Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1879 To get rich, build the road first

Compared to the lively and colorful lights in Chenjia Village, the Wujia Village was shrouded in dark clouds, and everyone looked sad.

Wu Debiao, who was covered in wounds because of being dragged in a big net, said to Wu Dalong:

"Dad, are we just going to swallow our anger?

When has Wujia Village ever been so cowardly?

Just say a word, and I will take people tonight and raze Chenjia Village to the ground!"

"Bullshit!" Wu Dalong cursed: "Will I still be the village chief?"

Wu Debiao grinned and said: "I can't just let it go! I, Wu Debiao, have never been so cowardly!"

Wu Dalong said with a gloomy face: "Of course I can't let it go!

I have called Dewen, and he will bring people tomorrow!

Didn't Chenjia Village have a master to help?

Dewen Just bring a real master and fight him openly.

Sign a life and death agreement and beat him to death on the stage!

I don't think Chenjia Village can fight my Wujia Village without this support!

Do you really think my things are so easy to take?

I asked you to take as much as you want, and you have to spit out double! "

"Village chief!" Someone ran over and said to Wu Dalong: "Chen Liang from Chenjia Village is looking for Shuilian again!

Do you want to break this kid's legs?"

Wu Dalong snorted and said: "Let him go tonight, and tomorrow when I solve the master, I will break the legs of all the men in Chenjia Village!"

It was dark, and someone from the village came to look for Chen Xinan, so I could go back to eat.

Everyone stood up. Chen Yang turned his head and pointed at Chen Liang who was walking back alone not far away and said:

"Xiao Liangzi is back! This kid must have secretly run to find Wu Shuilian again!"

Chen Li frowned, walked over, patted Chen Liang on the shoulder and said: "Why are you so depressed?

Did the Wu family bully you again?

Xin'an is here. If the Wu family dares to be arrogant again, we and Xin'an will go over and deal with them immediately!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded together.

Chen Liang shook his head, feeling depressed.

Chen Li kicked her and cursed: "Just tell me what's going on! You are here with peace of mind, what are you afraid of?"

Chen Liang's eyes turned red, and he whispered: "Shui Lian told me not to go to her anymore!"

"Damn it!" Chen Li cursed: "It must be because Wujiazhuang lost face today that they forced Shui Lian to do this!"

Chen Liang shook his head and said: "Shui Lian told me herself.

Her mother introduced her to a guy, and she drove here today.

He is from Dawang Village next door, and his family has a processing plant, which can earn more than 2 million yuan a year!

Shui Lian said that my family is too poor, and they rely on those few acres of land all year round!

The harvest of the farmers is not good this year. Even if she follows me, she will suffer for the rest of her life!"

Everyone was silent, and Chen Li's face was even uglier.

Patting Chen Liang on the shoulder, he said, "Liangzi, don't be sad. What he said is not wrong!

We can't afford to support him, and we have no right to force him to suffer poverty with us.

Then let him go, don't delay him!"

Chen Liang covered his face and cried. Although he was a little unwilling, he was more helpless.

The others fell silent.

This situation is not only happening to Chen Liang.

The marriage rate of young people in Chenjia Village is getting lower and lower.

It's not for anything else, just one word, poor!

The village chief's house was brightly lit, with seven or eight tables set up, and some senior people in the village came.

Ning Xiruo waved to Chen Xinan, she was sitting next to the fifth grandmother.

The brothers and sisters of the Guan family sat upright next to them, but their eyes were fixed on the cow head that had just been fished out of the big pot, and they swallowed their saliva quietly.

Before Li Qi came over, he was pulled away by Chen Li's gang.

He also did not forget to impart experience to him: "Don't sit at the main table, you can only look but not eat. A bunch of old people talk too much, and they can drink a glass of wine for half an hour!"

Li Qi did not forget his brothers, and he also pulled the Guan brothers and sisters over, and a group of young people started drinking at the next table.

