Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1867 Don’t go upstairs if you don’t follow the rules

The lobby on the second floor of Baiweixuan Restaurant has been booked.

It's not even time for the banquet to start, but it's already crowded.

The streets were filled with all kinds of vehicles, and many people came to celebrate their birthdays.

There is a huge H-shaped arch outside the door of the restaurant lobby.

The horizontal column reads: Congratulations to Mr. Tan on his 70th birthday.

The words on the left and right pillars read: Blessings are as good as the East China Sea and life is as long as the Southern Mountains.

Chen Xin'an got out of the car and said to Cui Dongtai: "Just follow me and let your son and daughter go back to your company!"

"Can you let Mingzhu follow me? Look at me like this, even toasting is a problem..." Cui Dongtai pleaded to Chen Xin'an with a grimace.

Chen Xin'an nodded helplessly and looked at his back as he turned and left, feeling a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

No wonder this guy took his daughter and son to pick him up in Qingniu Town. He spent a long time trying to make Chen Xin'an fall in love with his daughter and help his son by the way!

Last night we were still fighting enemies to the death.

After sleeping all night, he sent his daughter and baby son to the enemy!

Chen Xin'an wanted to split open Cui Dongtai's head with a knife to see what was inside!

When Cui Dongtai came with his daughter, the four of them approached the restaurant together.

"Stop, what are you doing!" At the top of the stairs, a man in a suit shouted to the four of them.

Cui Dongtai quickly said with a smile: "Let's come to see Leader Tan..."

The man in the suit snorted and cursed: "I know you are here to see Leader Tan, so you just go up there like this?

Don't want to lose face?

Don’t know what day today is?

Get in line over there! "

As he pointed with his hand, he saw a table set up in the middle of the lobby, with two people sitting behind it.

I didn't notice it just now, but now I see that this is the ceremony stage.

Anyone who comes to celebrate his birthday today must give a gift here to be eligible to go to the second floor.

But Chen Xin'an didn't know Leader Tan either. She just wanted to discuss the project with him, but she didn't plan to have a drink or a meal here. Why should she pay for it?

The key is not prepared!

"It's okay, I'm bringing it with me! I'll help you get it out!" Cui Dongtai pointed with his chin at the bag on his daughter's body.

Cui Mingzhu glanced at Chen Xin'an and said calmly: "Fortunately, I took out 10,000 today. Now I don't feel safe at all when I go out without some money.

I'll help you out today. Remember to return it to my dad when the time comes! "

"Mingzhu, don't talk nonsense!" Cui Dongtai glared at his daughter and said, "Mr. Chen doesn't care about this little money!"

"Haha!" Cui Mingzhu smiled, glanced at Chen Xin'an with disdain and said:

“You can’t look down on small money, but you can’t make big money.

I am a nerd, but you are a dreamer with high ambitions and low ambitions! "

Chen Xin'an smiled, this woman is quite vindictive!

Cui Dongtai cursed angrily: "Mingzhu, don't talk nonsense here! In fact, Mr. Chen is..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an interrupted him directly and said, "Mr. Cui, you are still familiar with this leader and that leader, but they haven't even sent you an invitation!

Okay, go with the ceremony, let's go up! "

Cui Dongtai nodded awkwardly, glared at his daughter, and walked towards the podium.

"How much?" The man in charge of receiving gifts behind the reception desk held a cigarette in his mouth and asked Cui Dongtai: "Two thousand?"

When Cui Dongtai saw that this man looked wrong, he quickly said: "It's two thousand per person!"

"You're sending beggars here!"

The man receiving the gift slapped the table and cursed Cui Dongtai: "Do you know whose birthday it is?

Why don't you come? If you want to come, don't insult people here!

Two thousand yuan, you really have the nerve to talk!

Are there any invitations?

Just by looking at your shabby appearance, I know there is no invitation!

Come on, let me show you the gift list I registered!

Those who give cash are at least 20,000!

