Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1893 Don’t do it, I’ll do it myself

Zhang Guanghe, who was drunk and smelly, threw himself on the bed with his big yellow teeth bared in his mouth!

At this moment, a sharp shout came from behind: "Zhang Guanghe, what the hell do you want to do!"

Aunt Guilan rushed over with a broom and whipped Zhang Guanghe hard on the back.

The thick-skinned Zhang Guanghe turned around, shook his head, saw the person in front of him clearly, curled his lips and cursed:

"Oh, Guilan! You are already an old woman, so don't get involved!

When you were twenty years younger, Brother Guanghe would still be interested in you!

Go aside, let me make out with my mother-in-law, why are you joining in the fun? "

Aunt Guilan patted Zhang Guanghe with a broom and said to Ning Xiruo:

"Xi Ruo, ignore this scoundrel!

You take Yingying out first, and I'll teach this bastard a lesson!

Zhang Guanghe, who gave you the courage to come to Chenjia Village to cause trouble?

Get out now, or else my man will come over and break your legs! "

Seeing Ning Xiruo pulling Chen Rong away, Zhang Guanghe became anxious and snatched the broom from Aunt Guilan's hand!

Then he threw his hand and slapped her on the face!

With a click, the broom broke into two pieces, and Aunt Guilan let out an ouch and covered her face!

Zhang Guanghe held half of the wooden stick in his hand, pointed at Ning Xiruo and Chen Rong and said:

"Want to run? Where can you run?

Rongrong, your father promised me to be your door-to-door son-in-law. There is no point in running away!

Go lie down on the bed, and I will consummate your marriage with you today!

And you, a beauty, since we have caught up, let’s come too!

No way, who let you fall into my hands? "

"Zhang Guanghe, you bastard!" Aunt Guilan came to her senses and rushed over desperately!

Zhang Guanghe hit her on the head with a stick and cursed:

"Damn you bitch! Who the hell are you talking to here?

I told you to get out and out of the way, why the hell didn’t you listen! "

The stick in his hand fell like raindrops on Aunt Guilan's head and body. After a while, Aunt Guilan's head was covered with blood!

"Aunt Guilan!" Ning Xiruo and Chen Rong both screamed and rushed over together!

Zhang Guanghe threw away the broken stick in his hand, opened his hands with a grin, hugged Chen Rong, and threw her directly onto the bed.

Then he turned around and hugged Ning Xiruo, who was supporting Aunt Guilan.

One hand pulled the clothes on her body, and then tore them off hard!


Ning Xiruo's coat was torn, she screamed and fell to the ground!

Zhang Guanghe's eyes were bloodshot and he stared at Ning Xiruo at his feet. With a ferocious smile on his face, he smelled his hands and said:

"She's a woman from the city, right? Her skin is tender and tender to the touch, and it's also fragrant!

If I could live happily with a fairy like you for once, I would be willing to die! "

He couldn't wait to take off his upper body clothes, revealing his dirty but muscular body, and said with a evil smile: "Don't worry, beauty, I'm here!"

"You beast!" Aunt Guilan and Chen Ying rushed over desperately, trying to stop him.

Zhang Guanghe punched Aunt Guilan in the face and knocked her to the ground.

He kicked Chen Ying in the stomach again, knocking her down onto the bed behind her!

Zhang Guanghe yelled at Aunt Guilan: "If you continue to delay my good deeds, I will kill you!"

He turned his head and smiled at Ning Xiruo: "Beauty, no one can save you! I have to deal with you today!"

As he spoke, he pounced on Ning Xiruo!

Aunt Guilan and Chen Ying rushed forward again.

But at this moment, Ning Xiruo was heard saying: "Don't move! I'll do it myself!"

Get out of the way and stop attacking Aunt Guilan and Yingying! "

Zhang Guanghe was stunned for a moment.

Aunt Guilan and Chen Ying, who had already run up to him, also looked at Ning Xiruo strangely.

