Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1894 Please give me an explanation

At this time, Zhang Guanghe was already half awake.

No matter how rogue he is, he knows that what he just did was really a bit of a fool.

Looking at Chen Zhanqiang in front of the crowd, Zhang Guanghe pulled out the steel needle on his face, walked over and said:

“Hey dad, where have you been?

Didn't you ask me to come here today?

When I saw you weren't here, I went to the west room to have a few words with my mother-in-law.

I don’t know why you offended the woman in your family, why did you come here all of a sudden? "

This guy dares to complain first!

At this moment, Ning Xiruo and Aunt Guilan also came out of the back room and stood at the door of the north room.

As soon as they saw the two of them, everyone understood it!

Chen Zhou was so angry that his whole body was trembling. He slapped Chen Zhanqiang on the head and cursed: "You will marry your daughter to such a beast?!"

Chen Zhanqiang didn't say anything, and slapped himself hard on the face with a livid face!

Seeing his mother-in-law's bloody appearance, Chen Ergui became anxious. He grabbed a pole from the yard and swung it at Zhang Guanghe!

Zhang Guanghe immediately hugged his head and was hit on the arm by the pole.

He also took advantage of the situation and went to the ground, screaming: "I beat someone to death! It hurts me to death. The people in Chenjia Village beat someone to death!"

Hearing him yelling like this, Chen Ergui hesitated, holding the pole and not knowing whether to hit him or not.

Chen Xin'an walked beside him, shook her head at him, turned to Chen Zhou and said:

"Aqi, Gongsun Feiyang, you two drive separately, take Brother Li and Liangzi with you.

Go to Wujiazhuang and Malan Village and bring their village chiefs over! "

Chen Liang said with a puzzled look on his face: "Brother An, what does it have to do with Wujiazhuang?"

Chen Li slapped him on the head and cursed: "Brother An is whatever you say, just listen, why are there so many!"

As soon as they left, Chen Xin'an walked up to Zhang Guanghe and asked with squinted eyes:

"Did you tear off my wife's clothes?

Did you break Aunt Guilan's head? "

Zhang Guanghe swallowed his saliva, looked at Chen Xin'an with one eye, and said in a trembling voice:

"Who are you? I am the nephew of Zhang Hongniu in Malan Village, and my uncle is Zhang Fulong!

Have you heard of it?

The big leader in town!

You dare to touch my words..."

Chen Xin'an ignored him and just asked expressionlessly: "Which hand?"

Zhang Guanghe shouted: "The people in Chenjiacun are bullying others again!

Is anyone still in charge?

What do you mean?

This is how many people bully the few!

Come on, come on, kill me if you dare!

I, the one from Malan Village, was bullied by your Chen family, right? "

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Since you don't say anything, I will assume that you have moved both hands!"

He reached out and grabbed Zhang Guanghe's right wrist.

Zhang Guanghe gritted his teeth and took his hand back with force, clenching his fists.

But what frightened him was that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get his right hand back from the opponent's hand!

He clenched his left fist tightly, aimed at Chen Xin'an's left face, punched it, and cursed: "Fuck you...ah!"

A sudden sharp pain came from his wrist, causing him to collapse to the ground instantly!

The clenched fist of his right hand unclenched, and his fingers grew involuntarily.

Chen Xin'an grabbed his wrist with her left hand and his index finger with her right hand. Unhurriedly, she twisted it outward and broke it off!

With the crackling of bones, Zhang Guanghe's right index finger had deformed, hanging limply on the back of his hand!

Zhang Guanghe's whole body was shaking with pain. His fingers were connected to his heart, and they were cut off so violently. Even with his rogue temperament, he couldn't bear such pain!

But this is just the beginning!

Chen Xin'an's right hand grabbed his middle finger again!

"Peace of mind!" Chen Zhou, who couldn't stand it anymore, quickly shouted and whispered: "There are still many big leaders here, don't..."

