Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1857 You are not experimental subjects

A shrill scream came from the canteen, and none of the gangsters who rushed in could come out!

The gangsters standing outside were all scared, and they screamed loudly, but few dared to rush in.

But the people inside had already come out!

Chen Xinan dragged the fat man covered in blood out of the canteen by one arm and threw him down the stairs!

A group of gangsters looked at the fat man who looked like a blood gourd in horror, and they felt cold in their hearts!

This is the first boss in Laicheng, Cui Dongtai's younger brother!

But now, his hands and feet have been chopped off, and he is lying on the ground like a dead dog!

Chen Xinan said to the gang of gangsters expressionlessly: "Take this waste back!

Tell Cui Dongtai that I will go to Laicheng to find him!

Let him prepare a coffin for himself!

By the way, tell him my name, Dongshan Chen Xinan!

Now, get out of here immediately!

Otherwise, I will let you all die here!"

No one doubted his words.

Even those who heard the name Chen Xinan for the first time did not dare to doubt it.

Because the murderous aura on this person was too scary!

They hurriedly lifted up Cui Donglai, who had fainted, and left in a panic!

Hundreds of gangsters quickly evacuated, and took away all the companions who were beaten to death or injured.

The messy Qingniu Town was echoed with the sad cries of the townspeople.

Some townspeople were seriously injured, but as long as they did not die on the spot, Yao Zhifeng and Chen Xinan were there, most of them could be saved.

The little boy had been taken down from the tree and threw himself into his grandmother's arms.

His parents did not die and were sent to the hospital.

Grandma slapped Chen Xinan on the back and cried, "Young man, I wish you had come back earlier!" Chen Xi said with a guilty look, "Granny Guihua, you have been wronged!" Granny Guihua wiped her tears and said to him, "If you had come back a few years earlier, Liu Ya would have been your wife! Now she is married and has two children!" Chen Xinan scratched his head and did not dare to answer. When he was young, every time he came to the town, he would play with Liu Ya, the tomboy. Before he met Ning Xiruo, Liu Ya was the standard of a woman in Chen Xinan's mind. She must be more than 1.75 meters tall and weigh more than 170 kilograms. She must be thick-shouldered and round-waisted, and you can tell at a glance that she is easy to give birth. But now, Chen Xinan finally knows that his wife is the best of the best. This aesthetic view has finally become normal. After settling the townspeople, Chen Xinan came to Dayu Bay. When Chen Xinan first came to Qingniu Town at the age of seven, it was still a pond. But two years later, the entire Dayu Bay dried up. Later, it simply became a cemetery.

All the dead people in the town were buried here.

Chen Xinan didn't like this place, so he never came here to play.

Now, the entire Dayu Bay, including the eastern part of the town, has become an ocean!

"Xinan, don't worry, I'll find someone to dig a gap in the north and drain the water out in the next two days!" Yao Zhifeng comforted him softly.

Chen Xinan shook his head, turned around and looked at Chen Huang and said, "My parents' graves are here, you should have known it a long time ago, right?"

Chen Huang looked painful, glanced at Chen Xinan, and nodded.

Chen Xinan suppressed his anger and looked at him and asked, "Why didn't you tell me?

Why didn't you bury him somewhere else?"

Chen Huang sighed and asked Chen Xinan, "Do you know how long it takes for a person to completely decompose after he dies and is buried underground?

Dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, and everything returns to nothingness?"

Chen Xinan was stunned for a moment, gritted his teeth and said to him, "Do you hate them so much?"

Mu Jinrong sighed and said, "Xinan, you misunderstood your grandfather..."

"Don't talk nonsense to me! Just answer yes or no!" Chen Xinan's eyes were red, staring at Chen Huang and asked.

"No!" Chen Huang raised his head and said to Chen Xinan.

Chen Xinan gritted his teeth and said, "But why do you treat my father and mother like this?

Not to mention that they are from Longdun and have done so much for Longdun.

Just say that they are your son and daughter-in-law, why do you bury them in this place?

Why didn't you tell me for so many years?

You know I have been looking for them!"

Chen Huang took a deep breath and said, "Because it's not just you who is looking for them, there are many people looking for them!"

Chen Xinan was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Chen Huang said, "Do you know how much reward Pyroses offered on the Internet to buy a piece of your parents' bones?"

Chen Xinan frowned and asked in surprise, "Buy my parents' bones?" ? Why? "

"Because of Hua Longsu!" Mu Jinrong sighed and said, "We also investigated some information about Longdun and learned some inside information.

After your parents died, many forces were looking for their bodies.

At that time, the first to bear the brunt was Huake Academy.

Your grandfather secretly left your parents' bodies in Qingniu Town because he didn't want your parents to become dissected experimental subjects!

So over the years, you have never had a good impression of Huake Academy.

But now it seems that Huake Academy's actions at that time were understandable.

If they didn't take the bodies away, Paros would try every means to take your parents' bodies abroad.

You can imagine what the final outcome will be! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said with a puzzled face: "If they want it, I am the best research subject.

My parents are just researchers, so even if they are taken away, they won’t be of much use in research, right? "

"It doesn't have much research use?" Yao Zhifeng cursed angrily: "They don't have it, do you have it?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Yes! Yue Dingxian, the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told me personally.

Xiruo and I are both Hualongsu's experimental subjects!

At that time, Xiruo's mother persuaded her father and my parents to inject the purified Valonin into Xiruo and me.

We are the guinea pigs, they are just the researchers! "

The three old men looked at each other and sneered at the same time.

Yao Zhifeng looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "She is not lying to you, after all, the children did conduct experiments with Valonol at that time.

But you have to remember that no mother would turn her own flesh and blood into experimental subjects for the sake of so-called scientific research! "

Chen Xin'an looked confused and asked puzzledly: "Aren't we injected with Valonin? But our bodies are indeed different from ordinary people..."

Chen Huang said in a deep voice: "You did have Hua Longsu in your body.

But the medicine is not injected into you.

They injected it into themselves!

But even they themselves didn't expect that the influence of this thing would actually affect genes.

You have been infected by drugs since you were born! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned.

He and Xiruo have always believed that they have been experimental subjects since birth.

Although none of them would blame their lost parents.

But I still feel a little knotty in my heart.

Only now do I realize that I am not an experimental subject, but an accident caused by my parents unintentionally.

Yao Zhifeng said to Chen Xin'an: "Back then, your grandfather chose to bury them quietly at the place of death because he was afraid that your parents' bodies would become like guinea pigs and be studied by others.

And asked Longdun to send people to strictly guard the place, and no one was allowed to interfere.

Because it takes fifteen years or more for human bones to decompose in the soil, you have never been told this. "

Chen Xin'an remembered what Huang Hexiang had called Uncle Hei just now, and said suddenly: "It turns out that Uncle Hei is from Longdun!"

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