You still want to come to celebrate the old man’s birthday with two thousand yuan. Do you have the qualifications? "

Cui Dongtai and Cui Mingzhu didn't expect to be humiliated like this for a gift of two thousand yuan. They were so embarrassed that they wanted to find a hole to crawl in!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other with a sneer.

"Mr. Cui!" Chen Xin'an suddenly called out, beckoned and said, "Okay, just go up, no need to be polite!"

"Huh?" Cui Dongtai and Cui Mingzhu were both stunned.

Chen Xin'an had already turned around and walked towards the stairs with Li Qi.

The man in a suit standing next to the stairs snorted coldly, hugged him in the middle of the stairs, clasped his hands on his chest, looked at Chen Xin'an coldly and said:

“You can’t go upstairs without the gift money!

You don’t even want to lose face, but you still want to go up and have a meal?

roll! "

Without saying a word, Li Qi kicked the man in the suit in the stomach, knocking him to the ground and falling on his back on the stairs!

"Hit someone!" the man in the suit yelled, trying to get up.

Chen Xin'an stepped on his chest and made him lie on the stairs unable to move. She looked at him coldly and said:

"Things that rely on human power!

Who told you that I was going to have a meal?

I have something to do with Leader Tan, not to wish his father a birthday.

There's a minimum of 20,000 to go upstairs, so why don't you just remove the tables and go to the street to grab them? Wouldn't it be faster? "

After spitting on the ground, Chen Xin'an stopped looking at him and walked upstairs.

Cui Dongtai and his daughter were both dumbfounded.

This is Leader Tan’s father’s birthday!

Chen Xin'an dares to cause trouble here?

But not only did he dare, he actually took action!

Do you want to go up there yourself?

Cui Dongtai gritted his teeth and said to his daughter beside him: "Let's go, follow!"

Cui Mingzhu nodded and looked at Chen Xin'an's back with a complicated expression.

Isn't this guy here to ask for help?

Why are you so reckless?

But it’s so cool to do this!

The four of them swaggered up to the second floor. The man in a suit on the stairs also stood up and looked upstairs with a gloomy expression.

The two men behind the podium also had angry faces, but none of the three said anything.

It's Mr. Tan's birthday, who dares to disturb his mood?

Besides, accepting gifts is a voluntary matter. Once you call it out, you will lose face!

There are more than thirty tables on the entire second floor, and most of them are already occupied.

There is a box next to it, and there are people inside.

Another man in a suit was stunned for a moment when he saw the four people coming up.

Usually people coming up will shout from below.

What unit, what name, and how many gifts were given? When the people above heard it, they knew how to arrange the seats.

But now these four people below didn't even say a word. How did they get up?

Just when he was about to ask a question, Li Qi pointed to the stairs and said to the man in a suit: "Brother below, please come over!"

It seems that this is the explanation of the identities of these four people. The man in the suit immediately understood, nodded and said: "Then you just wait here for a while, I will be up right away!"

"Wait a minute!" Li Qi grabbed him and asked in a low voice: "Where is the old man?"

The man in a suit pointed to a box next to him: "Over there! Are you... the Tan family?"

Li Qi smiled slightly and said to him: "Go and do your work first!"

The man in the suit nodded and said, "Then wait for me for a while!"

When he came downstairs, Chen Xin'an walked straight to the box over there.

The decoration inside is very festive, and there are big longevity characters on the wall at the entrance.

No one was sitting at the big round red cloth table, but there were more than a dozen people sitting on the sofa next to them, watching people playing chess.

One of the old men in a suit angrily lifted up the chessboard and cursed with a livid face: "No more! Why are you trying to eat my horse? It's no fun to play like this!"

The middle-aged man sitting nearby slapped the young man playing chess opposite the old man on the face and cursed at him:

"Did you do this on purpose?

The old man celebrates his birthday today, why the hell won’t you let him order it?

Go away, don't do that project of yours! "

The young man's face was pale and he kept saying nice things.

But the old man grabbed two horn chess pieces and smashed them on his head and cursed:

"You've ruined my mood! I'm annoyed when I see you! Get out of here!"

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