Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1892 Three Don’ts


Fortunately, the rescue was timely, and Ning Xiruo had been doing CPR, saving Chen Rong's last breath.

Otherwise, even Chen Xin'an would be helpless!

Chen Rong woke up, and Chen Xin'an left the room.

Seeing him walk out, Chen Zhanqiang and a group of people who heard the news gathered around him.

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said, "It's okay!"

Everyone cheered, and someone ran to the inner room and told Chen Rong's mother.

Chen Zhanqiang breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his arm and slapped himself in the face one slap after another!

Chen Xin'an hurried forward to stop him, smiling and said, "Okay, let's drink!

Let Xiruo accompany Rongrong, it's okay.

Tell me, what happened!"

Chen Zhanqiang nodded, and while walking, he told Chen Xin'an the whole story of what happened just now.

Chen Xinan, who had just heard it, was stunned for a long time, and angrily cursed: "If I had known you were so bad, I would not have stopped you just now! Now I want to beat you up!"

Chen Zhanqiang: "..."

There are many tables in the yard, more than last night.

This yard is not enough, there is also a group of people in the yard next to it, all drinking.

Leaders like Fang Zheng have a separate table in the room.

Just now, when Chen Zhanqiang came to call for people, Chen Xinan ran out, and everyone saw it and knew that something happened in Chen Zhanqiang's family.

Now that they know that everything is fine, everyone is relieved.

Chen Xinan pulled Chen Zhanqiang to sit at Chen Guangzhi's table, poured him a glass of wine, and angrily scolded:

"My sister is good-looking and smart.

If she were in the city, people would line up to pursue her.

With such conditions, any man would be suitable?

You sold her to a second-rate guy from another village who is six years younger than you for 50,000 yuan!

How can you be a father like this?"

Chen Zhanqiang blushed and took a sip of wine.

He wanted to say something, but he couldn't open his mouth.

It was certainly not pleasant to be scolded by a junior, and the key was that it was embarrassing.

But other juniors didn't have the qualifications. Whoever dared to scold him would have been slapped by him.

But Chen Xinan had the qualifications, and his status was here!

Chen Guangzhi also slapped Chen Zhanqiang on the head and cursed: "You were not at the meeting just now, so you don't know what happened in the village!

The people on my uncle's side want to build a small Western-style building for every household in our village and equip it with a car!

The Xin'an couple want to open a winery in our village, and the person in charge has chosen your daughter Yingying!

They also want to buy us seeds to grow sorghum, and buy piglets, lambs and calves for breeding.

In the future, our Chenjia Village will be the golden cake of the surrounding area!

The boys and girls in the entire Beishan Town have to keep an eye on us.

You are pushing your daughter into the fire pit, are you stupid?"

"What?" Chen Zhanqiang was stunned and looked at him in disbelief.

Everyone laughed and scolded him: "The whole village knows, but you don't know!"

Chen Zhanqiang slapped himself hard and scolded regretfully: "Look at what a mess I did!

I almost killed my daughter!"

Chen Xinan stood up and said to everyone: "Old and young men, the people of Chenjia Village will become the superior people in Beishan Town in the future!

We will become the richest village in the entire Qizhou area!

We will become the place where those girls from outside want to marry the most!

When our girls get married, the best young men from outside will line up for our children to choose!

These are what our village deserves, and they are earned by the lives of fifteen ancestors of our Chen family!

So our Chen family will no longer need to kowtow to anyone and compromise!"

"Good!" Everyone shouted in unison and raised their cups.

Chenjia Village has been swallowing humiliation for more than 30 years, and now it can finally be proud of itself!

Chen Xinan said to everyone: "You can do anything with confidence in the future.

No one dares to look down on our Chen family!

Because I support you!

But there are a few points I want to explain in advance.

Don't do anything that violates the law and discipline!

Don't do anything that goes against your conscience!

Don't do anything that insults your ancestors!

Only by adhering to these three rules can our Chenjia Village become stronger and more prosperous!"

"Okay!" Everyone raised their wine glasses, knocked them on the table, and drank them all!

At the entrance of the village, a nearly 40-year-old, sloppy, buck-toothed man staggered over.

Looking around, he curled his lips and cursed with disdain: "Chenjia Village is getting colder and colder.

In broad daylight, there is not even a shadow of a person!

Where is my father-in-law's house?

I saw it, next to the big willow tree!

Pee first, and then go see my young wife!"

He didn't care whether there was anyone there, he unbuttoned his pants and peed on the wall of a house next door.

He pulled up his pants, tied them around his waist with a rope, and continued walking forward.

He touched his pocket and grinned.

He went to Wangzhuang Market early in the morning and stole a sheep on the way and sold it for 500 yuan.

He drank wine and ate two big pig's trotters at the market, spending 65 yuan, and now he has 435 yuan left.

I will keep some change for myself later, and give the rest to my father-in-law!

He can't take out 50,000 yuan, it doesn't matter, just agree to it first.

Find an opportunity to make it a done deal, my father-in-law will be embarrassed to ask for 50 yuan, right?

When he thought of his soon-to-be wife, his mouth was watering!

Thanks to Zhang Guanghe being Zhang Chunhua’s younger brother, such a good thing happened!

That little girl looks so slender, but looks like she's hurting!

Normally, she wouldn't even look at him, but now, she is about to become his Zhang Guanghe's mother-in-law!

The door to the courtyard was open, and Zhang Guanghe, who was staggering from drinking, walked directly in.

Just when I was about to stand in the yard and call out, I caught a glimpse of the door to the west room being open, and there was a woman's voice talking inside.

He knew that this was where the little wife he was about to live would live.

It turns out she is at home!

Zhang Guanghe, who was already six to seven points drunk, felt something in his heart and tiptoed to the door of the west room.

If you look inside, your eyes will pop out!

His little wife, who was about to get her, was leaning on the bedside in disheveled clothes.

I don't know what happened, but there are still tears on my face, and the crying look is even more painful.

This was nothing, what really stunned Zhang Guanghe was the woman sitting next to her!

Is this the fairy who came out of the painting?

This looks really beautiful!

This was the first time for Zhang Guanghe to see such a beauty, and he felt like his soul had already flown away!

He would be willing to be intimate with such a beauty even if his life was shortened by ten years!

He was originally a guy who knocked on widows' doors and climbed on widows' walls in the middle of the night.

How can I hold back when I meet such a fairy-like beauty?

Licking his lips, he walked into the room, bared his big yellow teeth, stared at Ning Xiruo and said:

"Yingying, whose girl is this? Please introduce her to Brother Guanghe!"

Ning Xiruo was sitting by the bed, holding Chen Ying's hand and guiding her.

A slovenly middle-aged man suddenly walked in, startling both of them!

From a long distance away, Ning Xiruo could smell the smell of alcohol and the stench from not taking a shower for a long time on the man's body, which made her want to vomit.

Chen Ying glared at the other party, her eyes full of boredom and anger, and shouted hoarsely: "Zhang Guanghe, who let you in, get out!"

Zhang Guanghe grinned and said: "That's what you said, why can't I enter?

This place was going to become my home!

Your father has promised to let me come over tomorrow, and you will become my mother-in-law!

Come on, mother-in-law, let me kiss your man!

This beauty, don't run away, let's go together! "

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