Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1858 They came to the door

Chen Huang nodded.

He is not only a member of Longdun, but also one of Chen Huang's five named disciples.

He is also the only one among Chen Huang's disciples and among all Chen Huang's registered disciples to enter the Dragon Shield establishment!

Mu Jinrong said to Chen Xin'an: "Xin'an, don't worry, we will find a way to drain the water in the next few days, and then..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to her: "I can't wait that long!

The water drains away and becomes more muddy.

It’s even harder to find my parents’ graves.

I'm going to go look for it now! "

He took out everything on his body and handed it into Mu Jinrong's hands.

Then he took off his coat, wearing only boxers, and jumped into the water.

This area of ​​water has greatly surpassed the large fishing bay of the past.

If you want to find your parents' graves down here, it's not far off from finding a needle in a haystack.

By the time Chen Xin'an landed, it was already dark.

I spent a lot of energy throughout the afternoon, but got nothing.

Chen Xin'an was not too discouraged. She never thought it would be so easy to find.

Anyway, knowing the approximate location, Chen Xin'an will not leave these days.

We must dig out the bones of our parents and give them a proper burial to fulfill this wish.

Of course, if this matter is to be completed successfully, a problem must be solved first.

Choi Dongtae!

Laicheng Jinding Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

Just at Jinding Building, Fudong Road, Laicheng.

The Golden Summit Hotel here is also the property of the Golden Summit Company.

Although it is only a four-star hotel, it is the highest star in Laicheng.

Although Laicheng and Haiyang share the same border with Dongshan, one is in the east and the other is in the south.

But economically, it is not even the slightest bit different from Haiyang.

It's even more incomparable to Dongshan.

But this Golden Summit Hotel is doing a booming business.

I have to say that Cui Dongtai is very good at business.

Although the main business is real estate development, it is also involved in the hotel industry and entertainment industry.

The Golden Summit Hotel is a comprehensive entertainment venue integrating eating, drinking and entertainment.

It integrates chess and cards, sauna, bathing, performing arts, etc., and is known as Laicheng Golden Grotto.

And Cui Dongtai is the eldest brother on Laicheng Road. He has nearly a thousand subordinates. Both the underworld and the white people have to give him some face!

The incident in Qingniu Town was caused by such a big fuss because Cui Dongtai had said hello in advance, and no one from the official showed up.

Even if the townspeople call the police, they can't get through!

The Golden Dome Building has a total of twenty-eight floors, and the president's office is on the twenty-sixth floor.


A glass ashtray hit a tattooed man in his thirties on the head. Broken glass flew everywhere and blood flowed from the tattooed man's head.

But the tattooed man remained motionless, with no trace of sadness or joy on his face.

The group of boys next to them were so frightened that they trembled all over and dared not breathe.

Cui Dongtai pointed at the tattooed man and cursed: "It's my golden-topped red stick that makes your mother's head red!"

I asked you to bring so many people there, even a bunch of idiots can't handle it!

What's the point of raising a bunch of trash like you!

My brother was beaten like that, but you bunch of losers came back unscathed.

Are you so protective of my brother?

Will the next step be that someone puts a knife on my neck and you all just stare? "

The tattooed man gritted his teeth and took out a knife from his body!

Cui Dongtai glanced at him with squinted eyes, took two steps back, and put his right hand into his arms.

But the tattooed man walked straight to the desk next to him and put his left hand on the desk.

With a bang, the tattooed man cut off his right little finger with a knife!

"Ah!" Everyone around exclaimed in unison!

The painful veins on the tattooed man's forehead kept beating, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Master Tai, what happened this time is that Hong San failed to do things well and was willing to be punished!

Originally, I could give you both hands and feet as compensation for the misfortune the second master has suffered.

It's just that Hong San still wants to keep his hands and feet to settle the score with Chen Xin'an!

Help the second master to avenge himself and say this for Mr. Tai.

