Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1854 The Ning family did not fall

In the hospital, Guan Fei had orthopedic surgery and is fine now

But there was still a large piece of gauze wrapped around the bridge of his nose, making him look like a clown in a play, which was very funny.

Guan Fei's lungs exploded when he heard that there was plaster in the Tailan man's gloves!

Even if you wear a finger tiger, it will be much more magnanimous than putting plaster in these gloves.

So this kind of Tailan people simply insults the word Kung Fu!

After picking up Guan Fei and going back together, Chen Xin'an asked Li Qi to stop the car shortly after leaving the hospital.

He walked to the side and waved to a taxi.

When the taxi approached, Chen Xin'an said to the person sitting in the back seat with a cold face:

"If you follow me again, I will let you lie down and go back. Do you believe it?"

Sun Kehua got out of the car and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I only listen to Master.

And as long as you tell me the whereabouts of your uncle, I promise not to follow you anymore!

In fact, I told Master that I can use my method and still get the answer.

But the master didn't agree. He said that we should treat each other with courtesy.

So now I just follow you and treat you politely.

You should cherish the opportunity..."

Without talking nonsense to him, Chen Xin'an held down his head and slammed into the taxi door.


Sun Kehua put his hands on his head.

At the same time, he raised his left leg and kicked it back violently!

This kick is powerful and heavy, enough to kick a person away!

He can even kick the opponent's legs into pieces!

But for Chen Xin'an, it would be weird if he could be kicked by the opponent!

His body suddenly twisted to the side, just enough to avoid Sun Kehua's kick.

The right hand holding the opponent's head suddenly increased strength, and with a bang, the opponent's head hit his hands in front of him.

Sun Kehua was in pain and subconsciously covered his forehead with both hands.

But Chen Xin'an pressed his head down again, not giving him a chance to react!


Sun Kehua's head hit the car roof frame hard, creating a dent, and there were even faint traces of his eyes and nose.

And he collapsed on the ground with his face covered in blood, his eyes blurred and his body trembling.

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, looked at Sun Kehua with disdain and said, "You should listen to your master and treat me with courtesy.

Because he is not afraid that you will attack me, but he is afraid that you will be beaten to death by me!

Tell your master, and that Huang Sangou, I don’t know the person they are looking for.

Even if they knew each other, they would not tell them.

There is no friendship between us!

If you keep pestering me, I will really beat you to death! "

He took out two hundred yuan, gave it to the taxi driver, and said to him: "Ask him where he lives and send him away!"

After turning around and getting into the commercial vehicle, Li Qi drove away.

Chen Xin'an frowned and looked a little solemn.

Li Qi asked him: "Boss, you should know him, right? Why don't you tell them?"

Chen Xin'an has nothing to hide when it comes to his brothers.

He nodded and said: "My thousand skills were taught by Huang Dahu, who is in Qingniu Mountain.

Huang Erlang and Huang Sangou should be Huang Dahu's brothers. "

The Guan brothers and sisters and Meng Powa looked at each other.

Duan Changkong asked thoughtfully: "The relationship between their brothers is actually not good, right?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "I don't know yet.

Master Huang rarely tells me about his family.

At that time, he was wanted across the country and hid in Qingniu Mountain, where he stayed for twenty years.

I have never seen him actively contact his family.

So I don’t know the relationship between Master Huang and these two brothers now, and I will not tell them Master Huang’s whereabouts. "

Everyone nodded.

Guandu asked Chen Xin'an: "Uncle, I'm going to Qingniu Town tomorrow. Do you want to go into the mountains?"

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, shook her head and said, "Forget it, those guys don't like others to disturb their lives.

And there will probably be no time to go into the mountains. "

Back at Panlong Bay, although it was almost midnight, everyone still hadn't slept.

Chen Xin'an will leave Dongshan tomorrow, so there are some things that must be dealt with tonight.

The uncle left Liu Xiaoyun to take care of the aunt, and the rest of the people came over.

After Chen Xin'an came back with everyone, Ning Xi said to him excitedly: "Brother-in-law, auntie woke up just now, asked for water, and then fell asleep again."

Chen Xin'an nodded. The blood in her brain came out. She should wake up.

However, there will definitely be sequelae, and these are all within expectations.

Seeing everyone sitting in the living room, Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I'll tell you the truth since everyone is here.

Uncle, Zhou Connie, let me ask you two one last time, are you together carelessly or do you have different purposes?

I want your honest thoughts and I won't blame you. "

Yue Zhihua held Zhou Connie's hands and said to her: "Connie, I know I am old and don't have much money, but I really want to marry you..."

Zhou Connie lowered her head, then smiled and said to him: "Zhihua, I promise you! I am also willing to be your wife!"

"I disagree!" Wang Yalu stood up.

Everyone was stunned, what do you care about?

Wang Yalu angrily said to Yue Zhihua: "Uncle, you are so perfunctory!

Are you bullying us that Connie doesn’t have a biological family?

Since it’s a proposal, you have to kneel down and ask seriously, and you have to have a ring!

You don't have anything, it's like you kidnapped our Connie, this is not okay! "

Everyone burst into laughter.

Yue Zhihua blushed and said, "I'm really ready!"

He stood up and turned around and walked into the room. When he wanted to enter the bedroom, Chen Xin'an quickly stopped him.

"Uncle, this is not the time to propose.

Now that I know you are careless, I know the answer.

Then hurry up and get things done!

In the past few days, everyone has helped organize the event and made it grand.

It just so happens that Brother Duan and Sister Jing don’t have to leave for the next two days, so just stay here and help!

The date has been set, I've finished my work here, and I'll be back in time to attend the wedding.

Do you have any comments? "

Everyone shook their heads.

"Master Meng!" Chen Xin'an turned his head, looked at Meng Fei and said, "You will be the elder in the family from now on, so please pay more attention.

My uncle is busy and can't take care of him. It's up to you to see if the family can work together as a team!

No matter what happens, if you make a bold decision, Xiruo and I will support you.

From now on, I never want to see my family go gambling again. Can Mr. Meng take care of it? "

Meng Fei raised his head and said to him: "Since the young master has given instructions, if you couldn't control it before, you will definitely be able to control it in the future!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at everyone and asked: "From now on, Master Meng's will will be what Xiruo and I want, and what we will discuss with uncle.

The Ning family has not been broken up yet, let alone collapsed.

From now on, the head of the Ning family will be Uncle Ning Changfeng, and the housekeeper will still be Master Meng.

Xiruo and I will always be members of the Ning family.

Xiaoxi, is Ning Shuo about to go to elementary school now?

Discuss with Second Aunt and bring him back.

If she could live peacefully, she would stay with Xiaoshuo in the Ning family and enjoy all the benefits of the Ning family.

But if you still have the same character and temper as before, then leave Ning Shuo here and get out!

The blood of the Ning family cannot be ruined by such a character and style.

You might even be instigated to fight against each other in the future!

I won't let that tragedy happen.

Tell her I will file a lawsuit and leave her with nothing! "

Ning Xi shuddered, nodded to Chen Xin'an and said, "I know, brother-in-law, I will tell the second aunt about this!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at Ning Changfeng and said, "Uncle, you can no longer stay out of things. The Ning family depends on you!"

Ning Changfeng wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, nodded and said: "I understand, don't worry!

You go do what you have to do and leave the house to me! "

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