Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1855 Your parents’ graves are down there

Early in the morning, Chen Xin'an rushed to Laicheng.

Li Qi, the Guan family brothers and sisters, Meng Bowa and Yan Shuisheng were traveling with them.

Near noon, the commercial vehicle arrived in Laicheng.

Everyone found a restaurant to have a meal and continued to set off. At two o'clock in the afternoon, we finally arrived at Qingniu Town.

When he came to this place again, Chen Xin'an almost suspected that he had gone to the wrong place.

The small town with beautiful mountains and clear waters and smoke rising from the kitchen in my impression has disappeared.

This place seems to have suffered a war, with ruins and ruins everywhere.

Chen Xin'an frowned, took out her cell phone, and made a call.

Soon Huang Hexiang's voice came from the other side: "We are here at Dayu Shu! Come quickly!"

His tone sounded like he was in a hurry, something must have happened.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to everyone: "I'll drive, everyone, sit tight!"

Everyone quickly got in the car, and Chen Xin'an drove the car. Using his memory, he finally found the big elm tree after going around and around.

This is the landmark of Qingniu Town. There used to be a market here, but now you can no longer see that lively scene.

There were quite a few people around, but some were villagers in the town and some were workers in work clothes.

There are also two excavators and countless transport vehicles behind them.

A group of workers armed with sticks chased several villagers.

There were already many people from both sides on the ground, all of them with bloody heads.

Chen Huang, Mu Jinrong and Yao Zhifeng were squatting on the ground to save people.

Huang Hexiang faced seven or eight workers alone and pushed them away to prevent them from getting closer.

Both sides are very emotional. There must have been several conflicts, and now they are reaching the critical point again.

Chen Xin'an had a sullen face, and rushed over as soon as he hit the gas pedal!

The front of the car directly hit two workers, and the remaining people fled in fear!

When the commercial vehicle stopped, Chen Xin'an jumped out of the car and kicked a worker who was beating the villagers with a stick away!

Li Qi and the Guan brothers and sisters also got out of the car and rushed forward without saying a word!

"Senior brother!" Mengpowa called to Chen Xin'an, her eyes excited.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to her: "No! Now is not the time!"

Mompowa looked disappointed.

When there are a lot of enemies, it’s a good time to release the poison!

I don’t know why the senior brother didn’t let her take action.

"Peace of mind!" Yao Zhifeng shouted.

Chen Xin'an hurried over and saw the person lying on the ground. Her heart tightened and she shouted: "Uncle Hei!"

This is the mayor of the town, and he has been the mayor of Qingniu Town for seven or eight years.

At this moment, he was lying on the ground dying, with an open wound on his head, as if he had been hit hard by a hoe!

Chen Huang held down his blood vessels, Yao Zhifeng was doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on him, and Mu Jinrong was holding gauze and quickly bandaging the wound on his head.

But despite this, Uncle Hei's complexion was getting worse and worse, and his body began to convulse involuntarily. The situation was very dangerous!

Chen Xin'an took out the cloth bag and said to the three of them: "Get out of your way and I'll give him a life-threatening shot!"

Yao Zhifeng was stunned for a moment and asked him, "Is it too risky?"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said: "The current situation is the most dangerous! No matter what you do, it's not a risk!"

After saying this, Yao Zhifeng stopped talking.

Kneeling next to Uncle Hei, Chen Xin'an held the needle in his right hand and pressed hard on Uncle Hei's head with his left hand.

As blood spurted out from the wound, Chen Xin'an's needles pierced the opponent's face one by one, even under the corners of his eyes!

Chen Huang and Mu Jinrong were horrified when they saw it, and asked Yao Zhifeng: "Old Yao, why is the acupuncture technique so... ferocious!"

"Yes, I see that almost all of them are fatal points. Can acupuncture be done at this place?"

Yao Zhifeng sighed and said: "Betting on the life needle is competing with the Lord of Hell for your life!

