Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1866 Provocation without strength is seeking death

The town resounded with the sound of gongs.

This is the time to gather people and start a fight!

Chen Xin'an frowned. He was a little surprised. How could he deal with Cui Dongtai and still have anyone dare to come here to cause trouble?

When I ran over and saw it, it was Cui Dongtai!

Three cars came,

He also took with him two young men, a man and a woman, and five or six younger brothers.

The townspeople recognized this guy as the boss of Jinding Company.

Thinking that he was here to cause trouble again, he surrounded the people with hoes and shovels!

Fortunately, there hasn't been a fight yet!

The young man still had earrings in his ears. He pointed at the people around him and cursed arrogantly:

"You dare to touch us! It's against you idiots!

Do you know who we are?

My dad is Choi Dong-tae!

Who in Lae has not heard of this name?

The leaders in Laicheng are always polite to my dad when they see him. Who do you think you are? "

The girl on the side wore glasses and said impatiently: "I have already said, we are here to find someone, not to cause trouble.

I also hope that you won’t be impulsive, say what you have to say, and don’t act recklessly!

Otherwise, I guarantee you won’t get any good fruit! "

The surrounding townspeople were so persecuted by the Jinding Company's demolition teams that they were almost homeless, and the hatred in their hearts could not be suppressed at all.

When I heard these two young men talking so rudely, I couldn't bear it anymore. I yelled and cursed, then I picked up the guy in my hand and swung it at their heads!

Fortunately, a few younger brothers had quick eyesight and quick hands, and they were able to pull all three of them away in time, then turned around and ran away!

Cui Dongtai's sharp eyes saw Chen Xin'an walking towards him. He ran over as if he wanted to see a savior and shouted loudly: "Mr. Chen, come and save me!"

Chen Xin'an came over, slapped him and scolded him: "Come as soon as you come, why are you bringing so many people!"

"What the hell are you doing!" Seeing his father being slapped, the young man wearing earrings became anxious and rushed over and kicked Chen Xin'an.

But as soon as he raised his foot, he was kicked to the ground by Li Qi!

"Celebrity, stop it! Don't cause trouble for me!" Cui Dongtai was so frightened that his face turned pale.

He knew how fierce Chen Xin'an and the brothers around him were. If his precious son angered others, he would suffer a lot!

Chen Xin'an ignored him and turned to the townspeople: "Uncle Luo, they are here to find me. Don't worry, no one will come to demolish it again in the future!"

A middle-aged man nodded, pointed not far away and said: "Maotou, we are sitting over there.

These people are not good people. If they dare to bully you, just say hello and I will leave their lives here today! "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Watching the departure of a group of townspeople, the girl with glasses breathed a sigh of relief and angrily cursed: "A bunch of villagers from the mountains! When a scholar encounters a soldier, you can't explain why!"

Chen Xin'an looked at her coldly and said, "How are you more noble than them?

At least they live honestly on their own land.

I didn’t drive an excavator to demolish your house! "

The girl with glasses snorted coldly and said: "Social development and urban and rural transformation are the general trends.

You can't just guard your few acres of thin farmland forever!

We are just following the tasks assigned by the above.

There are always people who are dissatisfied with various developments and always have excuses for rejection.

But just because one or two people disagree, we can’t stop the wheel of development! "

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said with disdain: "In the name of development, we are enriching our own pockets.

If you enrich yourself and harm the people, what can such development bring to the people?

Not to mention others, just these people in Qingniu Town.

Our ancestors have lived here for generations. If you want development, just drive them away.

The compensation money is not enough to buy a 90-square-meter house in the city.

Even if they borrow money to buy a house, what will they eat and use?

Here, you have your own land and you will never starve to death!

You took away their land, and without money they can only starve to death!

Is this your development? "

"Impossible!" The girl with glasses looked at Chen Xin'an angrily and said, "I work in Laicheng Planning Bureau.

I know how much compensation there will be this time, which is enough for these people to buy big houses in the city and live a better life!

If you spread rumors and cause trouble here, you will be held legally responsible! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "You should ask Mr. Cui next to you how much the compensation is before you say anything like this!

What you hear is not the same as what they actually get!

Where did the difference go, need I say? "

The girl with glasses looked a little stunned. She looked at Cui Dongtai beside her, frowned and asked, "Dad?"

Cui Dongtai sighed helplessly and said to her: "Mingzhu, these things are rules, and I can't help it!

It's not something I can interfere with. Even your planning bureau has a share of the pie. "

The girl with glasses was stunned and couldn't say a word!

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and cursed: "Nerd!"

The girl with glasses was livid with anger, but she didn't know how to refute.

The boy who was kicked down by Li Qi had some character. He got up and cursed and wanted to rush over again, but was kicked down by Li Qi again!

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and asked, "Do you really want to die that much?"

"Mingxing Cui!" Cui Dongtai was so frightened that he yelled at his son.

Cui Mingxing, however, was fearless. He gritted his teeth and yelled at Chen Xin'an: "Kill me! If you dare to touch my father, I will deal with you even to death!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at the boy in surprise, waved her hand and said to Li Qi:

"Okay, let him go!

Don't even think about standing up for your father, I will really beat you to death!

As long as you three don't challenge my temper, I won't do anything to you! "

Cui Dongtai breathed a long sigh of relief, smiled carefully and said: "Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Cui Mingxing shouted: "Dad, why are you thanking him? How dare he..."

Cui Dongtai dared to let him talk nonsense, so he kicked him and cursed:

"Shut up! What did I tell you two when I came here?

If you cause trouble for me again, I will make you run back to the city right now! "

Cui Mingxing is not afraid of being beaten, but he is afraid of running back to the city from here.

And he knew that his father would definitely do what he said, so he quickly shut up angrily.

Turning his head, Cui Dongtai said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, please get in the car!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Have you done all the things I told you? Where is the appointment?"

Cui Dongtai quickly said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I didn't make an appointment..."

Chen Xin'an stopped and looked at him gloomily.

Cui Dongtai turned pale and explained: "Today is the 70th birthday of the father of Road Zheng Tan!

Some unit leaders were invited to celebrate his birthday!

The wine is displayed at Baiweixuan just opposite the Golden Summit.

Chen Xinan, look..."

After thinking about it, Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go over and see if there's a chance to chat with him alone!"

Things in town can't wait.

Nearly one-third of the townspeople now have to stay at the homes of relatives and friends.

If it weren't for this, Chen Xin'an really wouldn't want to get into trouble with others on this day.

Standing next to the car, Chen Xin'an said to a group of his brothers: "Aqi is coming with me.

Xiaofei and Xiaodu stay here.

I'll leave a card for you and Shuisheng to go to the city later to buy the necessary tools and equipment.

By the way, I bought everything Bova needed.

In these two days, prepare to move the grave! "

The Guan brothers and sisters nodded,

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi were about to get in the car. Cui Mingxing suddenly asked Chen Xin'an: "Are you Chen Xin'an? Let me ask you, did you injure my dad's arm?"

"Mingxing Cui, what do you want to do?" Cui Dongtai cursed angrily at his son.

Chen Xin'an laughed, looked at him and said, "Yes! But I advise you not to think about venting this for him.

Wait until you have the strength to challenge me.

Otherwise, provocation without strength is just seeking death! "

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