Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1885 It’ll be okay as long as he’s here

Seven or eight vans parked under the flagpole in Wujiazhuang.

A middle-aged man in sportswear jumped out of the front car and strode up to Wu Dalong who was standing under the flagpole.

"Uncle, I'm back! I've brought fifty people with me. They are all good people in the club. They should be enough!

I will go over now and pacify their entire village! "

Wu Dalong said with a gloomy face: "Dewen, don't be so anxious!

This morning, there was something going on in Chenjiacun.

When they are ready to go up the mountain for burial, it will not be too late for us to take action!

Just in front of everyone in the Chen family, let them see with their own eyes how those two bastards were ravaged by our Wu family!

From now on, who of the Chen family will dare to provoke our Wu family!

Let our Wu family always step on the heads of their Chen family! "

Wu Dewen nodded and said, "Okay, I will listen to uncle!"

There were only two people left on the mountain, and everyone else had already come down.

Chen Xin'an called Grandma Mu just now, and the car carrying the coffin was already on the way.

Grandma Mu said that Xi Ruo called last night and learned that Chen Xin'an had settled the village. Grandpa was so excited that he didn't sleep well all night.

Now in the car, I have fallen asleep!

Eleven o'clock in the morning is the best time for burial.

We couldn't make it in time for noon, so the coffin had to be returned at eleven o'clock.

Grandma Mu asked Chen Xinan to prepare for the reception, saying that there were many people coming.

Chen Xin'an frowned. People from Qingniu Town should also be here.

In fact, it’s not necessary.

It's just that my parents are moving their graves, so there's no need for Uncle Hei and the others to follow them.

But since he was here and couldn't rush back, he asked Ning Xiruo to pay for it, buy a few more sheep for the village, and kill them to prepare for the guests.

At ten o'clock, Chen Xin'an took Ning Xiruo to the old house next door to Chen Zhou's house.

This is the place where Chen Huang lived when he was a child, and it has now been decorated as a mourning hall.

The coffins of my parents were parked here for a while for people to offer incense and worship, and then they were carried up the mountain for burial.

Chen Xin'an put down the phone and said to Chen Zhou: "We are going to Chenwu Bridge soon!"

Chen Zhou nodded and said, "I asked Liangzi to watch over there!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Liang ran over and said breathlessly to Chen Zhou: "Fifth Grandpa, it's not good!"

"Why are you talking! Bad luck!" Chen Zhou cursed: "Why are you so flustered!"

Chen Liang turned pale and said, "The people from Malan Village are here!"

Chen Zhou also turned pale and asked him, "How many are here? Who is the leader?"

"Many!" Chen Liang said: "The village chief of Malan Village, Zhang Hongniu, is also here, but he is not the most important one.

There was an old man in a suit next to him, and even Zhang Hongniu was polite to him! "

Chen Zhou said with a pale face: "That must be Zhang Fulong, the leader of the town. Now we are in trouble! Xinxin, you have caused a big trouble!

And you bastards are pooping and peeing on other people’s ancestral graves, so that their graves are full of things you left behind!

This is a complete enmity with Malan Village, and they will fight to the death! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to Chen Zhou: "Fifth Grandpa, don't worry, you'll be fine as long as I'm here!"

"You can still laugh!" Chen Zhou scolded angrily: "You have never lived in the countryside, so you don't know how powerful it is!

Our Chenjiacun is not popular in Beishan Town, and this will make it even worse!

Maybe even Chenjiacun will be gone!

Once it is merged with other villages, you will no longer be able to find Chenjiacun! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "No way, Fifth Grandpa!

No one dares to cancel our Chenjia Village!

In the past, our Chenjiacun was not welcomed, but from now on, the entire Beishan Town will respect Chenjiacun!

No one dares to look down upon us.

All of our Chen family members will be proud of Chenjia Village.

Those girls from other villages will never look down on us again.

Everyone is vying to marry into Chenjiacun! "

Chen Zhou sighed, patted Chen Xin'an on the shoulder and said, "Xin'an, I know you want to do something for the village.

However, these things cannot be accomplished overnight!

Now let’s deal with the matters at hand first!

You wait here and don't come forward. I'll go negotiate with the people in Malan Village! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Fifth Grandpa, let me go, believe me, it will be fine!"

Just when Chen Zhou was about to get angry, Ning Xiruo took his arm and said, "Fifth Grandpa, I believe you will feel safe!

A mere leader of Beishan Town is nothing to him.

He can handle it! "

Chen Zhou was shocked.

The leaders of Beishan Town are nothing in front of Chen Xin'an?

Could this guy be some kind of big leader?

Although he was a little uneasy, he still listened to her words and said to Chen Xin'an: "Then I will go with you!"

"Let's go too!" Chen Li and Chen Liang said from the side.

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said to everyone: "You guys wait at the entrance of the village and prepare to receive the hearse. I can just go there myself!"

Outside Chenjia Village, a dark group of people blocked the entrance to the village.

Several dogs in the village barked at the crowd. Several people rushed over with iron rods, caught a big dog, and beat the dog to death with the sticks!

The remaining dogs were so frightened that they turned around and ran away!

"Here he is!" Zhang Wei held his stomach, looked at Chen Xin'an walking out of the village, and cried to the man in a suit next to him:

“He broke Uncle Wang’s head and broke Lai Shun’s nose!

The people from Chenjia Village did those things to our Zhang family’s ancestral graves!

We must not spare them! "

"You bastard!" The old man in a military coat yelled through gritted teeth.

A group of people from Malan Village all shouted and wanted to rush over, wanting to beat Chen Xin'an to death on the spot.

"Everyone, be quiet!" The man in a suit shouted in a deep voice, and everyone immediately fell silent.

He looked at Chen Xin'an and said expressionlessly: "Do you recognize what my grandson said?"

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at him and asked, "Who are you? Who are you?"

The people in Malan Village were in an uproar.

Zhang Wei yelled at Chen Xin'an: "I've blinded you!

My grandfather is Zhang Fulong, the big leader of Beishan Town!

Haven't you heard of it? "

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly: "Oh, big boss! I'm so scared!

go away!

What nonsense are you talking about here without any basis or evidence?

Who are you trying to scare with this posture? "

People in the surrounding Malan Village were shocked!

This is the first time I heard that someone dared to speak in such a tone to a big leader in the town!

Even Zhang Fulong was very angry. He pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "You bastard! You are so brave!"

Chen Xin'an sneered and said: "I have always been very courageous.

What's wrong? You sound angry?

These are all your people, what they just said to my fifth grandfather on the mountain! "

Zhang Wei suddenly remembered that this was really the case!

But his expression immediately changed and he scolded Chen Xin'an: "What fifth grandpa of yours can you compare to my grandpa?

Who is he?

In front of my grandfather, he was just an ant! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at him and said, "Yes, your grandfather is the same in my eyes!

So you ants, you'd better get out of here before I get angry!

Otherwise, I will let all of you, one by one, lose your face here today and let our Chen family trample on you! "

In Wujiazhuang, Wu Debiao grinned at Wu Dalong and said, "Dad, God is really helping me!

Those losers from Chenjiacun didn’t know how they got into Malan Village!

Good guy, Zhang Fulong, the big leader of the town, has personally taken his people to Chenjiacun! "

Wu Dalong and Wu Dewen looked at each other and laughed loudly at the same time.

Wu Dalong slapped his thigh and said, "Let's go over and join in the fun!

Today I want that bastard Chen Zhou to kneel in front of me and lick my shoes! "

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