Master Tai, give me one day. Tomorrow I will bring Chen Xin'an's head to apologize.

When the time comes, Mr. Tai will kill or behead him, and I, Hong San, will have nothing to say! "

Cui Dongtai looked at him coldly, then sighed, slapped him on the shoulder and cursed:

"You are so confused!

What are you doing?

Do I need you to chop off my hands and feet to make amends for my second son?

Even if I take your head off, will the limbs on your penis grow back?

What's more, you and the second child are both my biological brothers, Cui Dongtai. What's the point of me exchanging siblings for siblings?

What are you guys doing standing still?

Send your third brother to the hospital quickly!

Take this card, it has 80,000 yuan on it!

Don't worry about spending money, tell the doctor that he must save his finger no matter what!

Otherwise I will demolish his hospital! "

A group of younger brothers responded in unison: "Yes!"

Someone picked up Hong San's little finger and helped Hong San toward the office door.

At this moment, someone suddenly ran to the door and shouted to Cui Dongtai in panic:

"Mr. Cui, it's bad, they are coming!"

Cui Dongtai cursed angrily: "What are you doing in a hurry?

You don’t know how to say anything, right?

Who the hell is here? "

The man dressed roughly said: "Dongshan, Chen Xin'an!"

The office suddenly became quiet.

Cui Dongtai cursed angrily: "You bastard! How dare you come to my door before I even went to find him!"

Hong San, it’s up to you!

I don't want to see him get out of here alive tonight! "

Hong San looked at the little finger held by his younger brother with sad eyes, nodded and said:

"Don't worry, Mr. Tai, leave it to me!" Hong San said in a deep voice.

Just as he was about to go out, Cui Dongtai told him: "Don't do it in the company, don't affect the guests!"

"Okay!" Hong San nodded, turned and left.

In the lobby on the first floor, a group of security guards blocked Chen Xin'an and others from outside.

As a result, many guests were blocked and couldn't get in!

Guan Fei snorted coldly and said to everyone: "Open the door for business, but don't let us in, why?

Could it be that the guests at Golden Summit are divided into different categories?

Do you look down on us? "

"Yeah!" Guandu and Mengpowa responded at the same time.

A man in a suit and tie behind him said anxiously: "I made an appointment with the client, and now the client has come in. I, the host, can't get in. What will the client think?"

We are all old acquaintances, could you please be accommodating and let me in? "

Someone from behind shouted: "If you can get in, you must get in! We are not here to eat the King's meal, why are we not allowed in?"

A group of security guards blocked the door, pointing at the guests and scolding them: "Why are you so noisy? If it says no one is allowed in, then you can't come in. If you keep blabbering, I'll kick you away!"

Li Qi snorted coldly and said: "Is Jinding so domineering? He won't let him in and he still kicks people?

How many watchdogs are so arrogant?

Don’t you understand that the customer is God?

Just talk to God like this?

Call your master out!

If you don’t dare to come out, stop doing this business! "

As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked the security guard in front of him in the stomach and knocked him to the ground!

Everyone behind them jumped.

Where did this guy come from?

Why are you so bold!

Anyone who dares to hit the Golden Summit?

Sure enough, a group of security guards became anxious, raised their rubber sticks and rushed over!

"You're really tired of living, aren't you? How dare you attack our brothers?"

"What did he say his name is An to come here? I don't care what your name is An, Dongshanzi dares to come to Laicheng to cause trouble? I'll break your legs!"

"I don't even want to ask where this place is! Who gave you the courage to do anything random in Jinding!"

At this moment, Guan Fei bent down, lifted up a security guard at the front, and cursed: "If you want to hit me, hit me. There's so much nonsense! Get out of here!"

With a loud shout, the security guard was thrown out and hit the glass door of the lobby hard!

With a whoop, the glass door shattered!

The other security guards were startled and shouted as they were about to rush forward, when someone from behind shouted: "Stop it!"

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