Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1880 Literary fight and wine fight

There are ten people sitting at one table, and thirty people sit at three tables.

No matter how drunk a person is, he can't compete with thirty people!

This is simply an impossible task!

Ning Xiruo felt sorry for her man and knew that he never liked drinking. She shook her head and said to the village chief: "Forget it, Fifth Grandpa, let's think of other ways..."

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give it a try!"

Ning Xiruo's expression changed, she pulled him and whispered: "Husband, you don't want your life!

How can one person drink more than thirty people?

It will ruin your body! "

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said to her: "It's all worth it for my parents!

What's more, I can't get around these thirty people no matter what I do.

If you want to get them to agree, you can only use this method.

Don’t worry, although I don’t drink much, it doesn’t mean I’m not a good drinker. I can give it a try! "

The village chief clapped his hands and said to everyone: "We can sit here tonight, drink and eat meat, thanks to one person.

Chen Xin'an!

He is the one who wants to return to our Chenjiacun, the face that has been trampled on the ground for more than thirty years!

But everyone knows why Xin An came.

I know you all feel awkward.

But we are all members of the Chen family, and there is no problem that we can't let go of.

So I told Xin An to follow the old rules of our Chenjiacun and clear the level!

If it can be defeated, then all grudges will be over.

If you can't defeat him, there's nothing you can do about it. Chenjiacun recognizes you and not anyone else!

Do you have any comments? "

"No!" everyone shouted in unison.

"Clear the level? What do you mean?" Li Qi asked Chen Li in a low voice beside him.

Chen Li said solemnly: "It's an old custom in Chenjia Village.

It is divided into two types, one is literary fighting and the other is martial fighting.

When the great grandfather resigned as the village chief and left Chenjia Village with his people, he used force to fight.

If one person can break through against thirty Chenjiacun masters, he will win.

Nowadays, it is a literary fight, a drinking contest.

Use a large bowl.

If a person drinks with thirty people, if he can drink all thirty people down, then he is considered a winner!

Since I was born, whether I heard it or saw it with my own eyes.

Only the grandpa passed the level through the martial arts battle.

No one passed the level through Wen Dou! "

Li Qi's expression changed, he frowned and asked, "Are all the people in your Chenjia Village so good at drinking?"

Chen Li smiled, pointed to the side and said, "Not to mention thirty people, how many can you drink at our table?

Xiaofei, I think you have a good drinking capacity.

How about you give it a try and toast to the people around you one by one.

If he doesn't lie down, you can't stop. Even if he doesn't say stop, you have to keep fighting with him!

You can fight one or two like this. There are ten people at this table. Are you sure that they will all drink down? "

Guan Fei's face changed, he shook his head and said, "If I can drink two of them, I'll be considered extraordinary!"

Chen Li pressed Li Qi and said: "This level is not for you to drink with thirty people, but for you to take turns one by one. Who do you think can win?"

Li Qi's face darkened, he frowned and cursed: "This is just a rogue thing!

It's impossible for anyone to do it, even if you drink a thousand cups without getting drunk!

I'm going to help the boss! "

"That won't work!" Chen Li shook his head and said, "If someone helps me, I want double the amount, so you can drink more!"

"This..." Li Qi clenched his fists, feeling extremely aggrieved. This was clearly bullying!

Guan Fei and Guan Du didn't care so much. They threw away the big bones in their hands and turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "Uncle, you don't want to drink! If you are not convinced, let's fight!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to them: "You eat what you have, don't worry about me!

No matter what I do, I know it! "

The Guan brothers and sisters wanted to say something else, but Li Qi said to them: "Okay, Xiaofei Xiaodu, let's watch first, and then help when the boss can't hold it anymore!"

This is not against the enemy, this is against one's own people, so using force is tantamount to breaking up, which is not the result Chen Xin'an wants.

Buckets of earthen fire were brought up.

This is a home-brewed wine in the village. It is strong and very high.

The front force and back force are very strong, and ordinary people cannot subdue them.

"Peace of mind!" A middle-aged man stood up. This was Chen Liang's father, named Chen Hong.

He is one of the best farmers in the village. He is very powerful and has a good drinking capacity.

He smiled and pointed to the earthen fires next to him and said: "There are three degrees, you can choose them yourself.

How you drink it is up to you!

is that OK? "

"No problem!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I just have one request. You are all elders. When I toast, stand up and drink. If I don't toast, just sit down. Okay?"

This is to save everyone’s face, and of course everyone agrees.

Chen Hong patted Chen Xin'an on the shoulder and said, "Let's start with the table over there. They don't have a good drinking capacity!

If you really can’t hold it any longer, don’t drink. Don’t drink too much and get really bad! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, turned around and walked to the plastic buckets, and then picked up a tin bucket filled with clean water from under the pressurized water well nearby.

Everyone didn't know what he was going to do, and they all turned to look at him.

Chen Xin'an looked at the wine barrels marked with colored pens, lifted one barrel directly, opened the lid, and poured tons and tons of wine into the tin bucket!

"Forty degrees? This kid is quite self-aware and knows that he can't compete with alcohol!"

"The abacus is a good one, we can't do things like this! Everyone knows that the Chen family's soil burning at 40 degrees has the greatest stamina!"

"How can he care about his stamina now? He must first make himself able to drink it, and no matter how hard he fights, everyone will count!"

But next, Chen Xin'an's operation stunned them!

I saw him grabbing another wine bucket, opening the lid, and pouring the wine into the tin bucket!

"Drinking?" Everyone was stunned.

I’ve seen white ones mixed with beer ones, or red ones mixed with each other, but I’ve never seen white ones mixed with white ones!

Chen Xin'an actually mixed three different degrees of clay roasting together and poured them into a tin bucket!

Then he lifted the iron bucket filled with wine to Chen Hong's side and said with a smile: "Uncle Hong, let's start with you!"

Chen Hong's eyes bulged out. He never dreamed that this kid would target his table from the very beginning!

His face turned black with anger, and he cursed at Chen Xin'an: "Are you confused?

Forget about drinking, why did you come to me directly?

Do you treat Uncle Hong as a soft persimmon?

Or do you think that because Uncle Hong thinks you are a good boy, he will have sex with you in public?

Even if the flood releases water for you, this table is a big wine vat, can they spare you? "

Chen Xin'an grinned, shook her head at Chen Hong and said, "The main thing is to chew off the hardest bones first, and the rest will be easy!"

This idea is not wrong, Chen Hong has lost his temper.

He put the big bowl in front of him and said to Chen Xin'an: "Come on then, let me see how many bowls you can use to get me drunk!"

Chen Xin'an took the big bowl aside, took two twenty-two wine cups from the side, placed them in front of the two of them and said, "Use this!"

Chen Hong's mouth was so angry that he waited for Chen Xin'an to scold him: "You're a stick! Use this to compete with me, and I won't be able to drink it down until tomorrow morning!"

Chen Xin'an laughed, scooped a bowl of wine directly into the iron bucket with a large bowl, poured it into two wine cups, and said, "That's not necessarily the case!"

Chen Hong snorted coldly, picked up the wine cup, stood up and was about to speak, but Chen Xin'an held his shoulders and said, "Uncle Hong, sit down, have you forgotten? I'll toast you, get up again, and sit down after drinking!"

This made Chen Hong dumbfounded. He glared at him and cursed: "You brat, you have quite a few rules!"

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an grinned, picked up the wine cup with both hands, and bent down to toast.

Chen Hong, who was originally sitting, stood up, touched Chen Xin'an's wine cup, raised his neck and drank it all in one gulp!

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