Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1870 These people are so shameless

Even Jin Yunhai didn't expect that the birthday gift, in cash alone, would be nearly five million yuan!

This guy Tan Shengli really dares to accept him!

Moreover, the private reform project plan has caused economic losses to the country in the hundreds of millions, and the subsequent losses are even more incalculable. How dare this guy? !

Jin Yunhai never thought of covering up Tan Shengli from the beginning.

I just feel uncomfortable that this guy Chen Xin'an is obviously from Dongshan, but he went to Laicheng to meddle in other people's business, trying to destroy his arrogance and prestige.

But I didn't expect that he actually owned that pair of epaulettes!

In terms of level, he is on an equal footing with Fang Lao!

As a small leader in Laicheng, what qualifications does he have to question others?

Weird Tales: This idiot Shengli is so lawless that he hit not just the muzzle of the gun, but the muzzle of the cannon!

Of course, not only Tan Shengli, but also relevant personnel who colluded with him were investigated by the Discipline Inspection Commission.

All government officials who came to birthday today were warned and punished.

Seeing the scene of his son being taken away, the old man of the Tan family rolled his eyes and fainted.

This time I was really dizzy. I was so angry that I lost my head and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment!

Chen Xin'an took Li Qi, as well as the Cui family father and daughter, back to Qingniu Town again.

The car stopped at the entrance of the canteen, and two tables were borrowed from the canteen and put together.

Chen Xin'an patted the canteen owner's son Shanwa on the head and said to him: "Shanwa, go and ask your grandfather and old secretary to come over!"

Soon, Liang Qiushi, the town secretary in his sixties, walked over quickly and asked Chen Xin'an: "Maotou, what are you..."

Chen Xin'an nodded to Li Didian.

Li Qi turned around, picked up two large suitcases from the car, and threw them on the table with two bangs!

Chen Xin'an unzipped the suitcase and said to Liang Qiushi: "Old party secretary, sound the gong!"

Liang Qiushi frowned, glanced at Chen Xin'an, and finally nodded and said, "Hey!"

Remembering the rapid sound of gongs, people in the town began to gather here.

Even Uncle Hei came here on crutches!

When he saw the money on the table, his face turned dark.

"Mao Tou, have you lost your mind? Why are you bringing some money?

Throw away all the money!

We don't care about the money, we just want our own home!

You kid, have you been bribed by these bastards? "

A group of villagers also pointed at Chen Xin'an and yelled and cursed.

"Oh, after being out for a few years, my heart has become wild easily! Now I'm with those bastards!"

"I thought that this kid has become something now and will help us vent our anger. Unexpectedly, he got some benefits and sold us!"

"You called us here just to spend this little money on us? Tell you, stop dreaming! Even if I die, I will die here!"

Cui Mingzhu on the side frowned and said: "What are you talking about! These are the benefits and compensation that Mr. Chen has won for you!

What was bought? He doesn't want a penny!

How could you misunderstand him like this? "

Uncle Lao Hei pointed at her and cursed: "Shut up! Is this kid fascinated by you, a little goblin? Are we a family member with you now?"

"You're talking nonsense!" Cui Mingzhu's face turned red. She wanted to defend herself but couldn't quarrel with so many people around her!

Chen Xin'an took out a drawing, slapped it on the table in front of him, and said to everyone:

"New drawings of Dongli Expressway! The Qingniu Mountain section has resumed passing through Huangsha Town. It also has the official seals of Laicheng Road Administration, Expressway Management Office, and the leader Jin Yunhai. It is guaranteed to be genuine!"

The people around were quiet for a while, and then started shouting wildly!

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and tore the drawing in half!

The surrounding area fell silent instantly, and everyone looked at Chen Xin'an in confusion.

Uncle Hei frowned and asked, "Maotou, what are you doing?"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said: "I didn't do anything. I was ambitious, my brain was damaged, I was bribed, and I sold you all. Why do I need the blueprints?"

Everyone was blushing and ashamed.

Li Qi, who was watching from the side, turned his head and snickered.

Liang Qiushi said to Chen Xin'an with a straight face: "Maotou, don't listen to these fools with brains the size of walnut kernels talking nonsense!

They were all instigated by the old black man and don't treat you as family.

Uncle Liang believed who you were, and he kept silent just now! "

"Get out of here!" Old Uncle Hei glared at him and said to Chen Xin'an with a sneer:

"Mao Tou, you kid, why are you still arguing with Uncle Hei?

I've never seen Uncle Hei suffer such serious injuries. His mind was confused for a moment!

Besides, Uncle Hei misunderstood you, so I’ll just apologize to you.

You can't take advantage of the future of the people in our town to vent your anger. Why did you tear up the drawings? "

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "I don't know how many copies of this drawing have been made. What's so weird about me tearing it up?"

Uncle Hei was stunned for a moment and then came to his senses.

That's right, the plans are out, and the drawings are only for the workers to look at during construction.

It doesn’t matter whether they want it or not!

Chen Xin'an patted the suitcase in front of him and said to everyone: "This is the compensation that Laicheng officials gave us Qingniu Town, a total of five million.

The affected villagers will receive compensation according to their losses.

By the way, forget about those things that I just said are not rare, just leave them for others..."

"Mao Tou, if you dare to deduct money from me, I will tell you about the time you peed in Widow Sun's well when you were a child!"

"If I lose a penny, I will tell Po Guihua that you took me to spy on Liuya taking a bath!"

"You stole the old lady's chicken, and it was the idiot Wang Er who took the blame for you all these years.

I didn't tell anyone, why are you deducting my money? "

Chen Xin'an wiped her head and left, covering her face and running wildly.

These are all a bunch of unruly people!

It’s so shameless that old jealousy comes out after so many years!

Mompowa gave her grandfather and master another injection, while Mu Jinrong stood by her side.

The Guan brothers and sisters and Yan Shuisheng went to Dayu Bay. Just when Chen Xin'an wanted to go and have a look, Wei Qingrong ran over to him.

"What's wrong, little Qinglong?" Chen Xin'an asked with a smile, seeing her panting.

Wei Qingrong blushed and pinched his arm, angrily yelling: "Don't call me that!

Otherwise, I really pinch you. It hurts so much when I pinch you! "

"Oh, I'm so scared!" Chen Xin'an made a face. Wei Qingrong was so angry that she wanted to take action, but Chen Xin'an held her head down and said to her: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Wei Qingrong snorted and said, "Someone is coming from Dongshan to find you! They are waiting at my house!"

"Coming from Dongshan? Who is it?" Chen Xin'an asked curiously.

Wei Qingrong snorted and said with a proud look on her face: "Go and see for yourself!"

Chen Xin'an smiled, rubbed her head and said, "Oh, little Qinglong still holds a grudge!"

"Ah! You stinky man, don't call me Xiao Qinglong!

You are not allowed to rub my head, I am not a child anymore! "

Wei Qingrong clenched her fists and rushed towards Chen Xin'an with gritted teeth!

But Chen Xin'an had already run away laughing.

Li Qi on the side also smiled and shook his head.

From Lingnan to Haidong, this was the first time he saw Lao Xiao laughing so happily.

Completely relaxed, I really treat the people here as family.

Treat this little girl as your own sister.

When I arrived at Uncle Hei's house, I immediately saw a red Golf.

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment. This seemed to be Ning Xi's car?

Sure enough, Ning Xi walked from the living room to the door and called Chen Xin'an sweetly: "Brother-in-law!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked her, "Why did you come here? Don't you have to go to work?"

As soon as he finished speaking, another person walked out from behind Ning Xi.

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, then shouted in surprise: "Daughter-in-law, why are you here?"

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