Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1884 A humble person’s demands are also humble.

The people in Malan Village are so crazy that they took action without saying a word!

Fortunately, Chen Zhanqiang is also the teacher of Chenjiacun, so his physical flexibility is quite good.

He quickly dodged to the side and avoided the shovel.

But the companions next to that man all gathered around and cursed, wanting to attack Chen Zhanqiang!

The people in Chenjiacun also cursed and rushed over.

In terms of numbers, Chenjiacun had the advantage.

However, the people in Malan Village were not weak at all in terms of momentum, and they cursed at the seven or eight Chen family members.

"Get out of the way!" Chen Zhou strode up to the four Malan Villagers, as if he hadn't noticed the shovels and hoes in their hands, and asked coldly:

"Let me ask you, was the road next to the tomb of our ancestors of the Chen family made by people from Malan Village? Do you dare to recognize it?"

A dark-skinned middle-aged man glanced at Chen Zhou and snorted coldly: "Who are you? Who do you think you are?"

Chen Zhou snorted and said, "I am Chen Zhou, the head of Chenjia Village!"

"Oh, big village chief! I'm so scared!" The curly-haired young man next to the dark-faced middle-aged man said with an exaggerated expression:

"Go away! What nonsense are you talking about here without any basis or evidence!

Who are you trying to scare by acting like a village chief? "

Chen Li cursed: "Zhang Wei, you people in Malan Village are such a bunch of bastards!

A sinister villain who dares to do something but doesn't act rightly, and only knows how to do small things behind his back! "

"What the hell did you say! Say it again!" Zhang Wei and his companions became anxious and pointed at Chen Li and cursed.

The black-faced man waved his hand to tell Zhang Wei and the others to shut up, and said to Chen Zhou with a sneer:

"We stepped on it, so what? Who let those dead ghosts from Chenjia Village get in the way?

If a good dog doesn't block the road, the people and dogs in your Chenjia Village will be worse than them.

Even though he was dead, he still occupied the road and didn't step over your graves. That's already pretty good! "

Young men Chen Li and Chen Liang cursed angrily: "What the hell are you talking about! You people from Malan Village are dogs!"

"Speaking of dogs is an insult to dogs. The people in Malan Village are bastards who are worse than dogs!"

"Say that again!" Zhang Wei raised the shovel in his hand.

Chen Zhou turned around and cursed: "Shut up first!"

Chen Li and Chen Liang snorted and stopped talking.

Chen Zhou looked at the black-faced man with a sullen face and said, "Then it's you who pooped and peed on our Chen family's ancestral grave, right? Do you dare to admit it?"

The black-faced man and Zhang Wei did not say anything, but they had gloating sneers on their faces.

Even if they did this kind of thing, they can't admit it.

After all, this is very immoral and will definitely trigger a fight between the two villages. They are not willing to bear this responsibility!

The black-faced man sneered and said to Chen Zhou: "Village Chief, why are you asking so many questions?

Even if you know who did it, what can you do? "

"No!" Chen Zhou looked at him coldly and said, "Whoever did it, take his family to the Chen family's ancestral grave to kowtow and admit his mistake!"

"Kowtow to your Chen family's ancestral grave and admit your mistake? Are you stupid for smoking?" The black-faced man gritted his teeth, looked at Chen Zhou and cursed:

"Don't forget how your Chen family treated our girls from Malan Village back then.

Let me tell you, I am Chunhua’s cousin, and I still remember you all these years!

Don't tell me that you don't have any evidence that it was us from Malan Village who did it.

Even if I admit it in front of you, what the hell can you do?

A bunch of trash, don’t you know how much you weigh?

Does it get louder when there are more people?

I am standing here, do you dare to move? "

Chen Li rushed over with a shovel and cursed: "I'm afraid you won't admit it. Now that you admit it, I and you are inseparable!"

The black-faced man looked at him coldly, stretched his neck, pointed at his head and said, "Come on, hit it here!"

Zhang Wei snorted coldly and said: "My grandfather is the number one leader of Beishan Town. You must think clearly!"

