Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1869 Can I take care of this matter?

Even the Cui family father and daughter did not expect Chen Xin'an to be so arrogant and unscrupulous!

This is Leader Tan’s father!

He actually did it as soon as he said it, without any hesitation or scruple!

Someone at the door shouted: "Uncle Cai! Come here from Huangsha Town! Someone beat up Uncle Cai. He's from Qingniu Town. Follow me!"

"What? Dare you hit Uncle Cai? Today is Uncle Cai's seventieth birthday! Who is so unconscionable?"

"Those beasts in Qingniu Town have long been displeased with them! If they dare to cause trouble on Grandpa Cai's birthday, I will kill these two and then go to Qingniu Town!"

"Block the door, don't let these bastards escape! Brother Shengli, everyone from our hometown is coming over, chop those bastards to death!"

Leader Tan pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed through gritted teeth: "Dear leaders, colleagues, and folks from my hometown!

I, Tan Shengli, originally wanted to celebrate my 70th birthday in glory today for my old father, who has worked so hard to raise me.

Now he was beaten by this heartless beast!

He is an old man in his seventies!

How could he kill this beast!

I, Tan Shengli, will fight to stop being the leader today and avenge my old father! "

He said this, but did not rush forward.

Instead, it was the gang from Huangshan Town who rushed in desperately! I'm going to take action against Chen Xin'an!

There was no need for Chen Xin'an to take action. Li Qi, who was on the side, had already grabbed a chair, swung it at a young man who was rushing in front, and knocked him to the ground!

The boss even beat up the birthday boy, is there any need to continue this birthday?

Just do it and it’s done!

Even though the chairs in this restaurant are all made of solid wood, they are heavy to move, but not very sturdy to use!

But after only knocking down two people, it fell apart.

Fortunately, there are plenty of chairs, so you can just pull one over and use it!

On the contrary, all the people in Huangsha Town were frightened.

This guy is too fierce, right?

Suddenly, no one dared to charge forward again!

Even the leaders in the box turned pale with fear and shrank into corners for fear of being affected.

They are usually pampered people. If they want to teach someone a lesson, they don't have to do it themselves.

Just by talking, they can get their subordinates to do things for them.

Now if we really have to fight with someone, none of the ten of them can beat one of them!

Seeing this scene, Tan Shengli gritted his teeth, glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Chen, you and I are irreconcilable!"

At this moment, someone approached outside and there was a quarrel.

"I told you to stop! You came here without paying the gift money. How can you be so shameless?"

"What did you say? You asked me for a gift? Do you know who I am?"

"Nonsense, everyone who comes has to pay! No matter who you are!

Even the King of Heaven wants to pay!

Several people had already broken in just now, causing us to be scolded, and now two more have sneaked in!

Why are you so unconscious and shameless?

Don’t you understand what the rules are in our Laicheng? "

"Haha, I don't understand the rules of Laicheng? Then I really don't understand! I don't know how to hand over the gift money, so you asked Tan Shengli to come out and ask me for it!"

"You fucking stop! Can you call Leader Tan by his famous name? You're so shameless! Get out of here if you don't pay the money!"

During the quarrel, the other party had already arrived at the door of the box.

Several people from Huangsha Town heard the conversation just now and blocked several people who came over.

They didn't dare to deal with the powerful Li Qi, but this middle-aged man in a jacket didn't look like he knew Kung Fu, so he should be easy to bully.

Without saying a word, one person pushed his jacket and cursed at him: "Here comes another freeloader!"

"Maybe he is with this guy named Chen! Beat him!"

"Stop!" A trembling yell came from the box, and then Tan Shengli ran out with a pale face, bowed and shouted: "Leader Jin!"

A leader came over, kicked the man in the suit, and yelled at him:

"You're blind! You don't even know Leader Jin from Laicheng?"

The man in the suit's legs went weak and he almost collapsed!


Could this be Jin Yunhai, the leader of Laicheng?

Did I just ask him for a gift?

Still calling him shameless? Tell him to get out?

Jin Yunhai glanced at Tan Shengli, said nothing, and approached the box with a gloomy face.

Looking at the people lying on the ground, Jin Yunhai frowned and his eyes fell on Chen Xin'an.

Taking a deep breath, Jin Yunhai said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Fang called me this morning, so I came to take a look!

But no matter what, this old man is seventy or eighty years old, so there is no need to be beaten like this, right? "

Chen Xin'an looked at the old man on the ground with his eyes closed and his cheeks swollen, smiled slightly, and waved to a young man in the crowd.

The young man didn't expect Chen Xin'an to call him. He was stunned for a moment, but he still walked out obediently.

Chen Xin'an pointed to the two bags on his forehead and said to Jin Yunhai: "Did you see it?

The old man hit him with a chess just now, just because he lost his knight by playing chess!

Also, have you seen the thick gift list on the first floor?

They were all collected for this old man.

Tan Shengli's father received millions in gifts for his 70th birthday!

If you don't give it, you won't be allowed to come up. You have experienced it yourself, right?

I don't like this kind of old guy who relies on his old age to make money by relying on his relatives, so I will beat him!

If you go to Qingniu Town, see with your own eyes the townspeople whose homes were flooded by them.

Look at the wine here, just a bottle of it, can be worth thousands.

You not only want to beat him, you even want to beat him to death!

Moreover, I know how hard I have used it! "

He walked up to the old man, took out a silver needle, and said to him: "Old man, since you like to pretend to be pitiful so much, I will make your birthday become your death anniversary, okay?"

With a pitiful scream, the old man got up from the ground, and his hands were so sharp that he no longer looked like a seventy-year-old man!

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said to Jin Yunhai: "Leader Jin, I will tell you the truth.

I did say hello to Mr. Fang.

Because I am in charge of this matter, and he knows my methods, so he called you!

But if you come here just to deal with Mr. Fang, you are not prepared to conduct a thorough investigation.

Then please come back, I will settle this matter myself! "

"Chen Xin'an!" Jin Yunhai gritted his teeth and glared at him and said, "This is Laicheng!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, shook her head and said, "I've heard many people say this to me!

Including this leader Tan, including you!

so what?

I not only know that this is Laicheng, but I even know that this is China!

There is no room in the world for some rats to occupy high positions, harm the villagers, exploit their own interests, and cover the sky with one hand!

You don’t care, I do! "

"I didn't say I don't care!" Jin Yunhai said coldly: "I just want to know, why do you care?"

Chen Xin'an took out a pair of epaulettes and flashed them in front of him, and shouted sternly: "Just because of this, I don't care?"

Jin Yunhai's expression changed, he immediately lowered his head and said respectfully: "I can take care of it! I'll deal with it first!"

"Wait a minute!" Chen Xin'an waved to him and turned around to look at him: "Leader Tan, did you modify the construction plan for the Qingniushan section of the Dongsu Expressway?"

Tan Shengli also knew at this time that Chen Xin'an was not someone he could mess with!

In front of Leader Jin, if he concealed anything, his end would definitely be worse, so he lowered his head, sighed and said, "Yes!"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said: "Since you admit it, then use today's gift money to compensate the people of Qingniu Town! Do you have any objections?"

Tan Shengli glanced at Jin Yunhai desperately, closed his eyes and shook his head.

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