Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1883 Who did such an immoral thing!

Not all Chen family members are qualified to have their tombs erected next to the Chen family's ancestral tombs after their death.

Only those who are highly respected in the village, or those who have made outstanding contributions to Chenjia Village, are qualified to erect graves next to their ancestors' tombs.

Fifteen coffins have this qualification.

Now Chen Xin'an's parents also want to erect a tomb next to their ancestor's tomb. The location has been chosen, and Chen Xin'an needs to dig the first shovel of soil.

After paying homage to the ancestral tomb first, Chen Xin'an took the shovel handed over by Chen Li and shoveled it down at the chosen location.

After he finished shoveling, Ning Xiruo took the shovel and was about to shovel it down when Chen Hong shouted from beside him: "Wait a minute!"

Ning Xiruo stopped her movements and looked at him in astonishment.

Chen Hong said in a low voice: "You can't stir up trouble, just let your mind be at ease!"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "No, Aunt Guilan said yesterday that I must also shovel. This is the rule of our Chenjia Village."

"Yesterday is yesterday, today is today." Chen Hong frowned and said:

“You don’t need to use the shovel.

You don’t have to stand next to Xin An when he’s buried.

When the time comes, just show up and say what you mean! "

"Why!" Ning Xiruo and Chen Xin'an looked at Chen Hong in confusion. Why did he seem to have become more alive after one night?

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked Chen Hong, "Uncle Hong, is this your intention, or is it the fifth grandfather's intention?"

Chen Hong said: "It means the whole Chenjia Village!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at everyone, and sure enough, everyone lowered their heads.

Everyone looked at him and Ning Xiruo with complicated expressions.

Ning Xiruo said to everyone: "Elders, can you tell me what happened?

If Xiruo did something wrong, I will apologize to everyone.

Now that my parents-in-law are about to be buried, why am I no longer qualified to worship her? "

Chen Li said angrily: "Because Xin'an is the son-in-law recruited by your Ning family, and he is a door-to-door son-in-law.

All you have to do is show up, you don't have to do anything.

Otherwise, it will bring... misfortune to your Ning family! "

Now Chen Xin'an finally understood why everyone looked at him and Ning Xiruo differently today.

In the old days, the status of a Chinese son-in-law was very low.

The wife doesn’t even need to attend her husband’s funeral. If she goes, she just shows up.

Last night, the Guan brothers and sisters spilled the beans, and everyone knew that Chen Xin'an turned out to be the Ning family's adopted son-in-law!

The people of Chenjia Village didn't recover for a long time. Why did such an outstanding son of the Chen family become their son-in-law?

Seeing the reaction of the people in Chenjiacun, the Guan family brothers and sisters realized how much this incident had irritated the Chen family. If they said the wrong thing, they might bring a lot of trouble to the young lady and uncle!

Upon hearing that this was the reason, Chen Xin'an laughed, thinking it was a big deal.

Ning Xiruo did not smile, but said to everyone: "You are right, when Xin'an married me, he did enter the Ning family as the first son-in-law!

But since we got married, there has never been any taboo in our relationship with this kind of relationship!

Without even peace of mind, there would be no Ning family like me now!

I have told Xin'an more than once that we should divorce and then let him marry me again.

But every time he refused. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Because I don't think it's necessary.

Xiruo and I are the best together.

It doesn’t matter in what form!

I have never taken the title of son-in-law seriously.

Neither of us as husband and wife care about these old rules.

I also hope that your relatives will not worry about this! "

Ning Xiruo grabbed the shovel and said to everyone in a firm tone: "If everyone thinks that if I do this, it will bring bad luck to the Ning family, then I don't have to worry about it.

Because the Ning family's misfortune was over. It was not brought about by Xin An, but rather he eliminated it for the Ning family.

My parents-in-law are going to be buried today, and as my daughter-in-law, I have to pay homage throughout the process. It is natural and my duty to do so! "

With that said, Ning Xiruo stepped on the shovel into the ground and shoveled a shovel full of soil!

When everyone heard the two talking like this, the expressions on their faces softened.

No matter what era we are in now, it is really old-fashioned to still care about these old rules.

Everyone took the shovels and dug the grave pit together.

I wanted Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo to rest nearby, but they didn't leave and worked with everyone else.

Not far away, someone was carrying a hoe and a shovel up the mountain. Chen Hong said to Chen Xin'an:

“Today is an auspicious day for burial.

There should be many villages here in Jinbei Mountain that have their own affairs. The mountain is quite lively today. "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "A Hong, come and take a look!"

Someone came over to replace Chen Hong, and he walked to the side of Grandpa Fifth.

After a while, I heard him yelling: "What the hell, can you bear this? I will fuck his ancestors!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at Ning Xiruo. Both of them were a little strange, then turned and walked over.

"What's wrong?" Chen Xin'an asked Chen Hong.

Chen Hong pointed to his feet and said to Chen Xin'an: "It was too dark just now and the light was not good to see clearly. Look here!"

Chen Xin'an looked down and saw a man-made dirt road passing under his feet and winding up the mountain.

Although there is no clear division, several villages share a cemetery. Everyone knows which village is where and everyone understands it tacitly.

Therefore, the road up the mountain was chosen in a place that was safe from anyone. It was a dirt road that everyone had traveled for many years.

There are really no conditions for road construction here.

It's quite rude to take a shortcut and step on someone's ancestral grave.

Rural people are superstitious and think this is disrespectful to their ancestors.

If you step on the heads of your ancestors all day long, this will bring bad luck to all descendants!

At this moment, Chen Guangzhi came over with a shovel and said to Chen Zhou with a livid face:

"Fifth Uncle, look! I found it on the ancestral tomb!"

It was a pile of dried feces, obviously made by humans!

You went to the tomb of Chen family ancestors to poop and pee!

Only people with deep hatred would do such immoral things.

Either they don’t take your entire Chen family seriously, and they don’t take your Chen family seriously at all!

This is extremely insulting!

The faces of the Chen family changed, and everyone gnashed their teeth!

Chen Zhanqiang walked down from the top and said to Chen Zhou with a livid face: "Uncle Fifth, up there is the tomb of Malan Village.

It must be them! "

Chen Zhou gritted his teeth and said, "They didn't run away! Are the people who went up the mountain just now from their village?"

"Yes!" Chen Zhanqiang nodded and said to him: "They also have something to do in Malan Village today!"

"Go and settle accounts with a few people!" Chen Zhou waved his hand and knocked the cigarette in his hand against the sole of his shoe.

Chen Xin'an asked Chen Zhou: "Fifth Grandpa, do the people in Malan Village have a grudge against us?"

"Yes!" Chen Zhou said with a gloomy face: "Back then, Zhang Chunhua from Malan Village married Chen Shengzi from our village.

After three years of marriage, I couldn't bear the loneliness and fell in love with a young salesman who traveled from village to village.

He was caught and raped on the spot by Chen Shengzi.

Zhang Chunhua was shameless and hanged herself to death.

Zhang Chunhua's mother-in-law quit the job, saying that we had wronged their daughter and killed someone.

At first, the police were called and Chen Chengzi was arrested.

Sentenced to eleven years!

Chen Shengzi couldn't think about it anymore, so he committed suicide in prison!

The feud between our Chenjia Village and Malan Village is finally over! "

While they were talking, everyone had already gone up the mountain, and from a distance they saw several people digging grave pits.

Chen Zhanqiang ran over and said a few words to them.

Someone rushed over and hit Chen Zhanqiang on the head with a shovel!

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