Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1871 I know he wants to come back

I never dreamed that Ning Xiruo would come over!

Regardless of her sister being beside her, Ning Xiruo walked up to Chen Xin'an, held him tightly with both hands.

Chen Xin'an hugged her into his arms, kissed her forehead, and said softly: "When did you arrive?"

Ning Xiruo raised her little face and looked at him and said, "I arrived this morning and asked Xiaoxi to send me here directly!"

"Yeah!" Wei Qingrong, who ran in later, blushed when she saw this scene.

"Sister Qingrong!" Ning Xi seemed to be familiar with her. He waved to her and asked her to come to him. He hugged her and said with a snort, "I can hug her too!"

Chen Xin'an ignored her, lowered his head, brushed Ning Xiruo's hair on her forehead, and asked her, "The company is so busy, what are you doing here?"

Ning Xiruo hugged him and said, "The first reason is that I'm here to pick up my parents-in-law!"

Chen Xin'an knew what she was talking about and was moved in her heart.

He touched her forehead lightly and said, "Grandpa said that he wants to move the graves of my parents and send them to their hometown in Chenjiacun, Beishan!"

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "Yes, I'll go with you!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked her, "What about the second reason?"

Ning Xiruo never let go, hugging him and saying, "I miss you!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked into her bright black eyes, and said affectionately: "Wife, I miss you too!"

Then he lowered his head and kissed her red lips!

Ning Xi licked her lips, blushed and said, "That's too much! There are children here!"

A big hand reached out, held Wei Qingrong's head, and slowly turned it to the side.

There were footsteps outside, and the couple reluctantly separated.

Even though she had been married for many years, Chen Xin'an still felt a little shaken when she saw her daughter-in-law's charming and delicate posture.

"Mr. Chen..." Cui Mingzhu said carefully to Chen Xin'an who was standing in the yard:

"The money has been distributed. My dad asked me to ask about what I said before..."

Halfway through her words, she saw Ning Xiruo's face and was stunned.

What a beautiful woman!

Her relationship with Mr. Chen...

Chen Xin'an said to her: "This is my wife Ning Xiruo. Wife, this is..."

"Are you Cui Mingzhu?" Ning Xi's eyes widened, she pointed at Cui Mingzhu with surprise and said:

"Senior sister, do you still remember me? We are in the same club and performed together at the school anniversary!"

Cui Mingzhu also looked at Ning Xi in surprise and said, "Xiao Xi? Why are you here? Mr. Chen is yours..."

Ning Xi pointed at Ning Xiruo and said, "This is my sister, this is my brother-in-law! I didn't expect you, senior sister, to know my brother-in-law. What a coincidence!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Miss Cui, since you and Xiao Xi have this relationship, I don't need to be polite to your father.

I will leave the reconstruction work of Qingniu Town to your father.

Let your dad discuss the specific design with Uncle Lao Hei and Secretary Liang.

I will provide the funds. "

Cui Mingzhu looked surprised, bowed to Chen Xin'an and said, "Thank you Mr. Chen, I will inform my dad now!"

After she left, Ning Xi looked at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes and said, "Brother-in-law, you are so generous!"

Chen Xin'an rubbed Wei Qingrong's head and said to Ning Xiruo: "Most of these people in Qingniu Town are relatives of the people in the mountains!

Those people are my masters, and I should spend some money to allow them to live in peace and seclusion in the mountains! "

Ning Xiruo nodded and said to him: "Husband, I support you!"

In the evening, people stood around Dayu Bay.

Almost all the young men in town came!

It was a cold day, but everyone jumped into the water wearing only a pair of boxer shorts.

Under the command of Yan Shuisheng, the two coffins were lifted out of the water, then pulled up by the hanging rope, and placed side by side in the shed that had been set up.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo stood side by side in front of the coffin, and then knelt down at the same time!

"Dad, Mom, my son and daughter-in-law are here to pick you up and send the elders home!"

Tears fell from Chen Xin'an's eyes and fell to the ground.

It’s been twenty years!

The only memories left before the age of seven were the faces of my parents. The rest seemed to have been sealed away and I couldn't remember them.

But the looks of these two people had appeared in his dreams countless times in the past twenty years!

He often wakes up from his dreams with tears all over his face.

Now, he finally saw his parents again, but they were already separated by yin and yang.

Even the appearance is no longer visible, only a handful of bones are left!

A new coffin has been ordered and will be shipped tomorrow.

Chen Xin'an wants to go to Chenjiacun as soon as possible to settle the matter there and let her parents be buried smoothly.

It was already dark. Chen Xin'an pulled Ning Xiruo to stand up and said to Chen Huang, who was sitting between the two coffins, "Go back!"

Chen Huang waved his hand and said to him: "You and Xiruo go back first, and I will stay with them for a while!"

"Old ghost!" Mu Jinrong shouted to him with red eyes.

Chen Huang waved his hand and said to her: "You go back too!"

Mu Jinrong wanted to say something else, but Yao Zhifeng sighed, took her arm, shook his head, and pulled her away.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo had no choice but to leave first.

They had already walked a long way, and the two of them turned around and saw Chen Huang sitting alone between two coffins under the oil lamp.

He put one arm on a coffin and moved it gently, as if caressing a child's face.

The breeze blew by, bringing his sad and suppressed cries, which was heartbreaking to hear!

That night, Chen Huang sat next to the coffins of his son and daughter-in-law all night long!

The business car was speeding on the road to Beishan. Ning Xiruo was sitting in the back seat, holding Chen Xin'an and letting his head rest on her lap.

"Honey, you should take a nap! You must be sleepy after sitting with grandpa for half the night last night!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to her: "It's okay! I talked a lot with him and understood some of the thoughts of his generation.

Sometimes, you have to admire these people of faith.

It’s so respectable!

The existence that transcends all emotions is just for the realization of ideals and success!

If you sacrifice your small family for everyone, even if you are misunderstood by your relatives, you will have no regrets until your death! "

Ning Xiruo nodded vigorously.

Guan Fei in front turned his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Uncle..."

He opened his mouth and seemed to hesitate to speak.

Chen Xin'an sat up straight and said to him, "What's wrong? Are you still coy with me?"

Guan Fei pursed his lips and whispered: "Yesterday Bova said... Even if grandpa is cleaned of the poison in his body, his body will..."

Chen Xin'an's expression darkened, he nodded and said, "Actually, I know! His body has been resting on its laurels!

I originally thought he had two or three years left at most.

However, after detoxification, it can only last for one or two years at most! "

Ning Xiruo looked at him in surprise and asked: "Husband, since the detoxification has even accelerated the deterioration of his body, why do we still need to detoxify him?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and sighed: "Over the years, these toxins have formed a delicate balance in his body.

Once this balance is disrupted, it will naturally accelerate the deterioration of the body.

I discussed this matter with Grandma Mu and Master.

But there is one benefit that we cannot refuse.

That is, after detoxifying, he can leave relatively painlessly.

But if you choose not to care, the consumption of your body's vitality will become more and more painful!

And only by removing his toxins, can my injections and medicines be better absorbed by him.

When the time comes, it won't be too difficult to let him live a little longer. "

Everyone nodded together.

Chen Xin'an looked forward and said softly: "So when I go back to my hometown, I have to get things done.

I know he dreams of coming back! "

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