Chen Xin'an raised his head with a calm expression, glanced at him, and said calmly: "So what?"

This invisible murderous aura startled Chen Zhou, his heart suddenly trembled, and he never dared to say the next words again!

Chen Huang, who had just walked down the mountain, said in a deep voice: "Lao Wu, you can do things with peace of mind and no one else needs to interfere! Just watch. If you don't dare to watch, go back and drink with the leader!"

Mu Jinrong also nodded and said: "Don't worry, no matter what Xin'an does, the leaders will not care about it!"

Everyone was shocked, no one doubted Mu Jinrong’s words!

The screams were endless, but what really made everyone's hearts tremble was the sound of bones breaking, which made people's scalp numb just listening to it!

All ten fingers were broken off by Chen Xin'an. Zhang Guanghe lay on the ground, howling and crawling forward.

Chen Xin'an stomped on his right thigh with a heavy kick!

With a crisp click, Zhang Guanghe's right leg deformed.

He screamed and fainted!

Chen Xin'an took out a silver needle and stuck it on his head.

Zhang Guanghe, who had just fainted, woke up again. The severe pain made him lie on the ground like an injured dog, screaming incessantly.

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "Did you kick my sister in the stomach?"

Only then did everyone see the footprints on Chen Ying's clothes.

Chen Xin'an walked up to Zhang Guanghe, looked at him and said, "Just because of trash like you, my sister went through hell and asked for your leg. Isn't that too much?"

While speaking, he raised his foot again and kicked Zhang Guanghe's left knee hard!

The sound of broken bones made the surrounding Chen family members shiver.

Zhang Guanghe could no longer make a sound, his tongue was bitten by himself, and a large amount of blood flowed from his mouth.

My whole body was shaking, but I couldn't move a step!

Throughout Beishan Town, many people knew that Zhang Guanghe was a second-rate man.

They all bothered him and were afraid of him, but no one dared to treat him like this.

Because he has an uncle who is a big leader in the town!

But today, this young boy from Chenjiacun actually killed him!

Zhang Guanghe now has nothing but hatred and fear!

He is really afraid of this cold-blooded and cruel guy!

This man is more ruthless than anyone he has ever seen!

Two cars entered the village one after the other. The team of Li Qi and Chen Li not only brought Zhang Hongniu, but also Zhang Fulong, who had not had time to return to the town!

Wu Dalong also got out of the car with a pale face. When he saw the guy on the ground who was almost out of shape, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a sad face:

"He's not from our village, he's that second-rate guy from Malan Village!"

Gongsun Feiyang touched his bald head and said with a sudden realization: "Oh, he's not from Wujiazhuang? That's the wrong arrest. Please wait here for a while, and I'll send you back!"

Wu Dalong looked at Zhang Guanghe tremblingly and swallowed.

This is so cruel!

To torture a person into this state, how terrible a person must be to do this?

As soon as they saw Zhang Guanghe on the ground, Zhang Fulong and Zhang Hongniu's eyes went dark at the same time.

I can't even hide now, this bastard has caused trouble for me again!

When Zhang Guanghe saw the two of them, his eyes lit up and he shouted loudly: "Uncle! Second uncle, save me!"

These bastards from Chenjiacun beat me like this, you must avenge me! "

"Shut up!" Zhang Fulong shouted angrily, turned to look at Chen Xin'an, and said tremblingly: "Chen, Mr. Chen..."

"Did I ask you to speak?" Chen Xin'an turned her head and glanced at him.

Zhang Fulong felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, as silent as a cicada.

Chen Xin'an waved and asked Ning Xiruo, Aunt Guilan and Chen Ying to come over and stand behind him.

He pointed at the people on the ground and said to Zhang Fulong and Zhang Hongniu: "This man wanted to do something evil to my wife, and he also injured my aunt and almost killed my sister!

Now you two discuss it and give me an explanation. Give Chenjiacun an explanation! "

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