Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1872 I am Chen Xinan, I specialize in fighting trash

Beishan Town, Qizhou, Haidong.

One of the legendary birthplaces of Chinese Kung Fu.

Since ancient times, people have been gentle in literature and favored martial arts, and the folk customs have been tough and tough.

Of course, this is the impression Qizhou leaves on outsiders.

In today's society, everything is looking forward.

There are fewer and fewer people practicing martial arts, and more and more people doing business.

However, there are still some places that still retain some ancient martial arts heritage.

According to the navigation, you will reach Chenjiacun after crossing the bridge in front.

The place where everyone is now is called Wujiazhuang.

"Sister-in-law, we're ready!" Li Qi drove the car and whispered.

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo nodded, looked at Chen Xin'an who was still sleeping on her lap, and said distressedly: "Let him sleep for a while!"

The Guan brothers and sisters also opened their eyes and looked around curiously.

Both Mengbowa and Yan Shuisheng stayed in Qingniu Town.

The two brothers and sisters came over and wanted to be inseparable from the young lady.

This is the task assigned by my uncle.

Chen Xin'an had already opened her eyes, sat up, and said to everyone: "We're almost there, right? Huh?"

The car stopped next to the bridge, and a young man suddenly rushed over from the side and patted the car door hard.

But before the people inside could open the car door, a group of people with sticks in their hands chased after him!

A short, stocky guy with a flat head hit the young man on the head with a stick!

The young man made a mistake and slid sideways!


The car window glass shattered, Chen Xin'an immediately hugged Ning Xiruo's head and blocked the broken glass with his body!

The young people ran away!

These people followed closely.

"Hey!" Li Qi stuck his head out and called out, but no one paid him any attention.

With a snort, Li Qi drove after him.

After crossing the bridge, there is a crop field. From a distance, I can see several people working in the fields.

The young man running in front shouted loudly.

When the people in the field finally heard it, a group of people rushed out and blocked the young man!

"What the hell, Snake Skin, what are you doing? Bullying our people in Chenjiacun?" A man in his thirties cursed at the crew-cut man.

Flathead Nan spat on the ground, pointed forward with his stick, and cursed:

"Chen Li, get the hell out of here, or I'll beat you up too!

How many times have I told this bastard not to take any chances with my sister Shui Lian!

You just don’t listen, do you?

I said, I will beat you every time I see you, and I will break your legs if you don't listen! "

Chen Li frowned, turned around and cursed: "Chen Liang, are you looking for Wu Shuilian again?"

Chen Liang frowned and said, "We are in free love, why don't you let me find her?"

Shepi snorted, narrowed his eyes and said, "Why? Just because I am her brother!"

Chen Liang snorted and said, "So what? Shuilian and I have been good friends since we were in school. You can't stop us!"

"I won't let you stop me!" Snakepi raised his stick, shook it like a stick, and walked forward menacingly!

Chen Li stepped forward, pointed at Snake Pi and cursed: "What do you want to do, Snake Pi? I'm warning you not to mess around..."

Before he finished speaking, Snake Skin whipped him with a stick!

Then a group of people behind him also rushed up!

When the people around Chen Li saw it, they stopped being stunned and rushed forward with their hoes raised. The two groups were already fighting together!

"Boss!" Li Qi turned his head and glanced at Chen Xin'an.

"Don't worry!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said calmly: "Let's check the situation first!"

Li Dian nodded and parked the car nearby.

I have to say that the crackdown on counterfeiting in this martial land is fierce!

There is a very systematic approach to making moves and dismantling moves.

It's just that although there are two more people on Chen Li's side, their strength is obviously weaker than that of Shepi's side.

In less than five minutes, they were all beaten to the ground by the opponent!

Even though he had fallen to the ground and held his head without fighting back, Shepi was still angry and rushed up to Chen Liang and kicked him wildly!

"Okay Snake Skin, don't beat him to death!" Two companions came over and pulled Snake Skin away.

Shepi snorted coldly, spat on Chen Liang, and said to his companion: "Pull him up!"

The two companions, one on each side, took Chen Liang's arm and dragged him in front of Shepi.

"I'm telling you again now, stay away from my sister! Don't think I'm just talking, next time I'll really break your legs!"

Chen Liang spit out the blood in his mouth, looked at the snake skin with dissatisfaction and shouted: "Why do you have to separate us?"

"Why?" Snakepi looked at him with disdain and said, "Don't you know what's going on?

How could my sister marry these losers like you in Chenjiacun?

Chen Liang, do you want to take a piss and find your own virtue?

What do you have?

Out of all the villages in the world, the people in your Chenjia Village are the poorest and the most useless!

If nothing else, let’s just say that in Chenjia Quan, you could still produce a few good ones in the past.

But since those fifteen people died, your Chenjia Village has been worse than the last!

In the Qizhou martial arts competition, your Chenjia Village was at the bottom every time.

I'm ashamed of you all!

Tell me, what missions has your surname Chen been on in the past two years?

Wu Dewen, who came from Wujiazhuang, became the president of the Shanghai East Wushu Association this year!

You surnamed Chen can’t even get into the Wushu Association!

You said that if I marry my sister to a loser like you, isn't that pushing her into a pit of fire? "

Chen Liang was blushing, speechless, and almost burst into tears of frustration.

Chen Li and others were also lying on the ground, holding their heads, with expressions of humiliation on their faces.

Snakepi sneered coldly at the people on the ground, waved his hands and said, "Okay, let's go back!

There is no satisfaction in winning against a bunch of losers.

From now on, you people from Chenjiacun will take a detour when you see us from Wujiazhuang. Do you hear me? "

"Let's go! Clean up this bunch of trash again!"

"It's boring, there's no one I can beat!"

"I think this Chenjia Village will be gone soon and become an affiliated village of our Wujiazhuang, hahaha!"

At this moment, a person blocked their way and said calmly: "Don't leave yet, let's settle the score!"

Snakepi frowned, looked at the young man in front of him, and shouted at him: "Who the hell are you?"

The other party turned around expressionlessly, pointed at the commercial vehicle not far away and said, "You just smashed my window glass!"

Shepi suddenly understood, nodded and said, "That's what happened. Here, I'll give you a hundred yuan, and I'll compensate you!"

He handed over the banknotes, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't pick up the connection or even glance at it. He just shook his head and said, "Not enough! You have to kneel down and apologize!"

"What the hell are you! Are you looking for death? Do you know where this place is?" A man from Wujiazhuang rushed over, raised a stick in his hand, pointed at Chen Xin'an's nose and cursed.

Snakepi narrowed his eyes and looked at the other person and said, "Boy, you're so cool! Where did you come from? What's your name?"

The other party grinned and said to him: "You don't deserve to ask where I am from, as long as you know my surname is Chen!"

Your surname is Chen?

People from Chenjiacun?

Snakepi exchanged glances with everyone, and his face darkened!

The boy who pointed at the opponent with a stick gritted his teeth and cursed: "Another piece of trash named Chen! I'm going to make you kneel down!"

He picked up the stick in his hand and hit the opponent's head hard!

But he saw a flower in front of his eyes, and with a click, the stick in his hand broke into two pieces.

Before he could react, he was kicked in the stomach. He flew up and fell heavily to the ground!

The man walked over with a grin on his face and said, "Yes, my surname is Chen! My name is Chen Xin'an! I specialize in fighting trash!"


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