"You..." Chen Li rushed over with a shovel. After hearing these words, he suddenly stopped.

The number one leader of Beishan Town is the king of the entire Beishan Town!

If he offends his relatives, the whole Chenjia Village will not have a good life!

Even Chen Zhou was stunned, and the other people in Chenjiacun were even more stunned.

The black-faced man sneered coldly and said with a look of disdain: "Hit me? Why don't you dare? Aren't you sworn in with me?"

Zhang Wei and the other three also scolded the people in Chenjiacun with disdain:

"A bunch of cowards! Are you scared now? Don't you want revenge? Why don't you have the guts?"

"Everyone was so aggressive just now, and now they are giving up? The people of Chenjia Village are really getting worse from generation to generation!"

"Give you a feng shui position in the Chen family's ancestral grave, but it won't protect you wimps!

It seems that Uncle Min is right. There is no need to stay in Chenjia Village, so you might as well withdraw!

Raising a bunch of trash takes up space and wastes resources. It's better to give more points to other villages! "

The black-faced man pointed to his head with an arrogant look, moved it to Chen Li's chest, lowered his head and said:

"I put my head in front of you, do you dare to take a picture?

You are a bunch of useless trash. If you dare to touch me, your entire Chenjia Village will be left destitute. Do you believe it?

Shoot, it’s a man, why don’t you slap me on the head! "


With a crisp sound, the shovel hit the black-faced man on the head hard, knocking him to his knees and lying on the ground!

Not to mention the people in Malan Village, even the Chen family were startled and stared at Chen Xin'an holding the shovel.

Chen Xin'an, however, seemed to have just killed a cockroach casually, looking at the people in Malan Village expressionlessly and said:

"People are cheap, so their demands are also cheap!

It’s not easy to love taking pictures. Is one session enough?

Would you like to come a few more times? "

While he was talking, he took a shovel and slapped the black-faced man on the kneeling and crawling ground twice more on the head!

"Dad!" A young man next to Zhang Wei yelled and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "You fucking bastard! If you dare to hit my dad, I will fucking kill you!"

He rushed over with a hoe and chopped it hard on Chen Xin'an's head!

Chen Xin'an ducked to the side, and then withdrew his hand!

With a bang, the shovel in his hand hit the kid's face, sending him flying away!

Zhang Wei and his companions were dumbfounded!

He knocked someone away with just one slap. How much strength is that?

And...it must hurt, right?

Chen Xin'an turned his head, looked at Zhang Wei and his companions, and said coldly: "Who else has such a mean request? I can satisfy you!"

"Peace of mind, don't mess around!" Chen Zhou quickly came over, grabbed him, shook his head and said, "You will cause big trouble!"

Chen Hong also grabbed the shovel in Chen Xin'an's hand and whispered: "You don't know how much power the leaders of the town have. If you anger them, our Chenjia Village will be doomed!"

Zhang Wei gritted his teeth, pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "You are looking for death!

Your Chenjiacun is finished!

I want to tell Grandpa about this, just wait and see!

You bunch of trash from Chenjia Village..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an appeared in front of him and kicked him in the stomach, knocking him to the ground!

The companion next to him turned around and wanted to run away, but Chen Xinan tiptoed.

The hoe Zhang Wei dropped on the ground flew out and hit the guy on the head with a thud!

The guy didn't even make a sound, he just lay on the ground!

Chen Xin'an turned to Ning Xiruo and said, "Daughter-in-law, go to Aunt Guilan's place!"

Although Ning Xiruo didn't know what he was going to do, she still nodded.

After she left, Chen Xin'an pointed to a large and magnificent tomb not far away and said to Zhang Wei, "Is this the ancestral tomb in your Malan Village?"

He walked over, untied his belt, and said to Chen Li and the others: "Brother Li, Liangzi, aren't you panicking? Come and let it go!"

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Chen Hong looked worried and walked over and said: "Xin'an, this is a bit much..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and said, "Then when they did these things on our Chen family's ancestral graves, did they think they were going too far?

Don’t worry, I’ll take care of things. You can be as big as you want, or as little as you want, I’ll take care of you! "



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