Chen Xinan ignored them, took Ning Xiruo's hand and asked: "What are you talking about?"

Ning Xiruo glanced at the fifth grandmother, turned her head and said to Chen Xinan: "Xinan, the fifth grandmother said that grandma's tomb is also here!"

Chen Xinan was stunned for a moment, took a deep breath and said: "Nie Yunzhen?"

Ning Xiruo nodded.

Closing his eyes and exhaling gently, Chen Xinan said: "Eat first, tomorrow morning, I will take you to worship together!"

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo responded.

The fifth grandmother was next to him, squinting her eyes and smiling, saying: "That's great! How long did it take for big brother to come back?"

Chen Xinan was stunned for a moment.

Ning Xiruo whispered to him: "Grandma Wu seems to have some Alzheimer's disease, sometimes confused and sometimes clear.

Just now she said that I look like grandma, now she must think we are grandpa and grandma!"

Chen Xinan scratched his head and said to Grandma Wu: "I came back today!"

"You are not leaving, right?" asked Grandma Wu.

Chen Xinan didn't know how to answer, or Ning Xiruo said beside him: "Grandma, you are not leaving tonight!"

"Okay!" Grandma Wu smiled and nodded, stroking Ning Xiruo's hand and said: "That's great! The child is so big now!"


Chen Xinan almost vomited blood.

Where are the grandpa and grandma?

So you think I am the grandpa, and my wife is my daughter?

Ning Xiruo covered her mouth and laughed out loud, Chen Xinan looked helpless and nodded vaguely.

The village chief picked up the cup, stood up and said a few words, mixed with some local dialects, which neither Chen Xin'an nor Ning Xiruo could understand.

But it doesn’t matter, just keep eating and drinking.

Putting down the wine glass, Chen Xin'an said to the village chief: "Fifth Grandpa, can you think about my matter?"

Of course he will not forget the purpose of coming to Chenjiacun.

The coffins of his parents were placed in the temporary canopy of Dayuwan in Qingniu Town. He wanted to lay them to rest as soon as possible.

The village chief frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Xin'an, you helped Chenjia Village. This is a kindness.

People in Chenjiacun will never forget it.

Our village is poor and we can't give you anything valuable.

So if you need a few errands, you can pick anyone from the village and let them serve you for a few years.

There is no need to pay any wages, just provide them with three meals a day and a place to sleep, that's all.

As for the rest, I can't help.

This matter is not something I can decide on my own.

I’ve asked the old people in the Chen family, but they don’t agree, and there’s nothing I can do about it! "

Chen Xin'an's face showed a look of disappointment.

Ning Xiruo said from the side: "Fifth Grandpa, if what I discussed with you before comes to pass, do you still disagree?"

The village chief looked embarrassed.

Chen Xin'an looked at Ning Xiruo with a strange expression, wondering what she had discussed with the village chief.

Ning Xiruo whispered to him: "I discussed some things with Grandpa Fifth today.

I want to build a road directly to Qizhou, which is about 20 kilometers.

Then develop some planting or animal husbandry to help the village become rich. "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, nodded and said: "My wife still has a way, I support it!

But I will pay for the road construction.

When the time comes, I'll ask someone to quote the cost, and I'll open a special account. "

Ning Xiruo smiled and said, "Let me tell you first. If it is a third-class highway, it may cost six to seven hundred thousand per kilometer.

Directly to Qizhou, the cost is not small, at least tens of millions! "

Chen Xin'an smiled, looked at the villagers in the yard, lowered her head and said, "Not much! No matter how much money is spent, it is worth it to make Chenjia Village rich!"

The village chief was very excited after hearing this. Tens of millions is not much, how rich is this grandson?

He said to Chen Xin'an: "Xin'an, if you want to succeed, I'll give you a trick!

These three tables are all highly respected people in our Chen family.

As long as they agree, it's your business!

Getting them to agree is easy, drink with them!

If you can drink better than them, I can promise you anything! "

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