By stimulating people's deepest life instincts, they can re-energize people!

It’s just that most people will die after receiving three injections at most! "

Chen Huang looked at Chen Xin'an in shock and asked, "How many injections will Xin'an give Lao Hei now?"

Yao Zhifeng shook his head and said: "Lao Hei's current situation, maybe three injections are no longer effective, at least nine injections are needed!"

But what Chen Xin'an did next made him stunned!

Nine stitches have passed, but Chen Xin'an has not stopped.

He hit Uncle Hei's heart hard with his left hand, and continued to inject needles with his right hand. Soon, all the painful points in front were filled!

"Turn sideways!" Chen Xin'an shouted.

Chen Huang and Yao Zhifeng did not dare to neglect, and quickly came to help, holding Lao Hei's body and turning him sideways!

Chen Xin'an injected another needle into Lao Hei's back, while her left hand kept tapping on Lao Hei's heart.

But Chen Huang's eyes widened and he looked at Lao Hei's clothes.

With every blow from Chen Xin'an, Lao Hei's clothes at his back would suddenly bulge, then gently recover.

"Penetrating Diamond!" Chen Huang screamed and looked at his grandson in disbelief.

Be good!

The fourth level of inner energy technique!

When did this kid break through the fourth level?

You know, even he, a martial saint, only touched the threshold of the fourth level when his combat power was at its peak, but failed to completely break through!

This guy is actually stronger than him!

Of course, he wouldn't be a little bit jealous, but rather a little bit unspeakably proud.

This is his grandson!

My son also entered the fourth level back then. Unexpectedly, my grandson has also entered the fourth level now at such a young age!

You must know that such a master can walk sideways throughout China!

After taking twenty-one injections, Chen Xin'an's expression became very solemn.

He was hesitant to continue, because if another injection was given, even if Uncle Hei could wake up, it would be difficult to save his life!

It is very likely that after returning to the light, death will be ushered in!

Just when he picked up a silver needle again, Uncle Hei finally coughed twice!

Chen Xin'an felt relieved, quickly started the injection, and said: "Hel him up and sit up, don't lie down anymore!"

Yao Zhifeng and Chen Huang immediately helped Uncle Hei up.

Uncle Lao Hei gasped and opened his eyes, looked at the people in front of him, and his eyes fell on Chen Xin'an: "Little Maotou..."

This is what Uncle Lao Hei called Chen Xin'an when he was a child.

Chen Xin'an had a sore nose and said to him with a smile: "I'm here! I'll take you to the hospital first. Your current situation is very dangerous!"

"Wait, wait a minute!" Old Uncle Hei gasped and said to him: "Do you remember Dayuwan?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "To the east, it has been dry for many years. There is a cemetery over there!"

Old Uncle Hei gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone was flooded by them!"

Chen Xin'an's face was gloomy.

According to the custom in Haidong, flooding the cemetery will make people unable to stand up forever!

Anyone who does this kind of thing deserves to be killed, damned!

Just the following words from Uncle Hei almost made Chen Xinan furious and turned into a demon in an instant!

"Maotou, your parents' graveyard is in Dayuwan.

There are two green pine trees in front of the grave, planted by me!

Only now, everything is flooded! "

Chen Xin'an gritted her teeth and remained silent.

He patted Uncle Hei on the shoulder, nodded and said, "I know! I also know what to do. You can rest assured and recover, and leave the rest to me!"

Uncle Hei breathed a long sigh of relief, closed his eyes, and passed out.

Chen Huang shouted: "Huang Hexiang, send Lao Hei to the hospital!"

"Yes! Master! Just leave your senior brother to me!" Huang Hexiang strode over and carried Lao Hei on his back.

The battle around them has reversed. Li Qi and the Guan family brothers and sisters are the type who can perform better the more enemies they have.

At this moment, they were actually chasing a group of workers and beating them violently!

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