Aunt Guilan's face was covered with blood and she looked very miserable and terrifying. She looked at Ning Xiruo and said:

"Xi Ruo, even if my aunt only has one breath left, she will not let you be harmed by this beast!"

"I know!" Ning Xiruo nodded and said to her, "But I won't let you be beaten again!

You and Yingying believe me!

Your name is Zhang Guanghe, right?

Get up, I'll take off my clothes myself, you don't need to do anything! "

Zhang Guanghe looked at Ning Xiruo Lingran's eyes, stood up subconsciously, grinned and said:

"Take it off by yourself? That's a good feeling! I just like such an open girl!"

Ning Xiruo stood up and said to Aunt Guilan and Chen Ying, "Come here, it'll be fine, trust me!"

When Aunt Guilan and Chen Ying stood beside her suspiciously, Ning Xiruo pressed her hands on her chest, looking like she was about to unbutton her clothes!

Zhang Guanghe's eyes shone when he saw it, and he said with a sinister smile: "Sister, I'd better help you..."

Ning Xiruo pointed forward with her right hand and said to him: "Go to hell!"

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a bang, and a ball of steel needles flew out of her sleeve and nailed Zhang Guanghe hard on the face!

"Ouch!" Zhang Guanghe covered his face with his hands, roared like a beast, and fell to his knees!

Ning Xiruo made a silent gesture to Aunt Guilan and Chen Ying, pulled them around and ran out of the west room!

Chen Yingniang was still yelling and cursing loudly in the back room when she heard the commotion. Ning Xiruo didn't dare to leave, for fear that Zhang Guanghe, who would jump over the wall in a hurry, would be unfavorable to Chen Yingniang later.

She said to Chen Ying: "Quickly go to Grandpa Wu's house to find your brother Xin'an!"

Chen Ying ran away without saying a word!

"You're such a stinky bitch! How dare you cheat on me!" Zhang Guanghe stumbled out of the west room, his face covered in blood and his expression terrifying.

His head was like a hedgehog, with blood flowing from his left eye and only one right eye remaining.

I saw Ning Xiruo and Aunt Guilan running towards the north room, gritted my teeth and chased after them!

Ning Xiruo and Aunt Guilan ran into the back room and helped Chen Yingniang up after she fell from the bed.

Then he closed the door and dragged the table next to him to block the door!

Zhang Guanghe had already rushed over and kicked the door!

Ning Xiruo, who was holding up the table, was almost knocked out!

Fortunately, Aunt Guilan rushed over in time, and the two of them held the table together!

Zhang Guanghe has gone completely crazy, like a wild beast, kicking the door hard outside!

He had kicked a hole in the originally weak wooden door, but he couldn't get in even with the table on top.

Zhang Guanghe cursed loudly, ran to the window next to him, picked up something unknown, and smashed the window glass with a crash!

Ning Xiruo screamed in fright and watched as Zhang Guanghe reached in and tried to open the window latch.

Chen Yingniang, who was on the bed, took out a rolling pin from the bedside and hit Zhang Guanghe's hand hard!

Zhang Guanghe screamed and retracted his hand.

Chen Yingniang pointed to a panel not far from the door and said, "Hurry up and block the window with that panel!"

As soon as Aunt Guilan picked up the board and pressed it against the window, she heard a bang, as if something hit the board hard!

Aunt Guilan listened to the footsteps and shouted to Ning Xiruo: "Xiruo, be careful, he went to the door again!"

She put down the board and ran over to help.

But at this moment, Zhang Guanghe's footsteps suddenly rushed outward again!

He still chose windows!

At this time, it was too late for Aunt Guilan to climb up on the bed and block the window!

But Zhang Guanghe who rushed out did not come to the window, but there was no movement at all!

The three women in the room looked at each other.

what happened?

Where has this guy gone?

Do you have any other dirty ideas?

Aunt Guilan carefully released the board.

Ning Xiruo shouted nervously: "Aunt Guilan, don't be careless!"

Aunt Guilan looked outside through the broken window and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ning Xiruo walked over and took a look. The crowd standing at the gate were all from Chenjiazhuang!

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