a kite turned over and stood up again.

But Guan Fei stood upright, his nose bleeding suddenly flowing down, instantly turning his chest red.

Then he turned on his back, fell to the ground, and passed out!

"Brother!" Guan Du screamed and rushed over.

Chen Xin'an also frowned, and rushed to Guan Fei's side before Guan Du, pressed the bridge of his nose with her hand, and pinched it several times.

Then he took out the silver needle and injected two needles into Guan Fei's face to stop the nosebleed.

"The nose bone is broken, but fortunately the bone stubble did not enter the brain!" Chen Xin'an raised the needle and said to Guandu: "Send him to the hospital immediately!"

"Yeah!" Guandu nodded, picked up his brother and walked out.

Bang Cha rushed over again and hit Chen Xin'an in the head with a flying knee!

Li Qi rushed over from the side, and with the same flying knee, Bang Cha flew out!

Bangcha reacted quickly. The moment Li Qi pressed against his ribs, he pressed down with both hands.

After flying out with the opponent's strength, he stood up again, took a stance, and faced Li Qi.

"I'll fight him!" Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an, then waved his wrist, walked up to Bangcha, and assumed a ready posture to capture the enemy.

Bangcha kicked his right foot on the ground, leaned forward, stamped his feet on the ground, rushed towards Li Qi, and hit Li Qi's head with his fists like meteors!

Li Qi raised his right elbow and hit the opponent's right fist hard.

The moment the elbow and fist came into contact, Li Qi's face showed a look of pain.

He didn't dare to take the second punch hard and stepped back with his feet.

As soon as he retreated, the opponent gained the upper hand and pressed forward step by step, driving Li Qi back more than ten steps.

And Chen Xin'an could see that Li Qi's right arm seemed to be injured and he couldn't lift it!

Seeing Bangcha punch Li Qi's temple, Li Qi had no way to avoid it at this moment!

Just when he was about to take a hard hit, Chen Xin'an suddenly turned around and kicked Bang Cha away with a powerful kick!

Boncha couldn't get up so quickly after this kick!

Maybe his ribs were broken. He tried to get up, but he fell to the ground again!

Gritting his teeth, Bangcha reluctantly stood up, his eyes full of hatred, staring at Chen Xin'an.

Ju Ming gritted his teeth and cursed: "Chen Xin'an also conducts sneak attacks? Why the hell are two fighting one, defeating the small with more?

What the hell, it turns out that the legends are all false. I thought you were really like a god, capable of defeating invincible opponents in the world! "

Chen Xin'an turned around and did another backspin kick, kicking the dice cup off the gambling table and hitting Ju Ming squarely in the face!

"Ah!" Zhu Ming yelled, covered his face and fell to the ground. Blood gushed out from the seams of his hands. He kept crying and howling: "You fucking bastard! Boncha, kill him!"

Bangcha banged his hands against each other and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Come on!"

Chen Xin'an squinted at him and said coldly: "Two months ago, you beat a woman in her fifties, do you still remember?

She has a round face, likes to have wavy hair, and has a mole on the left corner of her mouth.

Did you use these gloves to fight? "

Bangcha said in Chinese with a strange tone: "I have beaten so many people, how can I remember so many of them!

Anyway, anyone who punched me was beaten by me!

No matter if he is a boy or a girl, old or young!

Don't worry, I'm very measured in my actions and won't kill you on the spot.

Just let them lie in bed for months and then die in a coma, no exception!

Those who don’t want to repay their debts will only end up like this!

You want a taste of that, I can help you! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay! As long as it's your hands, that's fine!"

Li Qi moved his arms and said, "Boss, be careful, this guy's fists are very hard!"

Bang Cha snorted coldly and said: "It's you Chinese Kung Fu soft-footed shrimps!

We Tailan people have been hitting trees with bare hands and feet since we were young. If we hit you Chinese people, it would be like smashing eggs with stones! "

Chen Xin'an raised her fingers at Bangcha with an expressionless face and said, "Come on! Let me learn your Tailan Kung Fu!"

"Seeking death!" Bangcha shouted, suddenly rushed over, aimed his fists at Chen Xin'an's head, and hit him hard!

The moment Chen Xin'an lowered his head to dodge, Bangcha raised the corner of his mouth, turned around suddenly, and hit Chen Xin'an on the head with a horizontal elbow!

Chen Xin'an raised his right hand and placed it between his head and the opponent's elbow.

With the four fingers of his left hand facing forward, he thrust it into Boncha's ribs!


Boncha spurted a mouthful of blood!

The ribs that were already injured were now even more injured, and the broken bones had penetrated into the lungs!

The next second, Chen Xin'an's four fingers turned into fists, hitting Bangcha hard in the ribs!

An unparalleled force of darkness poured into Boncha's body, exploding his already injured lungs!

This time, Boncha spurted out not only blood, but also black and red pieces of flesh.

His face also darkened instantly!

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Bang looked at Chen Xin'an, gritted his teeth and cursed in Tailan language, then mustered up all the remaining strength in his body to rush over and hit Chen Xin'an in the head with a flying elbow!

Chen Xin'an didn't even dodge, but also hit him with a standing elbow!

The two elbows hit each other, and with a click, Boncha's arms twisted strangely, and he fell to the ground. He opened his mouth to scream, but a large amount of blood poured out of his mouth!

Chen Xin'an stepped forward and snorted coldly: "Is this the so-called Tailan master?

Tailan Kung Fu, nothing more than that! "

He had stepped on Boncha's severed arm and removed the gloves from his fists with both hands.

"Ah Qi, look at it!" Chen Xin'an threw the gloves to Li Qi and snorted coldly: "This is the secret of this Tailan master!"

As soon as Li Qi took over the gloves, he felt that they were not of ordinary weight!

I touched my fist, it was as hard as a stone!

After tearing open the outer layer of the glove, Li Qi cursed angrily: "You bastard! There's plaster inside!"

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