Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1875 Let your village chief come out to see me

The unparalleled ferocity of Chen Jiaquan is vividly reflected in Chen Xin'an.

The Wu family wanted to fight with him, but Chen Xin'an punched him hard on the top of his fist.

The entire right hand was deformed by the impact, and the broken bone pierced the skin and was exposed. It was scary to look at!

Some people from Wujiazhuang couldn't squeeze into the battlefield, so their sinister eyes fell on those Chen family members.

They rushed over with ferocious faces, but were suddenly blocked by two people.

Li Qi raised his fingers and sneered at the Wu family: "I'll play with you!"

Guan Fei grinned, and without saying a word, he opened his arms like a tank and rushed towards the Wu family!

Guandu accompanied Ning Xiruo and stood behind the crowd eagerly.

My uncle said that she should stay by the young lady's side at all times, even if the sky fell, she would not be able to leave!

Everyone in Chenjiacun was dumbfounded. Chen Xin'an was so powerful, and the people who came with him were also so fierce!

The Wu family, who are usually extremely arrogant, are no match for these three people.

Even if they have an advantage in numbers, they won't have the slightest upper hand in a fight!

"Do it!" The old man spat out two words.

The Chen family, who could no longer hold back, rushed towards the Wu family with shouts!

Although fighting relies on strength, there is another big factor that cannot be ignored, and that is momentum!

The strength of the Wu family is not low, but their momentum has been completely exhausted.

The Chen family was so powerful that they rushed up and beat them up!

After years of enduring bullying from the Wu family, I have never felt so proud!

Now the Chen family vented all their anger through their fists and kicks, beating the Wu family until they cried like ghosts and howled like wolves, and ran away with their heads in their hands!

The Wu family who had just come with great momentum have now turned into bereaved dogs.

Except for a dozen people lying on the ground who could no longer run, the rest all stumbled across the bridge.

Just when a group of young people from Chenjia Village were surrounding the wounded on the ground and about to take action, the old man shouted: "Stop!"

Everyone stopped and glared at Wu Erkui and the others.

The old man walked up to him, snorted and said, "Tell Wu Dalong when you go back not to provoke us again!"

Wu Erkui's mouth was bleeding. Although he was injured, his expression was still unruly.

He ignored the old man, just looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Wujiazhuang has recorded this account today!

Brother, you can't stay in Chenjiacun all your life, right?

The people in Chenjiacun will pay back tenfold for the loss I suffered today in Wujiazhuang!

Let's wait and see! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "No need to wait and see, let's count it together today!"

He turned his head and said to Li Qi and Guan Fei: "You stay here, I will go to Wujiazhuang!"

Everyone seemed to have heard wrongly and looked at him in disbelief.

The old man frowned and asked, "What did you say? Are you going to Wujiazhuang alone?

Are you looking for death?

Do you know where that place is?

Don't be impulsive here and leave quickly! "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "Fifth Grandpa, I said I would help you solve this matter today, and I didn't just say it!

Don't worry, I know what's going on.

A mere Wujiazhuang can't hurt me! "

Chen Li shouted: "Chen Xin'an, that's a big village with nearly a thousand people! You went there alone to die!"

Chen Liang, however, was very straightforward. He waved his hand and said, "If you want to go, you can! We will go with you!"

"Fuck you, stay with me!" the old man scolded angrily, "They are all making nonsense here!

The people of Wujiazhuang will not give up on this matter today.

We must prepare early and not go there and die! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to everyone: "Okay, don't be nervous, I can solve it!"

The old man said angrily: "What a stupid boy like you can do! Do you have to be like your grandfather and bring Chenjia Village into dire straits before you are willing to do it?"

"Hahaha!" Wu Erkui laughed while lying on the ground, looking at the Chen family with contempt and said:

"A bunch of useless cowards!

Even if you are allowed to be arrogant for a while, you will not be mad for the rest of your life!

I still want to go to our Wujiazhuang, you have that... ah! "

Chen Xin'an had already walked over and kicked him in the mouth!

Then two more kicks, breaking his shoulders!

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to the stunned Chen family: "Okay, you go back!

My wife will stay in the village, please take care of her! "

Turning his head, he said to the Wu family members on the ground: "You have to crawl back for me even if you crawl! Otherwise I will break your hands and feet and throw you into the river!"

A group of Wu family members were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They supported their injured bodies and stood up unsteadily.

Chen Xin'an bent down, grabbed one of Wu Erkui's legs, and dragged him towards Wujiazhuang like a dead dog!

The Chen family behind them were all dumbfounded!

This guy is too crazy, right?

The old man shouted: "Give me..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Qi waved his hand and said, "Old man, there's no need to persuade me!

You don’t understand my boss’s temper, let alone his strength!

If he says it's okay, then nothing will happen!

Just go back and wait! "

The old man frowned, looked at Chen Xin'an's back, and said to Li Qi:

"I see that you are no ordinary person!

You follow him, this girl is in the village, I'll make sure she's fine! "

Li Qi glanced at Ning Xiruo behind the crowd, and seeing that she nodded, he patted Guan Fei on the shoulder and said, "You and Xiaodu, be careful, I'm going over!"

"Okay!" Guan Fei nodded vigorously.

Hearing the screams and footsteps behind him, Chen Xin'an turned his head and saw that Li Qi had kicked down a man and followed him.

He wanted to persuade him to go back, but he also knew the boy's character and temper, so he shook his head and ignored him.

"The Chen family beat up our Wu family!

They also injured Master Erkui, and they dragged him back!"

In Wujiazhuang, someone used the village's loudspeaker to shout urgently.

Soon countless young and strong men rushed out of their homes and rushed to the village entrance!

Seeing the two people in front dragging one of Wu Erkui's legs down from the bridge.

Behind them was a group of Wu family members who had thrown away their armor and couldn't even walk steadily. Those young and strong men were all angry!

But Wu Erkui was still in the hands of the two men, so they didn't dare to step forward rashly, but just pointed at the two men and cursed!

"Let go of Master Erkui! I'll fucking break your hands and feet!"

"You bastards! You dare to treat Master Erkui like this, I'll let you die in Wujia Village today!"

"What a big guts! Just two people, dare to come to Wujia Village? You are here to die, right? I'll help you!"

Chen Xinan looked at the people around him with disdain and shouted at them: "Let your village chief Wu Dalong come out to see me!"

A strong man pointed at Chen Xinan's nose and cursed: "Who the hell are you!

Still want to see our village chief?

I'll let you..."

Before he could finish, Chen Xinan suddenly rushed over and kicked him in the stomach!

The big man's body of 130 to 140 kilograms was kicked out like a wooden stake, and after knocking down two people, he fell to the ground and rolled twice!

The people around were shocked. They didn't expect this guy to be so crazy!

Surrounded by so many people, he dared to start a fight first!

Just as the people around him were about to rush forward, Li Qi kicked Wu Erkui beside him!

Wu Erkui, who was already covered in wounds, screamed and his body trembled violently.

Everyone was afraid of the consequences and retreated in fear.

Chen Xinan looked at everyone coldly and said in a deep voice: "I'll say it again, let Wu Dalong come out to see me!

If he doesn't dare to come out, I will make Wujiazhuang a mess today!"

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