Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1876 I’m here to settle accounts with you

"If you dare, let Master Erkui go, and I will challenge you to a duel!"

"You two bastards are dead! No one has ever dared to bully our Wu family like this!"

"You are not from Chenjiazhuang! Who are you? Who sent you to Wujiazhuang to cause trouble?"

A group of Wu family members yelled and cursed at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi.

Chen Xin'an curled her lips in disdain and said to Li Qi: "Let this waste go! You go and do what you want to do.

But if they don’t want your life, don’t kill them! "

"I know, boss!" Li Qi grinned and kicked Wu Erkui away!

The Wu family was stunned instead.

What do these two guys mean?

Don't they know that Wu Erkui is their only guarantee now?

The reason why everyone hasn't taken action yet is because of this hostage!

Now that they have given up on their own initiative, why are they saying not to kill them?

These two bastards actually treated the entire Wujiazhuang men as if they were nothing!

Who gave you two the courage!

Without scruples, your only end will be death!

The people in Wujiazhuang were all excited, rushing towards the two people like a tide!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi laughed loudly, with no fear on their faces, and even jumped into the crowd!

It is right that two fists cannot defeat four hands.

But if two fists are difficult to defeat forty hands, that's not necessarily the case!

Because once a fight starts, there is only so much room to get close.

The more people there are, the more difficult it is to display.

And the more scruples you have, because you are surrounded by your own people, maybe your punch misses the enemy, but causes flowers on your own people's faces!

This is the current situation.

Although there are hundreds of Wu family members around, the ones who can attack Chen Xin'an and Li Qi are the ones closest to them.

If it's a little further away, it's just out of reach!

What Chen Xin'an and Li Qi have to do is not to let these people shrink their circle to a range that cannot be expanded.

Otherwise, people will be crowded like sardines, and no matter how strong they are, they will only be beaten passively!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi did not fight side by side, but fought separately.

Because Chen Xinan had just given an order to Li Qi, just let him go and cause trouble!

Chen Xin'an strikes very hard, and is not limited to Chen Jia Quan.

How to make various moves simple and effective!

More and more Wu family members fell at his feet!

At this moment, someone attacked from nearby!

Without saying a word, Chen Xin'an grabbed the man's collar and was about to hit him in the face with her fist, but stopped!

It turned out to be just a child of thirteen or fourteen years old, and a little girl!

With a pair of angry eyes and a stick in his hand, Chen Xin'an grabbed him. There was no look of fear on his face.

Instead, he picked up the stick and hit Chen Xin'an on the head hard!

The stick snapped into two pieces!

Taking advantage of this moment, a group of women, old people and children rushed over, each holding brooms and shovels, and started beating Chen Xin'an!

These despicable Wu family members cannot be beaten by men, so they let women and children go into battle!

Chen Xin'an turned around and ran, jumped up, stepped on the heads of a group of men and jumped out of the encirclement, shouting: "Li Qi!"

After hearing the sound, Li Qi ran left and right, hitting one side and the other, and soon he opened a gap in the surrounding crowd.

He ran out through the gap and kicked open the door of the next door!

Then the whole yard was buzzing with excitement!

There are also cows and sheep running out of the pen!

By the time the Wu family rushed in from outside, Li Qi had already climbed over the courtyard wall and ran to the next door!

"Ah! My livestock! Damn it!" A woman cried loudly and rushed into the house!

Someone shouted: "Brother Gui, Sister-in-law Hua, he went to your house again! Stop him quickly!"

But it's too late!

There was another sound of cattle braying, and a group of sheep rushed out of the gate, knocking a group of people who had just arrived at the gate to the ground!

The women and children who were so aggressive just now couldn't care less about fighting now!

My family is the largest in the world. If an animal ran away, it could cost a few hundred yuan or several thousand yuan. Who wouldn't feel sad?

"That's my chicken, don't drive it to your house!"

"Whose pigs are these? They all ran into my bed! And they pooped such a big pile of pig manure! It disgusts me to death! Pay for it!"

"Come on, Uncle Wang! Your room is on fire! Hurry and put out the fire! Otherwise, it will burn to the north room and even my family will be in trouble!"

The whole Wujiazhuang was in chaos. The sounds of livestock, the shouts of men and women, and the cries of children were all mixed together, making it a mess and quite lively.

On the other side of the river, the people in Chenjia Village looked at this side eagerly.

Everyone had a shocked expression on their face.

There were only two people, how could they cause such trouble to the other side?

"Grandpa, how about we go over and help?" Chen Li looked at the opposite side and couldn't help but feel excited, and asked the old man.

The old man had a straight face and scolded him: "What kind of help are you helping! They're gone, it's just a private fight at most!

If we go there, it will be a village fight. What are the consequences? Can you afford it? "

Chen Li glanced at Chen Liang and others beside him. They all suppressed their inner excitement and did not dare to say any more.

Ning Xiruo smiled and said: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether it's a private fight or a village fight, there won't be any consequences for our Chenjia Village!

But Xin An doesn’t need anyone’s help, everyone can just watch from here! "

Everyone looked at each other.

The old man turned around and asked Ning Xiruo, "Girl, aren't you worried about him?"

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "Worry! But he doesn't worry about doing this.

Fifth Grandpa, if you knew the things he had done, you would be like me! "

The old man waved to someone to bring the bench over, handed one to Ning Xiruo, sat at the entrance of the village, and said to her:

"Girl, tell me about this guy! Also, what do you want to do when you come to Chenjiacun this time?"

"Come to the village office!" A loud voice suddenly came from the loudspeaker.

The Wu family members who were still chasing Chen Xin'an and Li Qi all stopped after hearing this.

Li Qi stood on the roof and shouted loudly: "Boss, red flagpole!"

"Okay!" A person from the yard responded, and then quickly climbed up to the roof.

Two figures advanced from the roof and headed straight for the red flagpole.

Everyone in the Wu family was stunned. Who are these two people? Why are you still flying over the walls?

Under the flagpole, a burly old man wearing a military coat had a gloomy face and nodded to several big men around him.

As long as those two boys are lured here, the ambush masters will swarm them and not give them a chance to escape!

If you dare to come to Wujiazhuang to cause trouble, you deserve to be beaten to death!

Do you really think that Wu Dalong is a soft persimmon?

Just two people can bring the village to its knees and then walk away?

If we don’t show some real strength, do we really think that our Wujiazhuang is just like the Chenjiacun next door, we are all useless?

"Are you Wu Dalong?" A voice suddenly came from behind.

Wu Dalong suddenly turned around and saw two people standing on the roof of the village office. One of them pointed at his nose and said:

"My name is Chen Xin'an, from Chenjia Village!

I'm here to settle accounts with you today!

I heard that over the years, you led Wujiazhuang to often bully Chenjiacun?

They also occupied more than a hundred acres of their land, right?

I came here today to ask you to return those fields and make corresponding compensation to Chenjiacun!

Do you agree or not? "

When did these two bastards run to the roof?

Wu Dalong frowned and said, "You just stand on the roof and talk to me?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, jumped down from above, and said to Wu Dalong:

"Wherever I stand, I see you as an ant!"

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