Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1878 A dragon appears in Chenjiacun

For the first time in the past twenty years, Wujiazhuang apologized for bullying Chenjiacun and made compensation.

Strong men from Wujiazhuang drove the cattle and sheep and sent them to Chenjiacun.

And all the fields that had been forcibly occupied were returned.

When Chen Xin'an and Li Qi came back, the entire Chenjia Village was like welcoming a hero. The people lined the streets to welcome them, and the cheers were loud!

The village elder also had a rare smile on his face.

He looked at Chen Xin'an for a long time and said to him: "I'll stay in my hometown tonight. If the conditions are not good, don't be too poor. If anything happens, we'll discuss it tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an did not refuse and nodded with a smile.

Chickens and sheep were slaughtered in the village to entertain these distinguished guests.

Chenjiacun has not been so proud in twenty or thirty years!

Chen Li and a group of young people took Chen Xin'an to the village's grain drying field.

This is also a place for martial arts training.

Two teachers insisted on competing with Chen Xin'an, but Chen Xin'an couldn't defeat them and had to go on stage.

Basically, he didn't use his hands or feet the whole time, he just dodged.

The last two teaching masters themselves felt embarrassed and quickly stopped.

The strength of both sides is not on the same level, so it would be disrespectful to continue fighting like this.

The instructor named Chen Guangzhi asked Chen Xin'an: "Xin'an, we all practice Chen Family Boxing.

Why is the one you typed different from ours?

Even if you use exactly the same punching method, your attack power seems to be greater! "

Another instructor, Chen Zhanqiang, said: "It seems that Xin'an's moves have changed a bit, but I can't see what has changed!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Uncle Zhan Qiang is right, I did change my tactics.

Chen Jiaquan's moves are straight forward, and I made some changes in the boxing path.

Some rotational movements have been added to make punches faster and more powerful! "

Chen Li frowned and said, "But in this case, it's not Chen Jiaquan, right?"

"Who says it's not?" Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "The meaning of the boxing is the same, that is Chen Family Boxing!

When practicing boxing, you cannot practice death punches. Every move must be the same as what your ancestors used.

If you practice that boxing for a lifetime, you will only be worse than the next.

The ancestor who invented Chen Family Boxing wanted his descendants to learn the intention of the boxing, not the moves.

Because boxing moves are limited by an individual's body, they may not be suitable for other people to practice.

This move is very powerful for you to perform, but if it is another person, because his arms are longer than yours and his hands are larger than yours, it will take more effort to perform, so the power may not be as good as yours.

But if he makes some necessary changes according to his physical condition, the same move can still produce the same power even though the angle of punching is different.

So do you think this change is correct or wrong? "

Everyone frowned, thinking about this matter, and nodded slightly.

A young man of eighteen or nineteen years old said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother An, how about you become our teacher?"

Chen Guangzhi slapped him on the head and cursed: "You bastard, you look down on your father now that you have Brother An, right?

Brother An is a busy man, do you have time to be your tutor here? "

Everyone burst into laughter.

Chen Xin'an waved his hands and said to everyone: "Practice Qi first when practicing boxing!

After practicing the Qi smoothly and punching a few more times, the punching intention will come out.

I see that you have stopped practicing Chen’s Internal Qigong.

This is wrong, you still need to practice.

Brother Li, bring me a brick and a shovel! "

"Okay!" Chen Li turned and walked away, and after a while he brought a shovel and a red brick over.

Chen Xin'an dug a hole next to her with a shovel, then put the red bricks in and buried it with soil.

He clenched his fists and said to everyone: "Watch!"

As he spoke, his right arm slowly dropped, then suddenly accelerated and hit the ground with a bang.

A shallow fist mark was left on the ground, and no obvious changes could be seen.

Everyone looked at each other, what are they doing?

A fat man in the crowd said with a smile: "Brother An hasn't eaten enough, so he has no strength.

When dinner is served and Brother An is full, one punch will scare people to death!

like this! "

He clenched his fist and punched the ground next to him with a roar.

Dust flew and a punch pit appeared on the ground.

Chen Zhanqiang smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "This boy's name is Chen Yang. He has been very strong since he was a child. Don't argue with him!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to Chen Li: "Take out the bricks."

Chen Li nodded and opened the pit with his hands without using a shovel.

A red brick was still lying intact in the pit.

No one was surprised, and they all laughed kindly.

"Brother An's strength is obvious to all, it was just a small mistake."

"Ayang is right, Brother An just hasn't eaten and is hungry!"

"I'm afraid grandpa couldn't do it when he was young. It's natural for Brother An to make a mistake once!"

Chen Li also smiled and touched the red brick with his hand. Before he could exert any force, he heard a bang.

Several cracks suddenly appeared on the originally intact brick surface, spreading like spider webs, causing the entire brick to crack into seven or eight pieces!

Everyone was dumbfounded. One hand reached into the pit, picked up a broken brick, and looked at it carefully.

"Oh my God!" Chen Yang's eyes widened and he asked Chen Xin'an in surprise: "Brother An, what kind of boxing is this? I've never seen it before!"

Everyone else nodded.

Chen Guangzhi suppressed the shock in his heart and said excitedly: "Nei Jin! The legendary master of Nei Jin!

Peace of mind, have you developed your inner strength?

Our Chenjiacun has not produced an internal energy master for more than thirty years! "

Li Qi, who had been smiling and silent next to him, curled his lips.

The boss is truly a master of the fourth level of inner strength!

But there was really nothing to show off to these old family members, so Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, and Li Qi didn't say anything either.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "This is the function of Chen's Internal Qigong I mentioned.

If you practice internal qigong, it is possible to develop internal strength.

If you don’t practice internal qigong, you will definitely not be able to produce internal energy.

I have been practicing foreign martial arts all my life.

Only when you develop your inner strength can your kung fu be considered successful.

Of course, if you have practiced martial arts to the extreme, you can do it too.

It's just that this road is too hard, and the pain suffered is much more than ordinary people.

Have you seen those two fat brothers and sisters next to my wife-in-law?

They specialize in practicing foreign boxing.

The injuries they sustained would have killed anyone else ten or eight times! "

Everyone stuck out their tongues.

Chen Guangzhi's son Chen Cheng pointed to Li Qi who was sitting beside him and smiled and said:

"Brother An, where is this eldest brother? Is he also a master of internal energy?

His kung fu is also very powerful! "

"That's not kung fu!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and laughed: "That's a killing technique. It was practiced on a real battlefield.

Ordinary internal strength masters plus external masters will be dead ends when they encounter him! "

"Wow!" Everyone looked at Li Qi with admiring eyes.

Embarrassed by being stared at by everyone, Li Qi blushed and pointed at Chen Xin'an: "You don't have to be envious, he also taught me the killing technique.

Your brother An is the chief instructor of the entire army!

Do you know what it means?

It is equivalent to you, the general instructors of martial arts training, on a national level! "

When everyone looked at Chen Xin'an, their eyes were almost filled with stars!

Chen Guangzhi rubbed his eyes and said excitedly: "Okay! Our Chenjiacun finally has a dragon!

Wu Dewen is nothing, he is just the president of Haidong Wushu Association.

Our Chen Xin'an from Chenjiacun is the commander-in-chief of the entire army! "

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